
A yes or no go?

Ive read the benefits of it and it seems to be good. Ive just never done one before!



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Why do you think you need to detox?

    Are your liver, kidneys, intestines, and stomach not working?
  • GKoz004
    GKoz004 Posts: 87
    I've done kind of a week long detox before, like exclude grains and dairy type of thing, and I really didn't notice much of a difference, tbh. I've actually excluded grains from my diet for around ~4-5 months, and while I lost weight, it was no more normal than usual. In fact, when I added them in again, I lost weight faster. (Now I can't seem to lose anything at all, haha).

    If you're talking about none of those lemonade type cleanses, I would advise against it. You'll prob lose, but you'll be starving and there's no proven science to that kind of detox.

    If you're feeling gross or sluggish and feel the need to "detox and cleanse", just try to skip out on packaged foods and focus on fruits, veggies, protein, and healthy fats. Drink a ton of water (with lemon or cucumber, it makes it extra detox-y feeling lol).
  • britkip
    britkip Posts: 49
    I do detox's from time time, nothing crazy I always do the Jillian Michaels 7 day detox, Google it for the recipe. It's really easy to follow there is no starving yourself just drink the detox in-place of water and your good to go. Best done with healthy eating of course! I notice I feel so much better about myself after I do it, it really helps get ride of bloat and it cleans out all the bad toxins that you may have eaten. I think it's a really great detox. But you should never do a drinking detox thinking your going to lose 5-10 pounds and then keep it off, not really possible. But good luck with what ever you decided to do :)
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    "“But when it comes to dieting, there is no real scientific basis for detoxing,” says Gerbstadt, author of Doctor’s Detox Diet (Nutronics Publishing 2012), a clean-eating plan in which she tries to salvage and redefine the term. A quick Medline® search of peer-reviewed medical journals shows no studies proving that a diet can “cleanse” or “detoxify” the body."
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Why do you think you need to detox?

    Are your liver, kidneys, intestines, and stomach not working?

  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Why do you think you need to detox?

    Are your liver, kidneys, intestines, and stomach not working?


    They are silly and a waste of time/money.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    if you're thinking of a 'detox', you should watch this.
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    I do detox's from time time, nothing crazy I always do the Jillian Michaels 7 day detox, Google it for the recipe. It's really easy to follow there is no starving yourself just drink the detox in-place of water and your good to go. Best done with healthy eating of course! I notice I feel so much better about myself after I do it, it really helps get ride of bloat and it cleans out all the bad toxins that you may have eaten. I think it's a really great detox. But you should never do a drinking detox thinking your going to lose 5-10 pounds and then keep it off, not really possible. But good luck with what ever you decided to do :)

    I'm doing this detox right now and have also done it around christmas time. For me, its really a jump start to eating healthy and getting back on track if I have strayed or something. It actually tastes good and just replaces the water you already should be drinking and you dont have to starve yourself...just eat healthy like you normally would.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    why not just eat better?
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Your body has a liver and kidneys already in place for cleaning impurities from your system
    No need to try funky fads
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it
    I'm going with NO :noway:
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    I'm thinking of going on a detox to solve some issues I've been seeing with my diet. I eat too healthy, and I'm worried I'm not putting enough stress on my organs and it's going to make them weak and pathetic. For my detox I'm going to drink soda in place of water and eat only heavily processed foods. No fresh fruits and veggies for seven days!

    I'll let you know my results.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    A yes or no go?

    Ive read the benefits of it and it seems to be good. Ive just never done one before!


    Were any of these benefits backed up by references to peer reviewed science? [Answer: no]

    Is there any evidence whatsoever that these detoxes removes toxins (which? Be specific!) at a rate faster than your body normally removes them at? [Answer: no]

    Are any of these benefits available in other ways (say, by eating properly, exercising and having normal liver/kidneys)? [Answer: yes]

    So why bother?
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    Detoxing is just the modern, trendy term for snake oil.
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    Detoxing is necessary if you constantly eat fast food and chemicals on a regular basis, but for most people trying to eat better, more natural foods, the body can detox itself. It is usually when people have eaten so much processed food and their organs are over burdened is when you should
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Detoxing is necessary if you constantly eat fast food and chemicals on a regular basis, but for most people trying to eat better, more natural foods, the body can detox itself. It is usually when people have eaten so much processed food and their organs are over burdened is when you should

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Detoxing is necessary if you constantly eat fast food and chemicals on a regular basis, but for most people trying to eat better, more natural foods, the body can detox itself. It is usually when people have eaten so much processed food and their organs are over burdened is when you should

    Utter fiction
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Detoxing is necessary if you constantly eat fast food and chemicals on a regular basis, but for most people trying to eat better, more natural foods, the body can detox itself. It is usually when people have eaten so much processed food and their organs are over burdened is when you should


    ^ This.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Why do you think you need to detox?

    Are your liver, kidneys, intestines, and stomach not working?

    Occasionally you need to take your liver out and rinse it out really well in the sink. Use lukewarm water and a gentle detergent like ones you see in the commercials where they clean the oil off of baby ducks and birds..
  • spacemuffins
    Why do you think you need to detox?

    Are your liver, kidneys, intestines, and stomach not working?

    Occasionally you need to take your liver out and rinse it out really well in the sink. Use lukewarm water and a gentle detergent like ones you see in the commercials where they clean the oil off of baby ducks and birds..

    that's where I've been going wrong! I've been putting mine in the washing machine. *sigh*
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Detoxing is necessary if you constantly eat fast food and chemicals on a regular basis, but for most people trying to eat better, more natural foods, the body can detox itself. It is usually when people have eaten so much processed food and their organs are over burdened is when you should
