Depo shot + gaining weight= myth



  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    I guess I'm one of the odd people here. I've been on Depo since my son was born other than for one year when I considered getting pregnant. My son will be 20 in May. I've gained a few pounds, but that has been due to my lack of regard for what I put in my mouth, and I guess I should probably expect to weigh a little more at 37 than I did at 18.
  • lamb_fitness
    lamb_fitness Posts: 8 Member
    I was on Depo for 6 years! The Doc is right it doesn't make you gain weight but it does increase your appetite. But if I didn't take it getting PMS (for me) increases my appetite incredibly for a few days so I'd say just be aware and don't cave so easily when you crave junk.

    I stayed healthy, went to the gym, ate veggies and also pigged out occasionally when on Depo and didn't gain any weight.

    One thing I did notice was I had very little emotion. I didn't cry easily at all and I found it easy to terminate friendships and relationships I wasn't happy with, without a second thought. (I was also single the whole time I was on it lol)

    Once I decided to come off Depo I met the man of my dreams and fell in love, got married and now we are trying for babies. I sometimes wonder if I was emotionally capable of falling in love so easily if I was still on it.

    It 12 months for my cycle to return and it felt like I was going through puberty again!! lol Now it is like clockwork I could set my watch to my cycle. Its so fascinating.
  • skinnytwigg1
    skinnytwigg1 Posts: 6 Member
    I was on depo for about 3 years when I was 18 due to endometriosis. I had no side effects then. I loved it. Well I am 33 now and have had 2 girls and am going back on it after being on the pill for a year which is not working for me. I have been really successful with my weight loss since Jan I've lost 18 lbs. I am hoping that I have the same results. I will let you all know my results in the end. First shot will be this wed. Only thing I am worried about is I am on lexapro for a depression I could not kick. I have been taking it for 5 weeks. Which also I think has helped me with my appetite. I hope I don't have any interactions between the two. But from my previous experience depo did not cause me any weight gain when I was young. Hope it will do the same this time around. Wish me luck!
  • Hannahp1402
    Hannahp1402 Posts: 85 Member
    Progestogen can but not always make people feel hungrier - people gain weight because they eat too much due this

    I work in a sexual health clinic and find that three months after they come back to review they have nearly all gained weight.
  • Hi all!! Just wanted to come by and say I had looked at this thread back when I was first looking into going on depo. I had looked through several threads on here and was so scared to start the shot. I just got my second injection, so I am not a pro by any means, but I do want to say that I haven't had any issues with it. I do feel a little hungrier, but I try to drink a glass of water instead of eat to combat those feelings. Also, I haven't had any crazy mood swings or bad bleeding. I got my first shot the first day of my period and haven't had one since. I have had light spotting and my last period lasted about 2 weeks, but that was it. I do feel a little nauseated, but I have always had issues with vomiting for as long as I can remember, it's just more-so now. I have also had a history of headaches and migraines and they are a little worse now, too.

    I just wanted to come by again and tell a story that wasn't a horror story. I have actually had a great experience so far and if I were to go back to eating healthy again (I moved and started a new job, so it's been hard) I would probably start losing weight again.

    And I agree with the other people who said that you do not just magically gain weight from depo. You may not realize it, or be completely honest with yourself or others, but you have to eat more to gain weight. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it's fact. I was on the birth control pill when I was 21 and I was so hungry all the time and ended up gaining 14 lbs in one year. And I am a small framed person.
  • I tried depo provera because of the benefits and convenience. I had my first shot, I gained some weight but I wasn't too worried; I had my second shot and immediately started packing on pounds. I went from 155lbs to 196lbs. I had increased appetite, depression, and irregular menstruation. I switched doctors and was advised that I should have never tried the shot. I don't advise anyone to try it either. The risks outweigh the benefits, at least for me. I'm still working on losing the weight and I've been off depo for four months.
  • Hi ladies.
    I am debating on going on Depo for the conveniences of not having to take a pill every night at the same time. I know that some women are more genetically prone to weight gain than others (I AM ONE OF THOSE WOMEN).
    On the pill, the food cravings are terrible for me, especially at night time, and I have a problem with binge eating anyway. But I really believe that if you monitor your body closely these side effects are beatable, and fitness goals can be met! Good Luck all