Any Morbily Obese people doing Insanity?



  • mex900
    mex900 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 340 lbs and I started doing insanity a month ago. It is very difficult at first, especially when you aren't use to it, but if you keep at it, you will definitly see improvement. It is all about pace. You never have to go at their pace, just do what you can but make sure you give 100% of your effort to doing the workouts and take breaks when you have to. Trust me, I started doing barely 2 pushups and ended the month doing 20 pushups and am able to keep up with them in excersises, so you definitly see results really quick, especially if you stick to the schedule and eat right. I lost about 20 lbs in a month because of it. This program definitly keeps you excited, motivated and wanted more, it is definitly an endorphine rush. :)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I agree with starting with something simpler. I am not a fan of workout videos, but I did a few weeks of 30 day shred. I couldn't do the full time of jumping jacks when I started, but after a few weeks I could. It's a good video, incorporates light weights and compound movements, without a ton of jumping around so its good on joints. I followed the modified moves and was definitely sore after doing it. Build a base this way, lose some weight, then try insanity later.