At your heaviest, what was your eating like?



  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    Just mindlessly shoving whatever I wanted in whatever quantity no matter if I was hungry or not.

    Felt happy? Yay pint of ice cream here I come.

    A family member say something hurtful? No problem, nachos I'ma running for ya.

    No wonder I was 338lbs.
  • haiitsstef
    haiitsstef Posts: 12
    Well I was pregnant, and I thought that meant I was supposed to eat a lot. I weighed 150 after I had my baby and I learned those eating habits were hard to break. I gorged myself on sweets and baked goods. My 6'4", 220 lb husband with an incredible metabolism would eat whatever he wanted and LOTS of it without gaining a pound, so I started to think that meant I could keep up and not gain weight. Boy was I wrong.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I would stock Chips Ahoy or Soft Batch cookies on hand and sit at my computer all day. I would eat vegetables and whole grains some of the time, but also dive into macaroni and cheese, chilli over white spaghetti, and put margarine on everything. I would usually go for four hours or more without meals, and then just eat a lot later in the day. I sometimes ate cookies straight out of the box and just savored the flavor as I played WOW on my computer. It wasn't really hunger at that point - it was often boredom, and the desire to taste something sweet after a few sugar spikes.

    I didn't eat that much more than I do now - I estimate I was doing about 500 more calories a day than I would do now for maintenance. But I ate the wrong foods and didn't exercise, so it added up over time. Even a small excess can add 50 added pounds over a year if you're not careful.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    I ate and drank whatever I wanted. Breakfast was McDonalds if I was hung over, or maybe breakfast bars, yogurt and smoothies. Lunch was either fast food lunches or leftovers from the huge meal I cooked the night before. I ate fatty salty snacks & candy all day. Then I would go home and make a big dinner, pasta, roast beef, mashed potatoes and proceed to drink wine and a few cocktails. If I was home alone I would gorge on many pieces of french toast drenched in butter or several grilled cheese sandwiches. Maybe some sweets or chips to munch on while watching TV, or I would go to the bar and do bar food with friends. Didn't take long to ballon up to 240 lbs, and I stayed there for almost 2 years. Yuck, those pics are horrifying to look at, but reminde me that I have to treat my body with respect, and remember that looking good is secondary to being healthy.
  • btay1564
    btay1564 Posts: 23
    I was at my heaviest (5'2, 195 lbs) about 4 years ago. I started gaining weight when I got my first "grown up" job, which consisted of sitting at a desk, and still does. :-P I also started drinking a lot in the evenings. Most days, I would drag myself into work at 7:30, hungover from the night before and at around 9 a.m. I would get a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel sandwich from the cafeteria at work. That usually helped with the hangover. Then lunch was usually either mozz sticks from the cafeteria (6 huge ones), a sandwich from the cafeteria, usually a big one with double meat and cheese on a kaiser roll, or tuna with lots of mayo and provolone cheese, or if we ordered take-out/delivery it was usually pizza (at least 2 slices, and I'd go back for more after everyone else had finished), Chinese, and I'd have a large shrimp fried rice to myself, or something from the restaurant across the street. I'd usually get a huge burger and fries with a coke. If I was hungry when I got home from work at 4:30 I would raid whatever was in the kitchen and usually snack on a few pieces of string cheese, or some potato chips, or some garlic ring bologna, what have you. Then dinner was usually something fairly decent. I usually served meals consisting of meat, starch, and two veggies, but I just had way too much of the meat and potatoes and not enough veggies. Or if I didn't feel like "cooking" my husband and I would split a frozen pizza and garlic breadsticks. I would have my half of the pizza, and if he didn't finish his, I snacked on it later while I glugged an entire bottle of merlot on my own.

    Oh, and then on Friday or Saturday nights if I didn't go out drinking I would stay in and have almost TWO bottles of wine to myself. The next-day hangover would have me driving to McDonald's after I dragged myself out of bed at around noon. My McD's hangover cure is what I like to call the McFatass: A double quarter pounder meal (large fries and coke) and a ten piece chicken nuggets with bbq sauce. I would be stuffed when I finished it, but I never even left a french fry in the bottom of the bag.

    Like so many others, I wonder how I was not bigger. I was certainly obese, to be sure, but never above a size 16. I can't believe I didn't weigh at least 300 lbs.
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    At my heaviest, at the age of 17/18 and 215 pounds (5'11') I was having a Venti Iced Green Tea Latte (Nonfat) for breakfast along with a breakfast sandwich from starbucks in the AM. Then during school I would stop at the vending machines and eat atleast 2 packs of peanut butter M&Ms a day, then for lunch I would usually have a McDouble and McChicken for lunch (the dollar menu was my best friend), then for dinner usually something boxed like Hamburger Helper or Macaroni. I didn't realize that for one, moving out at the age of 17 would leave me THAT broke even while working full time, and two, that I could have spent what little money I did have on WAY healthier items, and even gotten more meals out of just going to the store for fresh ingredients. I also drank atleast 6 cans on diet dr. pepper each day, and skipped meals thinking it would help me lose weight, then "binging" on whatever I could find later on. Gross.
  • blondie_182_182
    blondie_182_182 Posts: 54 Member
    I ate anything and everything that I wanted. If I wanted pizza, I ate pizza. If I wanted chips and dip, I ate chips and dip - sometimes the whole jar of dip in one sitting! If I wanted Chinese, I ate Chinese. I always had a cabinet full of junk food - chips, candy, cookies, etc. I used to sit and dip oreos in peanut butter in front of the TV. Before I knew it, all the oreos were gone. So I would go buy more. I could polish off an entire big bag of M&M's in a sitting. I was a binge eater and living alone didn't help that. My first year on my own I gained 30 pounds.
  • apothecarist
    apothecarist Posts: 193
    As an overweight kid, I recall bringing Hostess snowballs and fruit pies to school for my "dessert". Lots of mayo-filled sandwiches (I loved white bread with a slice of American cheese and tons of mayo on it!), sugary sodas, fried foods (Kentucky Fried Chicken, French fries). I remember eating an entire pot of mac 'n cheese when I was 10 years old when my mom had to leave the country b/c her own mother had just passed away. I missed her so much that I just ate myself sick.
  • phurst00
    phurst00 Posts: 100 Member
    Never ate breakfast, drank tons of soda, lots of white rice, bread, and high-fat meat.. and lots of late-night eating.


    Still getting cravings late at night but everything else is much better now =)
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    I had a muffin (one of the large store-bought kind, usually chocolate chocolate chip or lemon poppyseed) for breakfast every day, except once a week when I would have a large starbucks drink and a piece of their lemon loaf or gingerbread. On weekends I would just skip breakfast entirely or have cookies or ice cream.

    For lunch I ate at my work cafeteria at least 3x/week and I would usually get fried chicken fingers or a burger and fries. On weekends we'd get fast food, or I would have ramen noodles with two eggs and peas and I thought that was healthy. (I still eat that very occasionally because I love it, but I DON'T call it healthy- it's a treat meal!) Sometimes I'd make mac & cheese with tuna- only instead of making it from scratch with a roux and a small amount of cheese (which is not only healthier but also tastes way better), I would just use boxed kraft mac & cheese and throw tuna in it when it was done.

    For dinner we went out really frequently, and I would almost always get a huge burger and fries, or fried chicken. We ordered a lot of pizza, too, and I would always get sausage and canadian bacon pizza and eat like four pieces in a sitting. I would often have stomach issues and acid reflux, which I haven't had since I gave up eating fried foods.

    Plus I would have ice cream, cookies, candy in huge amounts daily. Every time there was a holiday I would go to the after-holiday sales and buy pounds and pounds of chocolate. If I bought a package of cookies it would be gone in a day, seriously. In college my friend and I would get what we called "fat donut pie" (a hostess fruit pie and a donut, heat both up in the microwave, eat both in a sitting) like once a week.

    I was also addicted to soda, especially dr. pepper, and sometimes would have upwards of 40oz/day.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Breakfast - Grande Caramel Mocha and a slice of pumpkin bread - 810 cal
    snack - Snickers bar & mt dew - 525 cal
    lunch - qdobas ground beef nachos - 1130 cal
    snack - some kind of crap, i don't know how many calories
    dinner - pizza chicken alfredo - 714 cal

    minus additional snacking, that is 3179 calories. hmmmm wonder why i gained weight?
  • mikeatmichael
    mikeatmichael Posts: 92 Member
    My wife of 29 years is a great cook and loves to cook. She cooks for everyone she knows all the time. She works in a lab and will put a tray of ribs on top a heat treat oven to cook while she's working. She sells homemade pies in season as a fund raiser for S.B.Komen. She can (and many time has) prepared a banquet for a couple hundred people. We have a large refrigerator and two stand alone freezers that are always packed with food and we always have several meals worth of leftovers in the fridge.

    Neither of us has ever gone above "slightly overweight", I"m 6'2" and was about 200lbs at my highest. I get asked all the time why I don't weigh more because of the way my wife cooks.

    After reading this thread I think my answer will be that I never weighed more because of the way she cooks. We eat regular meals, she almost never prepares pre-processed food and we rarely eat out. After that its just a matter of portion control, although I have started eating more fruits and vegetables and fewer grains/starches after joining mfp.
  • mssgeni
    mssgeni Posts: 83 Member
    Well I would neeever have breakfast. At lunch usually just a 6" turkey breast sandwhich from Subway, but at dinner I'd go crazy. For dinner also some kind of fast food. Usually McChickens and a pineapple smoothie from McDonalds. At home we'd always make cupcakes or some kind of bread every day, and I would gulp down like 6 of them at once... Pizza very often, extra cheese/pepperoni/sauce, I could easily eat half a pizza by myself.

    Not to mention ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.

    I think back and I want to slap myself in the face. >_>
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    0 fruits or veggies. LOTS of potatoes, carbs. Fast food almost every day...yikes....
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    I don't remember exactly what it was like, but when I was going over my credit card statement doing my taxes, Taco Bell, Subway and Domino's were on my credit card statement at least 3 times/week
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I would buy lunch a lot, so that would be pizza, mozzerella sticks, etc. I would usually have a big cookie for dessert, and then when I would get home I would fill up a huge cup with ice cream, and mix in 3-4 cookies with spoonfuls of peanut butter as my after school "snack". And then have dinner and usually have seconds or even thirds...yeah it was just a **** ton of unhealthy, processed foods.
  • endlesswonderr
    endlesswonderr Posts: 91 Member
    I would never eat breakfast, and rarely even lunch. so when I got home from school, I would literally consume everything in my kitchen. (most of which being bread and other carby foods.) I rarely ever ate veggies.
    I also had a tendency to binge on the worst foods, and often. I remember I would eat entire medium pizzas, or 4-5 bagels in the span of a couple of hours... I would eat until I literally felt sick to my stomach. I still do that sometimes on bad days, however I'm learning to control it a lot better.
  • jk31011
    jk31011 Posts: 7
    ice cream for breakfast, dinner and dessert. 2 slices of Pizza , cheese fries with bacon. 3 bottles of soda a day smh there's more too
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Pizza once a week. A "special" treat of a bag of Doritos or tortilla chips probably twice a week, normally eaten in two sittings. 3/4 of a bottle of wine per sitting a couple times a week. Days that didn't have wine had beer or cocktails.

    I still stepped on the scale regularly and watched it rise. Why did I not put the brakes on sooner? I have no idea. I have a lot of work cut out for me.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Mindless, mostly. Eating whatever I wanted or whatever was around. Eating to placate emotions, etc.