MFP vs IPOARM vs Level Obstacles

Wanted to get a consensus on what method the general population prefers and why.

I looked at several aspects of each and determined that I personally perfer level obstacles which is basically TDEE less a percentage(usally 10,15,or 20) My reasoning was such that its easy to use, easy to understand, and it works.

Now we all know that we must eat less than we burn (calorie wise) in order to lose weight/body fat. So, why do some methods state they are better or easier to use. I have also realized that MFP plus eating back calories is just about the same as TDEE-20
What's your opinion and why?


  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Level obstacles seems to be the easiest to follow IMO. Personally, I did it drastically different than all of them. I would point people towards level obstacles now though.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I have lost the bulk of my weight following MFP, its easy and works.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I have lost the bulk of my weight following MFP, its easy and works.

    Same here. I tried all of the different methods for calculating different ways to lose, but the big hangup is finding the correct numbers, your ACTUAL BMR, as measured in real life (or finding your TDEE through what calorie count keeps your weight steady)

    I'm just doing it MFP style, using a general outline of what my BMR *should* be, and then setting it to 2 pounds a week. Because If I go over or if there are any calculation errors, my bases should be covered in any circumstance, it gives me a little wiggle room to enjoy a nightcap if I want.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    IPOARM for me, works and I keep loosing and have not plateaued in a while :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I prefer level because it allows me to eat more daily, and one number makes meal planning much easier.

    But frankly my enjoyable cardio season of biking is about to make that impossible again, so I'll go back to a sedentary TDEE minus about 15% right now, and log and eat back exercise calories minus same 15%.

    Real bummer, means so much less on rest days or lifting days that don't burn much.

    In the past I actually tried, and may go back to it, a level method for only 1 hr of that cardio factored in, and lifting, and eat-back the extra I actually do. Hmmmmm, I think I will.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    IPOARM helped me, but it is very confusing. It took me a few reads and talking with others to really get it. Now, because of the revisions, slopes, notes,'s become way too complicated for a newcomer in my opinion.

    The Level Obstacles write out is straightforward and simple. It's easy to understand and something I've begun recommending to newbies and those struggling to get the hang of things instead of IPOARM. Level Obstacles also includes some common sense items about weight loss, not just TDEE info.

    ETA to add the link for Level Obstacles in case anyone new is curious about it
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    anyone have a link for the level I can understand what is being compared xD lol
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    anyone have a link for the level I can understand what is being compared xD lol

    lol. I just edited to add the link, but here it is just in case :D
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Both IPOARM and MFP have similar methods if you use a scheduled routine.

    IPOARM using my info:


    TDEE 2400
    20% cut appx 2k

    Sun rest 2000
    Monday lift 2000-200=1800
    Tuesday rest 2000
    Weds lift 2000-200=1800
    Thursday rest 2000
    Friday lift 2000-200=1800
    Saturday rest 2000

    Weekly TDEE= 16800
    Weekly calories consumed= 13400

    MFP method

    Sunday rest 1800
    Monday lift 1800+200=2000
    Tuesday rest 1800
    Weds lift 1800=200=2000
    Thursday rest 1800
    Friday lift 1800=200=2000
    Saturday rest 1800

    Weekly TDEE= 16800
    Weekly calories consumed= 13200

    So between IPOARM and MFP its a difference of only 200cals per week.

    Now the reason the Road Map was created was because so many people were confused about the methodology of MFP given cals+ eating back calories earned through activity.
    I simply took out the guess work and gave a static number thats easy to follow.

    either way if you follow the programs and are consistent, you will succeed.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    anyone have a link for the level I can understand what is being compared xD lol

    lol. I just edited to add the link, but here it is just in case :D

    awesome ty!!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    i thought ipoarm and level obstacles were the same thing?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Real talk, I lost my weight the MFP way, but the MFP way works well right out of the box for men while giving women a much too low calorie allowance (IMO). From what I've seen in my year on the boards, it's primarily women that have something to gain by following either IPOARM or Level Obstacles. Either method gives an alternative to weight loss that gives women a more realistic calorie goal while still letting them lose weight on a steady basis that avoids plateaus.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Pros and Cons of each.

    Level Obstacles
    Pros: Easy to follow, good for people just starting out.
    Cons: Lacks flexibility for people of different body fat levels. Doesn't get in to macro nutrients.

    MFP Method
    Pros: Probably easiest to follow out of the 3(no calculations needed)
    Cons: Can cause really big deficit for people with lower TDEE's, this can lead to stall outs and other hormonal related issues.

    IPOARM ver 3
    Pros: Very flexible addresses people of all shapes and sizes and gives them a realistic number, also address the psychological hurdles and addresses macro nutrient intake.
    Cons: The information can be over whelming for beginners, there is 3 version, and multiple spreadsheets, can be confusing for a lot of people. I think we might come up with a version 4.(to add to the confusion).

    In the end what matters is you have a calorie deficit that isn't too restrictive for you and one that makes you feel comfortable, that's what really matters in the end.

    Just wanted to point out that it is noted in Levels why macros aren't focused on. Levels is for people just trying to get started in the right direction. Later, obviously, when they are ready, then macros is something else they can look up.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Real talk, I lost my weight the MFP way, but the MFP way works well right out of the box for men while giving women a much too low calorie allowance (IMO). From what I've seen in my year on the boards, it's primarily women that have something to gain by following either IPOARM or Level Obstacles. Either method gives an alternative to weight loss that gives women a more realistic calorie goal while still letting them lose weight on a steady basis that avoids plateaus.

    Are you suggesting women may be a bit too impatient when they select 2lb weekly and sedentary no matter what?

    Or men just aren't affected as negatively by the big surplus? Well, that true.

    Or men are wimps, and change that 2 lb to 1 lb after about a week, women fight through it until not hungry, wondering how they could possibly manager to eat 1000 calories?
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I would think most of the problems for women following MFP is they select 2 lb per week and then dont eat exercise cals back.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    i thought ipoarm and level obstacles were the same thing?

    In a sense they both address TDEE less (X) amount. Level I believe was created as a write up to simplify IPOARM. However with the various versions of IPOARM it has taken on new meaning and methodology. So, Levels is basically, TDEE less 20% where as IPOARM appears to be focused more at utilizing a persons body fat % as a means of determining the deduction amount to take off of TDEE. Wow, I may have confused myself trying to paraphrase that one.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    umm alright I did Level obstacles information just for some giggles. off the bat I know it wouldn't work for me

    I weight 302lbs and am 5'3 26yr old female it said my TDEE was 3315 - I work out 5 to 6 times a week. it said for 20% off that I would be 2,652 that I would need to eat....umm that doesn't even go close to what IPOARM has me at.

    IPOARM lists me off as

    Sedentary: 2299 (little or none)
    Light Activity: 2635(3 days)
    Moderately Active: 2970 (5 days)- would be what I am at

    TDEE x .80= BMR (20%)

    Sedentary: 1839-

    Light: 2108-

    Moderately: 2376

    sooooo were did the Level Obstacles decide on such a HUGE number of 3,315. I would be gaining weight if I followed what they would have me at. thats close to like 400 calories more than what IPOARM is listing for me.. I am lucky if I can reach some of these numbers in a day and normally stay close to my Sedentary amount
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    MFP would have me trying to survive on 200 calories below my BMR, just to try to lose 1/2 lb per week
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Real talk, I lost my weight the MFP way, but the MFP way works well right out of the box for men while giving women a much too low calorie allowance (IMO). From what I've seen in my year on the boards, it's primarily women that have something to gain by following either IPOARM or Level Obstacles. Either method gives an alternative to weight loss that gives women a more realistic calorie goal while still letting them lose weight on a steady basis that avoids plateaus.

    Yes, true.

    While I lost the majority of my weight the "MFP way," I do wonder if I would've benefited from taking it slower. I used to net under 1200 calories a day nearly every day. Then after doing research and struggling with binge eating, I am figuring out better ways to manage this whole thing. I have read IPOARM (too complicated) and Level Obstacles (more user friendly), but I still follow basic TDEE guidelines, macros 40/30/30, and try not to make things so ridiculously IPOARM has become.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    umm alright I did Level obstacles information just for some giggles. off the bat I know it wouldn't work for me

    I weight 302lbs and am 5'3 26yr old female it said my TDEE was 3315 - I work out 5 to 6 times a week. it said for 20% off that I would be 2,652 that I would need to eat....umm that doesn't even go close to what IPOARM has me at.

    IPOARM lists me off as

    Sedentary: 2299 (little or none)
    Light Activity: 2635(3 days)
    Moderately Active: 2970 (5 days)- would be what I am at

    TDEE x .80= BMR (20%)

    Sedentary: 1839-

    Light: 2108-

    Moderately: 2376

    sooooo were did the Level Obstacles decide on such a HUGE number of 3,315. I would be gaining weight if I followed what they would have me at. thats close to like 400 calories more than what IPOARM is listing for me.. I am lucky if I can reach some of these numbers in a day and normally stay close to my Sedentary amount

    Not sure, but what did you put as your goal weight for IPOARM? I used their calculator and I had to put 220 as your goal because any lower kept giving me a red flag. This is what I got for you

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 2143
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2456
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2768
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 3081
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 3393