How to get a dancer's body



  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    I don't care about getting a "dancer's body" but I do like trying new things. Can you find these videos on youtube?

    You can preview the videos on Youtube, but you'd have to buy the full DVDs. Previews here:
  • deanna418
    deanna418 Posts: 103 Member
    Yoga Booty Ballet is also a great workout. I have the DVD's and I need to break them out again!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I already have the body of a dancer. I keep it in the freezer.
  • ImpossibleGrl
    How many of you nay-sayers can actually bend over and touch your toes?? Try it and maybe you'll see why you need to "elongate" your muscles!

    Thank you, eviegreen for your suggestion.

  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Oh for Pete's sake. 'Elongating muscle' has been a phrase used for at least 20 years. It doesn't mean literally making the muscle longer. It means making the muscle appear to be longer. Instead of going for a compact-looking, tennis ball lump of a bicep, you go for a smoother, more rubber-band-like bicep. Not a myth if understood properly.
    Ah, the old appeal to women's fear of "looking bulky" if they lift weights. Marketing bs is marketing bs.
  • sexymuffintop
    I already have the body of a dancer. I keep it in the freezer.

    Go for a rugby player instead, more meat on them.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Ohh... chronic exercise of the ordinary variety leads to an increase in the diameters of slow-twitch fibers. If the connectivity of the motor neurons is reversed so that a red slow-twitch fiber is energized by a fast neuron or vice versa, then the slow-twitch fiber slowly becomes fast or the white fast-twitch fiber slowly becomes slow. This implies that if the higher levels of consciousness which control muscle action dictate a new role for a muscle, it's responsiveness, chemistry, and morphology all will change in sympathy with the new demands made upon it by the altered neural signal activating it. In this way, a yoga or ballet practice can change the muscular form and responses of the body.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    You cannot elongate the muscle - it is a fixed length. You can only build it or lose it.

    Oh, for god's sake. By "elongate," I just meant an overall leaner look, like a ballerina. Let's not get into a semantic discussion. I'm just making a suggestion.

    and overall leaner look is done by reducing body fat, which is achieved through a combination of a calorie deficit and proper nutrition, strength training, cardio, and rest.

    Yes. I'm not exactly sure why you're putting your statement in the form of an argument, since I never said anything to negate it...

    i'm not arguing.

    i'm right.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    How many of you nay-sayers can actually bend over and touch your toes?? Try it and maybe you'll see why you need to "elongate" your muscles!

    Thank you, eviegreen for your suggestion.

    part of my post work out stretching routine includes stretching down to touch my toes. i also do this thing where i lay on my back, and my legs go all the way over my head, and my toes touch the floor
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You cannot elongate the muscle - it is a fixed length. You can only build it or lose it.

    Oh, for god's sake. By "elongate," I just meant an overall leaner look, like a ballerina. Let's not get into a semantic discussion. I'm just making a suggestion.

    You can't make a muscle look lean or not lean. The muscle is just the muscle. How lean you look is a function of how much fat you have on top of the muscle.

    The appearance of, say, a thigh is a function of the size of the muscle and the amount of fat on top of it. Those are the only two variables you can control in terms of appearance: muscle size and fat.
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    How to get a dancer's body?

    Send her flowers and ply her with red wine.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Thank you so much for the suggestion! I was actually about to go looking for an new video. I have a few dance videos, one is kind of lame called "Dancercise". It has hip-hop, salsa, belly dancing and jazz. Then I have the dirty dancing video which is my favorite, and the Denise Austin dance mix, which I also really love. She has a ballet sculpting routine on that one that is great for the legs. I'm going to see if I can find the one you mention.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I got my long, lean, dancer mussels by blowing a wad of cash on this:

    Before I dropped $500 on this handrail/yoga mat combination, I was 5'3' and stocky. Then, after doing 300 leg lifts a day while holding on this this handrail, my muscles elongated to the point where I grew to 6'1" and looked like a ballerina. I was wonderful. I was sooooo long and lean. And there was no other way for me to achieve this body except by giving someone $500 for a handrail with a mat tied to it.

    But then one day my handrail broke, and I followed the forums advice and joined a gym. Even though I still used the handrails in the gym to perform my light weight, high rep leg lifts, the testosterone in the air at the gym made me bulky. Even using the elliptical at the gym made my thighs soooooo muscular that I couldn't fit into my skinny jeans.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I got my long, lean, dancer mussels by blowing a wad of cash on this:

    Before I dropped $500 on this handrail/yoga mat combination, I was 5'3' and stocky. Then, after doing 300 leg lifts a day while holding on this this handrail, my muscles elongated to the point where I grew to 6'1" and looked like a ballerina. I was wonderful. I was sooooo long and lean. And there was no other way for me to achieve this body except by giving someone $500 for a handrail with a mat tied to it.

    But then one day my handrail broke, and I followed the forums advice and joined a gym. Even though I still used the handrails in the gym to perform my light weight, high rep leg lifts, the testosterone in the air at the gym made me bulky. Even using the elliptical at the gym made my thighs soooooo muscular that I couldn't fit into my skinny jeans.

  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Yes, thank you for the suggestion. Everybody who has said or plans to say something negative needs to remember that they aren't being forced to do anything they don't want to. I might have to take a look around for Leah's DVDs. I could use a good workout DVD to help me lose my stubborn fat.

    Relax, everybody!

    Correcting misinformation is NOT BEING NEGATIVE. It is being supportive by providing accurate information in improve one's knowledge base. And knowledge is power!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    How many of you nay-sayers can actually bend over and touch your toes?? Try it and maybe you'll see why you need to "elongate" your muscles!

    Thank you, eviegreen for your suggestion.

    I lift heavy weights.

    I can put my palms on the floor with straight legs.

    People aren't just trying to argue people are correcting misinformation. The fitness industry is plagued by it. False promises of things that are impossible.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Reading back through the comments I see a bunch of PMS sufferers must be on the loose. If you don't want to do a dance workout then why did you come in to comment? Does EVERYTHING HAVE to be an argument? Why do you people insist on coming out to inflict yourselves on others for no reason other than your poor little egos need a feeding? Grow up and stop looking for reasons to pick fights with others.

  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    I've been wondering about that workout. Thank you for the feedback on it.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Reading back through the comments I see a bunch of PMS sufferers must be on the loose. If you don't want to do a dance workout then why did you come in to comment? Does EVERYTHING HAVE to be an argument? Why do you people insist on coming out to inflict yourselves on others for no reason other than your poor little egos need a feeding? Grow up and stop looking for reasons to pick fights with others.

    Men don't actually suffer from PMS. However, I thank you for using a feminine condition as an insult.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    Thank you for the suggestion. I always like to try new DVD's and really need to work on my stretching. And on another note, I love the way people post on a subject rude remarks and then they get upset when the OP remarks back. If you don't want to do the dance workout then don't do it but at least lets not be rude about it. I don't post on here a lot because there are so many rude people out there that just love to start arguments or throw their so called "knowledge" around. If you don't like a post then read it and go on. Do not attack the poster.
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