I tell people I don't work out, to embarrassed on progress

I am past the point of frustration and have no where else to go, I don't know anyone to ask in my area but found this site and hope to reach some professionals.

Almost 2 years, and I am embarrased to tell people that I workout, so I don't bother because I have nothing to show for it. I am frustrated looking in the mirror and knowing that right after I finished my workout, I left a pool of sweat on the floor and my pants are soaked ( sorry to be gross). I figure ... I must be doing something right? ...nope.

What I am doing,

2 Years ago, I started Insanity, finished it, and made my own hybrid afterwards. I felt like I got good results, was starting to see some sort of definition but it really kicked my butt.
I kept going and got Insanity : Asylum and did that, then moved to the Insanity/Asylum Hybrid program. Man it was tough and mentally I was having time keeping it together as I was not getting the Shaun T type body that I was aiming for.
Yes, all I wanted to do was cut down and look like someone that actually does workouts like the many people I see in pictures everywhere. I mean do they all really work harder then those programs? I mean almost 2 hours a day of non-stop butt kicking in those programs is really intense.
I was getting even more frustrated but did not want to stop as I noticed... I was LOOSING results. Yes, I was putting fat back on, I could tell, that line that I started to see around my abs had slipped away.

Ok, now Asylum: Volume 2 is released and I go through that. Right now this is about 3 months ago. I noticed now that they are harder for me to complete but I do push through and get it done, I have frustration pushing me, knowing that after each workout I am in no better shape then before.

About a week ago, I pulled my shoulder and now have tendinitis in it after trying to do one of the P90x2 ball push ups.
So now I am back on Insanity to try to get the burn back off, it is harder for me, before I could do 2 in a row if I wanted but now after the Max Interval or Max Plyo, I am spent.

My profile shows my diet, I don't know what is wrong with it, I don't eat junk, the only thing I could think of is the cereal that I eat at night but really???!!! just a little cereal at night causes that much damage to my progress.

I would ask for help but I don't know anyone personally with a body that I want to say "I will pay you to make me like you" OK maybe not exactly like someone like Shaun T but cmon, all that working out I do and I have nothing to show for it.

I don't take a day off either, I do a lighter one on a "slow day" but it's still pretty intense.

You don't understand how grateful I will be if I can get help. Mentally I am exhausted from doing these long intense workouts. I mean they are really physically tasking which is good but I just don't get what I am doing wrong.

I will put a pic in my profile of what I look like now, embarassing.

Ty for your time


  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    I can't see what you eat.

    Do not eat cereal before you go to bed. Take a protein shake.

    Stop with all of the fitness videos. I know people do get results with them but I have never tried any of them.

    I'm a olympic style weightlifting coach and have competed for 15yrs and still do. I have built a good physique by lifting weights. Diet is key to showing off your muscles though.

    I recommend you go to a crossfit gym.

    Why? The people will help you to train, to be motivated, you train 2-3x a week and I GUARANTEE YOU WILL ENJOY IT. It is great to build muscle. The most optimal method would be to train at a real gym and lift weights. But for most people this is too much effort to do on their own so training in a GROUP ATMOSPHERE IS PERFECT. I never train alone and always have a training buddy with me.

    People spend 1000's on cars so why not spend a few 100 on your fitness? Your health, fitness and overall happiness will be much better spending it this way than on a car or anything else.

    Or get on Starting Strength. That is a good basis to build upon for a beginner.

    Post anything else if you require help.

  • smokescr33n
    Thanks Koing for your response,
    I will try to fix why my daily diet is not being displayed, I filled it in when I signed up because I did want to see what is wrong with it.

    I have heard about crossfit, I have heard that the regular gym guys hate cross fit guys because they get in their way, I got a few old friends that hit gyms that always complain about them, I don't know why, but they do. Like I mentioned before, I just don't know anyone who is fit like I want to just be like, teach me to do your ways.

    I just don't understand, these guys really do punish themselves for almost 2 hours a day to get those bodies? It just can't be especially when there are so many guys like that all over the place, and some of them don't look like they have the commitment I have been displaying this whole time.

    I wish I could explain my frustration when I finish my workout, sweat just absolutely pouring out of me, yet I go to the shower and look at myself and say "what did you just do? I don't see anything", besides being exhausted and still suffering with my shoulder pain, but yes, I keep doing it, day in and day out.

    About my diet, I never eat out, never eat junk besides maybe once a week I will indulge in a little sugary cereal, other then that it's just safe cereal at night which you are saying is bad, but I get so damn hungry. I come home late from work about like 7 or 8pm. I eat a dinner, but like half an hour after, I am starving again.

    But Koing, really, those 1 or 2 bowls of cereal, (dry I may add) are killing my progress? Really? I mean I see you are well accomplished and I applaud you for your achievements and thank you for replying to me. I am listening to you.

    I don't see my diet so here I will explain

    Morning I do my workout , average 1.5hrs usually either Insanity/Asylum/Asylum V2

    Breakfast I take to work is my protien shake with some fruit and soymilk (skim)
    Snack, I may have a little Smaps (protien cereal, very low cab if any) but I have like two handfuls , usually busy
    Lunch - Turkey salad, few slices of turkey with some salad
    Dinner - Chicken breast with veggies, *i usually have xtra veggies because I love veggies*
    Snack at night - cereal , dry (kashi, low sugar)
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    what are your goals??
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Hey There!

    After reading your first post, my immediate thought was that it has to be what you are eating. When I read you second post, it confirms what I suspect might be *an* issue.

    1)Soy protein=BAD. 1) It is GMO ( genetically modified) 2) It is a phyto-estrogen (faux female hormone) Try switching to almond milk, which will give you more calcium, without extra fat, or hormones.

    2)Make sure your protein shake doesn't contain soy, artificial sweetners (sucralose, aspertame). Also--try to find a certified rbst-free whey...if you are using whey. rbst is a growth hormone given to bovines ( cows) to increase milk production. Also think about a supergreen instead of just a protein shake to make sure you are getting all the macro and micro nutrients...I love Green Vibrance!

    3)You eat a lot of poultry--good for you.....but did you know that they use antibiotics and arsenic to fatten chickens up? The same thing happens when people eat it! Try to source out locally grown meats ( www.localharvest.com), or find free range, antibiotic free meats. Applegate farms sells in most retail chains. Kroger, Safeway, etc. have their own line of free range/organic raised meats.

    4)Try to snack on high good fat foods instead of processed cereal. Kashi is full of GMO's! You are better off eating almonds, walnuts, avocado, anything sauteed in a little organic coconut oil. Even a good raw cheese!

    5) Organic coconut oil is your friend! When ever I start to plateau, I add it to my diet....studies have shown that it is one of the only fats that will help make you lean. And your body needs good fat at a cellular level for all your body functions including your adrenal system which regulates metabolism!

    6) Make sure that you are giving yourself a rest day, and switching up the intensity of your workouts. You can't go full out insanity for every workout. Switch off with running, walking, a cardio class ( boring, but lower intensity), swimming, biking, skating. Mentally we can get hooked to the HIIT training, but the body needs a switch up!

    I know that is a lot to swallow ( pardon the pun), but I can garauntee you that the changes above will help to make your body healthier, which will in turn, make it more fit! HTH! BTW.....I have a degree in sports medicine, and am a "food warrior"....
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Are you eating enough?
  • AlexThreeClaw
    AlexThreeClaw Posts: 73 Member

    Morning I do my workout , average 1.5hrs usually either Insanity/Asylum/Asylum V2

    Breakfast I take to work is my protien shake with some fruit and soymilk (skim)
    Snack, I may have a little Smaps (protien cereal, very low cab if any) but I have like two handfuls , usually busy
    Lunch - Turkey salad, few slices of turkey with some salad
    Dinner - Chicken breast with veggies, *i usually have xtra veggies because I love veggies*
    Snack at night - cereal , dry (kashi, low sugar)

    I'm no expert but that doesn't seem like very much food for someone doing challenging workouts on a regular basis. I think you probably need to eat a little more. I know that sounds crazy, you don't want to get fat, but if you're trying to build a more muscular physique then you need more fuel.

    Three questions - How many calories do you consume daily? What's your Total Daily Energy Expenditure? Here's a quick calculator. (Edit - Because I can't do links to save my life! - http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html - and finally what are your goals?
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Thanks Koing for your response,
    I will try to fix why my daily diet is not being displayed, I filled it in when I signed up because I did want to see what is wrong with it.

    I have heard about crossfit, I have heard that the regular gym guys hate cross fit guys because they get in their way, I got a few old friends that hit gyms that always complain about them, I don't know why, but they do. Like I mentioned before, I just don't know anyone who is fit like I want to just be like, teach me to do your ways.

    I just don't understand, these guys really do punish themselves for almost 2 hours a day to get those bodies? It just can't be especially when there are so many guys like that all over the place, and some of them don't look like they have the commitment I have been displaying this whole time.

    I wish I could explain my frustration when I finish my workout, sweat just absolutely pouring out of me, yet I go to the shower and look at myself and say "what did you just do? I don't see anything", besides being exhausted and still suffering with my shoulder pain, but yes, I keep doing it, day in and day out.

    About my diet, I never eat out, never eat junk besides maybe once a week I will indulge in a little sugary cereal, other then that it's just safe cereal at night which you are saying is bad, but I get so damn hungry. I come home late from work about like 7 or 8pm. I eat a dinner, but like half an hour after, I am starving again.

    But Koing, really, those 1 or 2 bowls of cereal, (dry I may add) are killing my progress? Really? I mean I see you are well accomplished and I applaud you for your achievements and thank you for replying to me. I am listening to you.

    I don't see my diet so here I will explain

    Morning I do my workout , average 1.5hrs usually either Insanity/Asylum/Asylum V2

    Breakfast I take to work is my protien shake with some fruit and soymilk (skim)
    Snack, I may have a little Smaps (protien cereal, very low cab if any) but I have like two handfuls , usually busy
    Lunch - Turkey salad, few slices of turkey with some salad
    Dinner - Chicken breast with veggies, *i usually have xtra veggies because I love veggies*
    Snack at night - cereal , dry (kashi, low sugar)

    Your initial post said you workout every day - that could totally be your problem. Without giving your muscles time to repair you actually end up working against yourself. Strength training requires rest days - 48 hours between workouts (so, three a week is perfect and you can do cardio on the 7th day). Muscle repair is when your muscles build new fibers to repair the tears from the workout - the new fibers increase muscle. If you do not give your body a chance to repair...well, you end up counterproductive.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Connie is really spot-on about a lot of the foods. Whey protein is your friend. Avoid excess carbs and especially anything with high fructose corn syrup. You'd be surprised where you find that nasty stuff.... it's even in some healthy looking "multi-grain, whole wheat, etc" bread. It changes the fat cells and makes them harder to burn also plays nasty games with insulin levels which inhibits fat burn. Also, how can you have well defined muscles when you aren't really doing any muscle building? I don't believe in those programs for muscle building. Overall fitness? They're great. However bodyweight exercises can only do so much to pack on muscle. You'll want to add some free weights. Finding a Crossfit box (that's what they call their gyms) would probably be right up your alley if you like things such as Insanity and P90x.

    Also, when you're pushing yourself hard, the only thing you should be eating before bed is a protein shake. Preferably casein protein. It's slower digesting, taking up to 8 hours. Thus it supplies your body with a stream of protein throughout your slumber. You want to drink plenty of whey protein after your workouts as well. 34g is the "magic" number that most articles will tell you to consume post-workout. You want about 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass per day. Not getting enough of the right protein will inhibit muscle growth.

    I wonder if it's possible you're overtraining. You're really at a point where your body isn't in an anabolic state and you just keep beating up already damaged tissue. You're injured now which may have been a side effect of this. I'm just spit-balling here as I don't know how many days of rest you allow yourself. That you're becoming more and more fatigued the more you do these workouts sounds a bit like overtraining.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    working out gets you in shape what you put in your mouth gets the definition you are looking for. doesnt matter if you are trying to lose or bulk it is going to begin and end with what you put into your mouth.

    to the person that mention over training there is no such thing. over training is an excuse people use not to work hard at something
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    In for figuring out TDEE and adjusting calories accordingly from there. Do you have weight to lose? Are you looking to increase muscle mass? These are crucial to determining what your intake should be.

    Get rid of the DVD's. If you haven't seen results why continue to do it? You need to start lifting. Look into beginner programs like Stronglifts or Starting Strength. Crossfit is a good idea, providing its a reputable box that will teach you proper form. They can also be quite pricey.

    Take breaks....results are made while resting not while working out.

    Good luck :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey There!

    After reading your first post, my immediate thought was that it has to be what you are eating. When I read you second post, it confirms what I suspect might be *an* issue.

    1)Soy protein=BAD. 1) It is GMO ( genetically modified) 2) It is a phyto-estrogen (faux female hormone) Try switching to almond milk, which will give you more calcium, without extra fat, or hormones.

    2)Make sure your protein shake doesn't contain soy, artificial sweetners (sucralose, aspertame). Also--try to find a certified rbst-free whey...if you are using whey. rbst is a growth hormone given to bovines ( cows) to increase milk production. Also think about a supergreen instead of just a protein shake to make sure you are getting all the macro and micro nutrients...I love Green Vibrance!

    3)You eat a lot of poultry--good for you.....but did you know that they use antibiotics and arsenic to fatten chickens up? The same thing happens when people eat it! Try to source out locally grown meats ( www.localharvest.com), or find free range, antibiotic free meats. Applegate farms sells in most retail chains. Kroger, Safeway, etc. have their own line of free range/organic raised meats.

    4)Try to snack on high good fat foods instead of processed cereal. Kashi is full of GMO's! You are better off eating almonds, walnuts, avocado, anything sauteed in a little organic coconut oil. Even a good raw cheese!

    5) Organic coconut oil is your friend! When ever I start to plateau, I add it to my diet....studies have shown that it is one of the only fats that will help make you lean. And your body needs good fat at a cellular level for all your body functions including your adrenal system which regulates metabolism!

    6) Make sure that you are giving yourself a rest day, and switching up the intensity of your workouts. You can't go full out insanity for every workout. Switch off with running, walking, a cardio class ( boring, but lower intensity), swimming, biking, skating. Mentally we can get hooked to the HIIT training, but the body needs a switch up!

    I know that is a lot to swallow ( pardon the pun), but I can garauntee you that the changes above will help to make your body healthier, which will in turn, make it more fit! HTH! BTW.....I have a degree in sports medicine, and am a "food warrior"....

    Degree in sports med and you still think that dietary hormones can influence endogenous hormones? Guess you didn't cover digestion. Adrenal glands don't regulate metabolism.

    Lots of odd information in this thread.

    OP, exercise is stress. Chronic stress induces changes in hormones that can reduce your metabolic rate and prevent protein synthesis. You need a rest day or two at your level of intensity. You don't need to spend exorbitant amounts of money on antibiotic-free chicken.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    If you're looking to build endurance or strength, the building happens while you're resting. You run, or lift, or bike, or whatever to stress your body and induce a change. Then you rest and feed your body an appropriate diet and sleep so the repair/recovery can happen. Then you workout again, and you're stronger/faster/fitter than before.

    Seconding the recommendation for Starting Strength or Strong Lifts if it's a muscle/fit look you want. 3x/week, 1hr max a time on weights, optional cardio on off days if you truly love it, and proper.diet that's rich in protein. Give it a month or two and see what happens. What do you have to lose?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    If you're looking to build endurance or strength, the building happens while you're resting. You run, or lift, or bike, or whatever to stress your body and induce a change. Then you rest and feed your body sn approproate diet abd slerp so the repair/recovery can happen. Then you workout again, and you're stronger/faster/fitter than before.

    Seconding the recommendation for Starting Strength or Strong Lifts if it's a muscle/fit look you want. 3x/week, 1hr max a time on weights, optional cardio on off days if you truly love it, and proper.diet that's rich in protein. Give it a month or two and see what happens. What do you have to lose?

    This! Note that this user is not pushing some ridiculously expensive food/supplement/membership.

    Crossfit is garbage in most cases when it comes to safety and proper form and they are prohibitively expensive. You can indeed overtrain. You need a varied diet with enough vitamins and minerals as well as C/P/F plus rest and sleep to recover.
  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    Protein. Increase it. And remember that your body may not be genetically disposed to getting "big and cut".
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    There is some weird information on this thread

    It sounds like a combo of over training/under eating. You don't need crossfit or some crazy non-soy non-gmo diet. Up your calories, get more protein, and look into some heavy lifting programs (I think someone mentioned Stronglifts).
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    Whoa, there are a bunch of ridiculous statements in this thread.

    Songbyrdsweet is right on though.

    Those guys on Insanity/whatever flavor of the month crossfit fad did not get those bodies from those exercise routines. They got them from lifting heavy things and solid nutrition. Cardio (crossfit IS cardio) is good but definitely not the only thing you need to cut fat and build a strong physique.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    OP, exercise is stress. Chronic stress induces changes in hormones that can reduce your metabolic rate and prevent protein synthesis. You need a rest day or two at your level of intensity. You don't need to spend exorbitant amounts of money on antibiotic-free chicken.

    This echoes my thoughts... as well as--- with all that exercise you are demanding of your body are you fueling it adequately?
    Getting enough calories and proteins and fats and carbs?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Open your diary. From what you have posted about your diet I would hazard a guess you aren't eating properly.
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    In my opinion I think you should crunch your numbers and figure out your TDEE, and BMR. Also figure out you body fat percentage. You need to start doing some bulking/cutting cycles. I would also start doing some carb cycling. It sounds like you are not keeping your body in the correct states for your workouts. Do some research on catabolic vs anabolic states. You may not be eating the right amount of calories. Be aware when ever you change your calories it will take several weeks for your body to adjust. Anytime you do a lot of cardio you are in catabolic, I would suggest start doing heavy lifting at a moderate pace, not the fast paced plyometrics and get some good quality protein in you after workouts. Also what are your macros set at?
  • n3ver3nder
    n3ver3nder Posts: 155 Member
    Stop fecking around with workout videos and go lift some heavy weights. Eat more animals.