How do you conquer night time cravings?

My biggest issue with losing weight is that I sabotage myself at night. I am really bad if no one is awake, then I will just got crazy. I eat because it is there - but living in a family of 3 with one child, there are certain foods I can't avoid buying. Any advice?


  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Some possibilities:

    1. Go to bed earlier so you aren't up, alone, and bored.

    2. Make sure you're eating enough. Sometimes when we're hungry, it's simply because we need more fuel. Your diary is closed so I can't see what your daily goal is, but a lot of people who come here want to lose weight as quickly as possible, so they try for 2 pounds a week and get a goal of 1200, which is too low for most. Or they have a bigger calorie goal, but they don't know they should eat back their exercise calories to net their goal. If either of those applies to you, check out In Place of a Road Map for a way to set more realistic numbers:

    3. If your goal is already realistic for the amount you want to lose, perhaps you should just shift some calories around so you have more available for evening snacks. Timing of food doesn't matter, as long as eating before bed doesn't give you indigestion or acid reflux or something.

    Best of luck!
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I go to sleep earlier or think about eating my cravings the next day....
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I'd try possibly shifting some cals around, like what was just mentioned. And when I get hungry late nights, I just go get a 16 oz glass of water and chug it down ...
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough and feel satisfied, not hungry during the day, otherwise your will power will go out the window at night when the hunger sets in. Or, if it's just boredom, drink water or tea when the cravings hit! You honestly have to put mind over matter and just keep telling yourself "This isn't worth it. Eat tomorrow".
  • LifeJacketWaterJogger
    this was helpful to me also,thanks
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I log in night time snacks first thing each morning and if I worked my day around to have them, I eat them. If not, then I don't eat them because I didn't earn the right to snack.
  • lovelymrsbasham
    It took me a few days to get used to this but, I drink water first when I crave and try not to eat after 7pm
  • turboturtlepower
    Go to sleep (if the kids are asleep, obviously). Or...have a cup of green tea with some organic raw honey. It's usually what I do. I cut my eating off before 7pm most nights.

    If you look at my food diary (it's public) you'll see that most days I have a huge breakfast that leaves me very full all day long so I only have to have smaller meals the rest of the day.
  • kariannmbc
    kariannmbc Posts: 144
    When I get hungry at night, I first drink a full glass (or two) of water, then I try some hot tea, even if you add honey it's not much. If that doesn't work, I will read, or do something that both occupies my mind and my hands.

    Sometimes, if it's a really bad craving (and for something sweet), I'll have a little chocolate milk, or warm milk with molasses s.
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    I use "lemonation" :tongue: I keep a bottle of homemade lemonated water on the stand... so if i get that craving for a snack...It's bottoms up!!:smile: So far it's working.... I freeze a bottle and take it out when i get home from work.... or i add ice if i forget.:blushing:
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I conquer my cravings by eating.
  • missshadowlovely
    missshadowlovely Posts: 50 Member
    I have this same problem. Usually 700-1000 calories at night :(
  • brit_lah
    brit_lah Posts: 18 Member
    When I get hungry at night, it's usually one of two things (or maybe both things):

    1) I didn't eat enough during the day.

    2) I neglected to eat enough protein and/or vegetables with my meal. If I make whole grain spaghetti with marinara sauce and eat just that, I'm going to be hungry even if I technically eat enough of it in calories or serving size... rather than if I made some loaded with veggies or some meat. It's noticeable with breakfast and lunch too, but it's worse when it's a dinner thing because it's the end of the day, and I'm tired. That's just what happens to me anyway.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    night cravings are generally more a habit than hunger... I try not to eat after dinner, it just doesn't serve me well. Try to replace the habit of eating with a different habit; have a hot bath, a cup of tea, a yoga video, a walk, a came of cards; even food prep for the next day... just something that can be repetitive.
    if you really are hungry, have something healthy and easy to digest like yogurt.
  • lisasowndiet
    lisasowndiet Posts: 10 Member
    You have a lot of great suggestions here! I also am making a new habit of not eating after 8 p.m. and when I get hungry I drink hot green tea or water, mostly water. I was wondering what kinds of foods you have to have in the house for everybody else that you can't eat.
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    The only thing that definitely works for me is to go bed earlier. I work 2nd shift so I am up later at night and that's when the cravings attack. Last night was bad, would have killed for a egg sandwich with cheese. Put my book down, went to bed, woke up, no egg sandwich craving.
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    If I'm just "snacky", plain air popped popcorn is a big evening go-to for me. I love it anyhow, and you can munch for a long time on a big bowl, so it gives me something to crunch on for a while, but low calories for the volume.

    And as others have mentioned, make sure you're eating enough in general.

    Oh, and if the kids are in bed, you can always use that time for some exercising instead of eating to keep you busy!! Two for one benefits there. :)
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Or, everyone can unplug their tv's, or throw them in the trash. I bet your life would change completely. You'd find more productive things to do instead of veg out.
    I can't do that, because Doctor Who and Game of Thrones.