Just joined here...already discouraged :(



  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    I would give anything to be a 127 lbs - 135lbs like I use to be, it was the best. I always a size 9/10. I still have another 80 lbs to lose. Your tall same height as me. (You have got to be turning heads) and that's a complement. Just tone up, walk, exercise machines, eat better, get different clothes. Stand tall, tuck your tummy in and hold your shoulders back, chin up! BTW if you want or need to lose 5 lbs then do it. Wishing you the best!:flowerforyou:
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I just have to say that I think it's funny that some people don't read their posts before posting. Bad spelling can make your post read completely different than you meant it...

    And Crankstr, please don't give up!!! You should be the size YOU want to be, but don't do it by depriving yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you mean to address this to Crankstr?

    I know! I R confused! What am I depriving myself of exactly? LOLz
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    You've got to be kidding me. Do you know how many people here would die to only have 5 friggin lbs. to lose? Deal with it.
    I don't think it's up to anyone else to judge what level of weight loss is important to someone .
    This site is here to motivate, not ridicule :huh:

    You'd be amazed at how many people seem to claim the opposite. *eyeroll*

    But OP, I will echo the others in saying losing an inch off your waist is in no way "killing yourself for nothing". It's true that your progress is going to be very slow because the lower weight you are, the slower it comes off... but don't get discouraged, you are achieving amazing results already! If you keep this up you will reach both your goal weight and be much stronger and more buff by the end of summer, if not sooner. Patience is key! :smile:
  • Just for the record...I lost 1 lb in almost 3 weeks, not 1 lb per week. I do need to add more exercising. I've only been going to a 55 min boot camp 2-3x a week. It burns around 300 calories. I am on my feet a lot though, not that it counts for much. I'm thinking of joining a gym though but more for the classes. I've never been big on actually working out but like the upbeat motivation of actual classes.

    Also as I look back at my food journal for the week, I realized I'm not eating enough! That could have a lot to do with my slow progress. I wish MFP would separate the good fats/sugars from the bad ones so I knew what was "ok" to actually eat.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Just for the record...I lost 1 lb in almost 3 weeks, not 1 lb per week. I do need to add more exercising. I've only been going to a 55 min boot camp 2-3x a week. It burns around 300 calories. I am on my feet a lot though, not that it counts for much. I'm thinking of joining a gym though but more for the classes. I've never been big on actually working out but like the upbeat motivation of actual classes.

    Also as I look back at my food journal for the week, I realized I'm not eating enough! That could have a lot to do with my slow progress. I wish MFP would separate the good fats/sugars from the bad ones so I knew what was "ok" to actually eat.

    My best advice on this front is to stop thinking about what you "can't" eat (junk food and processed sugars), and think more about incorporating healthy foods into your diet that you maybe haven't tried before or eaten much of in the past. Learn to love fruits, veggies and all forms of protein (there are way more than just meats), and try nuts & seeds, avocados, olives, tofu, eggs and cottage cheese for healthy fats.
  • TesselCat
    TesselCat Posts: 74
    I really agree with the people suggesting you try strength training instead of just cardio. Go look through the success stories section for before/after pictures of ladies who lift - it might be exactly what you're looking for.

    Here's a good one to check out!
  • Adirafox
    Adirafox Posts: 107 Member
    I read this article not too long ago:

    I hope it helps and give you the inspiration you need to keep going. Not sure how much you're trying to shed, but if your body is already used to a routine, sometimes you have to change it up a bit to get the results you want. Good luck.

    I dug this article!

    One suggestion is to start making smoothies with PB2! I ADORE ADORE ADORE peanut butter, but obviously, it's high in fat and calories. PB2 is powdered peanut butter. I haven't tried it as peanut butter, since I heard it's kinda weird that way (you can reconstitute it with water), but I put it in my smoothies to increase the protein and give me that awesome yummy pb flavor. I've also added it to oatmeal. Maybe that will help with one craving!

    Overall, it sounds like you are doing great, and being 127 at 5'6" (and 3/4"!!!) is a weight that I will never achieve, and I am the same height (okay, fine....I'm something like 6/7" of that final inch...I still feel weird saying 5'7" ), but I have a large frame, so I am pretty stoked to be rocking my size 10s right now (which are getting loose!).
  • beeboobear1
    If your working out really hard during that boot camp you should remember: Muscle weighs more than fat. You will see the lbs drop slower as you start shrinking those last inches. The muscle is toning up and fat almost gone. Don't give up. Also stay healthy. If you are a person genetically meant to be 127 you are going to have a real problem pushing past your body's perfect weight (though you may not find it to your perfect image of yourself)
  • tjbear6145
    I am also at a plateau for at least a year. I give up every now and then and today I was ready to go on a binge and decided to read the message board instead. So I guess I will get myself going to Curves and see if I feel better when I come home
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    If your working out really hard during that boot camp you should remember: Muscle weighs more than fat. You will see the lbs drop slower as you start shrinking those last inches. The muscle is toning up and fat almost gone. Don't give up. Also stay healthy. If you are a person genetically meant to be 127 you are going to have a real problem pushing past your body's perfect weight (though you may not find it to your perfect image of yourself)

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. I wish people would stop saying that.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    If your working out really hard during that boot camp you should remember: Muscle weighs more than fat. You will see the lbs drop slower as you start shrinking those last inches. The muscle is toning up and fat almost gone. Don't give up. Also stay healthy. If you are a person genetically meant to be 127 you are going to have a real problem pushing past your body's perfect weight (though you may not find it to your perfect image of yourself)

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. I wish people would stop saying that.

    And you also don't gain muscle in a week, eating at a deficit.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    If your working out really hard during that boot camp you should remember: Muscle weighs more than fat. You will see the lbs drop slower as you start shrinking those last inches. The muscle is toning up and fat almost gone. Don't give up. Also stay healthy. If you are a person genetically meant to be 127 you are going to have a real problem pushing past your body's perfect weight (though you may not find it to your perfect image of yourself)

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. I wish people would stop saying that.

    And you also don't gain muscle in a week, eating at a deficit.

    Actually it's very very very hard to gain muscle on a deficit at all. Unless you are very new to lifting & even then it wont last long that way.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    If your working out really hard during that boot camp you should remember: Muscle weighs more than fat. You will see the lbs drop slower as you start shrinking those last inches. The muscle is toning up and fat almost gone. Don't give up. Also stay healthy. If you are a person genetically meant to be 127 you are going to have a real problem pushing past your body's perfect weight (though you may not find it to your perfect image of yourself)

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. I wish people would stop saying that.

    And you also don't gain muscle in a week, eating at a deficit.

    Actually it's very very very hard to gain muscle on a deficit at all. Unless you are very new to lifting & even then it wont last long that way.

    Exactly. It's such a common misconception.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    If your working out really hard during that boot camp you should remember: Muscle weighs more than fat. You will see the lbs drop slower as you start shrinking those last inches. The muscle is toning up and fat almost gone. Don't give up. Also stay healthy. If you are a person genetically meant to be 127 you are going to have a real problem pushing past your body's perfect weight (though you may not find it to your perfect image of yourself)

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. I wish people would stop saying that.

    Yes, it does. Normally when we say "muscle weighs more than fat", we assume the listener has enough sense to share the assumption that we are keeping volume the same. Yes, the statement lacks precision because it doesn't say "muscle has a greater density than fat" or "a given volume of muscle weighs more than that same volume of fat". But it's massively incorrect to ask for precision while simultaneously making assumptions involving the missing data.

    Muscle weighs more than fat. That's a perfectly fine statement and most people understand what it means.
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    I have a lot more weight to lose than you but as a little person with a low BMR I can only create a small deficit each day (unless I wanted to only be eating 800 cals and that sooo wouldn't work). As you are so slim and only exercising 3 times per week you are probably in the same situation so DON'T worry. You are actually doing really well (I celebrate if I lose 1/2lb in a week). As for taking an inch of your waist that is fantastic.

    To be fair at your weight, If you have some body image issues, I would seriously think about looking at strength training (loads of guys on this site are clued up about this). You won't necessarily lose weight but your body shape would change and I'm pretty sure you would be happy with a leaner looking you.

    Lastly I know it's hard but try not to obsess too much or beat yourself up too badly. It's good to be keeping an eye on your weight but also to maintain some perspective. It is too easy to say I can't lose those 5lbs so I'm gonna do Atkins or the cabbage diet or some other latest thing and before you know it you are yo yo dieting like crazy and you are heavier than you ever were when you started out.

    So don't be discouraged, you have achieved genuinely good results. The only problem you have right now is that your expectations of yourself are too high.

    Stick with it gal, will be worth it in the long run.
  • Jkn099
    Jkn099 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm sure this has been stated in multiple posts, but I'm going give you my 2 cents anyways. At 5'6" (nearly 5'7") you're likely near or below your ideal weight even at 127lbs. That said, don't always take to heart what the scale says. The most important thing is that inch you lost around your belly. That's not easy to do. The problem with obsessing over what a scale says is that many factors come to play when weighing in.

    For example: the time of day, what you're wearing, when you last ate or drank, and even whether or not you have to go to the bathroom are all factors.

    Someone in your position, who is only looking to lose a few pounds, should probably concentrate more on inches gained or lost as opposed to what a scale says, as the scale can literally flucate a couple pounds in a DAY given the factors I listed above.