Doc wants me to do 1100 cals a day-I think she's cray cray

So I'm trying to lose 40-50ish pounds off of my 5'7 frame. I'm currently at 200 even. Since I'm wildly impatient, I've gone to one of those "Physician Assisted Weight Loss" Centers starting about a month ago. They first of all prescribed diet pills, which I quit after three days (felt like Jessie Spano on Saved by the Bell). They also put me on a 1200 calorie diet with 90 grams of protein/ less than a hundred carbs. In the past month, I've dropped 5 pounds (all muscle, so ugh!) and five inches off my waist (Thank you Zumba). I went to the doc today, and she wants me to cut ANOTHER 100 calories. I really want to drop the fat and not my muscle, so this just sounds like bad ju-ju. I am open to any advice and suggestions.



  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    I would think that doctor is cray cray as well. That's messed up.

    Here's a great place to start, if you're looking for some basic information - I found it very helpful.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    What makes you think you lost 5 pounds of muscle?
  • kornmaiden
    kornmaiden Posts: 109
    Everything I have read says 1299 is the absolute minimum if you are 5 foot 7, I am pretty sure you need more.
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    If it feels wrong, then it is wrong.
  • Just in my opinion..sometimes me trying to even meet my 1300 count without going over is hard if I don't exercise that day. 1200 cals will never do for me, I'de be way too hungry. I'm 5'3, was 178 down to 159..dropped about 16 pounds in about 3 1/2 months. I def understand the high amount of protein because that keeps you full and I heard eating less than 100 from carbs def helps cut the fat. Just do what feels right girl, only you will know..if you're too hungry on the 1100 count then move it back up and maybe just exercise more. Good luck with everything :flowerforyou:
  • kornmaiden
    kornmaiden Posts: 109
    I meant 1200
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    Please, for the sake of your health, go to or look it up on here. Please I have spent my entire life doing exactly what you are doing and you will never have permanent success until you eat more and work out. If you need more information shoot me an email on here and I will get you to her.
  • yenna42
    yenna42 Posts: 17
    The doc's office has a magical scale that reads your body composition. So yeah, woohoo I lost five pounds! But oh wait a minute, it's the part you want to keep. Great advice, geesh
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    If you eat clean, healthy and large variety of veggies and fruits than 1100cals would be bad b/c you would get all your nutrient needs, but if you eat processed foods, breads, milk, than its better more to have more cals so you get enough nutrition. Diet pills never work, even vitamin and calcium supplements don't work,, its best to get it from natural sources; if you are exercising a lot than eat those cals back so that you wont lose muscle, and make sure to eat enough protein.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    She is cray cray. At 5'7 you should be netting way more than 1200. I'd try out 1700 (but keep that high protein goal) and start weightlifting -- you definitely won't lose any more muscle that way!
  • skinnygrlerica
    skinnygrlerica Posts: 41 Member
    I think she's cray cray too. I think part of this is that you've described yourself as "wildly impatient."

    Unfortunately, Dr. Cray Cray's job is to suggest/prescribe drastic weight loss tactics so that you'll be successful.

    I think we are all impatient... I know I am. But I'd get nutzo on 1100 cals. I'm not even doing so great on 1380ish. I'm thinking of upping my intake to a real 1500 and see what happens.

    Good luck! My advice is to drop the doc and focus on intake/output and watch the results come =)
  • bhbarros
    bhbarros Posts: 101
    I agree--she's crazy. I'm 5'2 and pretty small-boned, and even I would not be able to survive on that little!
    What I've heard, and what's worked for me, is around 1400 calories with a lot of protein (around 30-40 percent). You might adjust that to your height and goals, but yeah.

    And lift. A lot.

    The scales won't move as quickly, but you'll definitely notice the results.

    ALSO, ZUMBA IS THE GREATEST THING EVER. All of my love to that class.
  • LuckyCheryl
    LuckyCheryl Posts: 71 Member
    I am also 5'7" and my calorie goal is usually 1200 any more than this and I dont lose any weight. I started at 208 and am down to 164. Eat clean as possible, lots of protein and plenty of veggies and I am full all the time!! Good Luck
  • ssb1662
    ssb1662 Posts: 26
    Stop wasting your money on the physician. Not safe or reputable. And only 5 lbs in that amount of time with those limits. I don't think so.
    Just stick with your workouts and the calories of MFP for a 1 lb wt. loss - or even a few more.
    Good luck. With the money you save you can get yourself a treat = personal coach, new outfit, whatever is a good prize for you.
  • 1100 calories is definitely extreme. However, I do agree with her having you limit your carbs and increasing protein. I'm only 5'2, and I typically eat 1400-1500 calories a day (I take boxing fitness classes 2-3 days a week). I suggest using a website to calculate the right number of calories for you, and then focus on cutting back on carbs (no bread, pasta, rice, etc). Eating plenty of fat and protein will help keep you full.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    yeah doc is cray cray. You will slow your metabolism down and crap ton if you eat that little. can you really live on 1100 calories for the rest of your life? what happens when you are done losing weight? and you up your calories? you will gain it back super fast, and will have destroyed your metabolism. Carbs are not bad!! There are two types of carbs, complex and simple, we need both but you should eat more complex carbs. Protein is always a must in a healthier lifestyle. I am 5'4 173 lbs and I try to get in at least 150-175 grams of protein a day. I eat 1500-1700 calories a day ( all clean ) I work out everyday, and I am losing inches, and lbs on a regular basis.

    You cannot gain muscle if you are at a caloric deficit. You can tone though.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    She might have said 1100 assuming you're like most sisters and not accurately tracking. To someone not knowing what they're doing, 1100 could be more like 1500-1800.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    If you want to preserve what muscle you have, you have got to use it. Lift heavy or start some resistance training.
  • yenna42
    yenna42 Posts: 17
    Wow, you guys are a whole lotta awesome! Thanks and I'm definitely going to do more research. And I'm sure I can shelve the impatience and do this the right way. I've started and stopped countless times over the past 10 years or so and I really don't want to stop now. The other night I got in a yelling match with my scale, (quiet, calculating mean machine). Instead of throwing in the towel and getting cozy with Ben and Jerry, I went to the gym. The only way I'll really fail is if I give up.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Those scales are not accurate at all. Unless you were lying in bed and eating very low protein for the month, I highly doubt you lost 5 pounds of muscle.
    You said you went to a diet dr because you are super impatient. Diet drs will help you lose weight quickly. It will be a combination of fat and muscle, and water weight in the beginning. If you do not want to lose so much muscle, then you will need to acquire some patience, eat at a smaller deficit, and exercise. The choice is yours.

    Most diet drs will recommend between 800-1200 calories for the average woman, depending on how much you need to lose. Most people will gain back the weight, because 1) 80% of everyone that loses weight gains it back, and 2) they don't make permanent changes in their eating and exercise, and therefore when they go back to eating crap like they did before, they gain back the weight.

    No matter how slowly or quickly you lose, the secret to keeping it off is forming life long better habits. At least the dr told you to eat high protein. Many don't tell you that.

    Figure out what your maintenance calorie level is, deduct 500 calories from that number, and be consistent and patient, and you will lose the weight.