Well, why can't you?



  • TehNoms
    TehNoms Posts: 86 Member
    I'm getting very tired of seeing posts whining that I can't stop bingeing, I can't stop eating or drinking thus and so, I can't stop falling off the wagon...well, why can't you? Is somebody standing there holding a gun to your head and forcing you to eat that cupcake or pizza or whatever? Do you really want to lose weight and get healthier or do you want to shovel in pop-tarts? You don't need hand-holding and people constantly reassuring you, you aren't a baby and don't need to be treated like one. If you don't want to do it, muscle up some self control and don't do it, and if you haven't got the self-control, that's nobody's fault but your own. This isn't being harsh, it's REALISTIC. Get some willpower. If you don't you WILL fail. Nobody can do it for you, you have to do it yourself.

  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    that's not nearly high enough for you, m'dear.

    Oh god I wish this was facebook so I could "like" this. Perfectly executed burn.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    that's not nearly high enough for you, m'dear.

    Hahah well played :drinker:
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Unless you've had an ED you wouldn't understand.
    Food is literally addictive. Science proves is. Food addicts get
    The same release of endorphins as drug addicts do.
    And why do you care about other people?
    Support people and worry about yourself.
    Be thankful YOU don't have an ED.

    you don't see people turning tricks for a Mc Chicken tho do you?
  • hdkerr
    hdkerr Posts: 145 Member
    that's not nearly high enough for you, m'dear.

  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I'm getting very tired of seeing posts whining that I can't stop bingeing, I can't stop eating or drinking thus and so, I can't stop falling off the wagon...well, why can't you? Is somebody standing there holding a gun to your head and forcing you to eat that cupcake or pizza or whatever? Do you really want to lose weight and get healthier or do you want to shovel in pop-tarts? You don't need hand-holding and people constantly reassuring you, you aren't a baby and don't need to be treated like one. If you don't want to do it, muscle up some self control and don't do it, and if you haven't got the self-control, that's nobody's fault but your own. This isn't being harsh, it's REALISTIC. Get some willpower. If you don't you WILL fail. Nobody can do it for you, you have to do it yourself.

    Cool story bro.
  • lovingangel4uau
    lovingangel4uau Posts: 78 Member
    Wow!... Some people have been pretty nasty on this post. Really no need for it ladies and gents.

    This is all just a persons point of view with the understanding they have at this point of their lives.

    For those of us that don't have full understanding of someone else journey should want to understand it and for those of us that do understand the hardship it is for us to win the battle and perhaps educate those who don't understand.

    Ignorance or nastiness or revenge is not the answer and is futile in helping anyone's life.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Wow!... Some people have been pretty nasty on this post. Really no need for it ladies and gents.

    This is all just a persons point of view with the understanding they have at this point of their lives.

    For those of us that don't have full understanding of someone else journey should want to understand it and for those of us that do understand the hardship it is for us to win the battle and perhaps educate those who don't understand.

    Ignorance or nastiness or revenge is not the answer and is futile in helping anyone's life.

    ...OP's post is the epitome of ignorance.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Wow!... Some people have been pretty nasty on this post. Really no need for it ladies and gents.

    This is all just a persons point of view with the understanding they have at this point of their lives.

    For those of us that don't have full understanding of someone else journey should want to understand it and for those of us that do understand the hardship it is for us to win the battle and perhaps educate those who don't understand.

    Ignorance or nastiness or revenge is not the answer and is futile in helping anyone's life.
    expand your logic.

    if she is free to express an opinion then others are free to express an opinion on her opinion.
    expressing an opinion is revenge? then who was her revenge on?
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    When I was recovering from an eating disorder in my teens I didn't understand my hunger signals and had to re-learn when to eat, how much to eat, when to stop eating, why I was eating, why I was not eating, and why I was thinking about food. Pretty exhausting, and something that most people really just don't have to think about that often. I can imagine that those with other eating disorders have equally difficult stuff that they are dealing with that make long term success in health just that much harder.

    I get that you are saying something along the lines of: "just do it! You can, and it will be worth it! Excuses aren't going to get you results and no one else can succeed for you!" But you are showing disdain for those that are struggling. That is not going to be helpful to anyone.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I may not agree with what you said but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire

    In this particular case I agree with the OP .... I guess that makes me an e[itome of ingnorance also, well so be it. I have stopped reading the posts due to the overabundance of whining. The only reason I read this one is because the OP is a friend of mine.

    But then ya know..... I hate tattoos too. .
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    You're post-menopausal. You're done with the hormonal swings that lead to legitimately hungrier days and water retention weight gain which is really discouraging.

    Maybe you haven't had sexual assault that has led to self blame and body image issues and the only way to make sure that you're not attacked again is to make that body a little less attractive.

    Maybe you don't have PCOS, hypothyroid, injuries, clinical depression or the host of other things that can make eating sensibly and exercising hard if not nearly impossible.

    Congratulations on your success, but is it really necessary to berate those having a harder time? In my experience people only do that in order to make themselves feel better. So why is your success not enough for you? Why do you have to belittle others also?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I get that you are saying something along the lines of: "just do it! You can, and it will be worth it! Excuses aren't going to get you results and no one else can succeed for you!" But you are showing disdain for those that are struggling. That is not going to be helpful to anyone.

    She just didn't say it very nicely. Come on, try again now, but pick your words more carefully.... *sigh * somehow, I get the feeling that even if given the chance, the OP would not retract her words, or reword them at all.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Unless you've had an ED you wouldn't understand.
    Food is literally addictive. Science proves is. Food addicts get
    The same release of endorphins as drug addicts do.
    And why do you care about other people?
    Support people and worry about yourself.
    Be thankful YOU don't have an ED.

  • BeckyAnne4
    BeckyAnne4 Posts: 143 Member
    that's not nearly high enough for you, m'dear.

    Oh god I wish this was facebook so I could "like" this. Perfectly executed burn.

  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I may not agree with what you said but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire

    In this particular case I agree with the OP .... I guess that makes me an e[itome of ingnorance also, well so be it. I have stopped reading the posts due to the overabundance of whining. The only reason I read this one is because the OP is a friend of mine.

    But then ya know..... I hate tattoos too. .

    You are very insightful nailing your ignorance.
  • Rbacchiega
    Rbacchiega Posts: 52 Member
    I may not agree with what you said but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire

    In this particular case I agree with the OP .... I guess that makes me an e[itome of ingnorance also, well so be it. I have stopped reading the posts due to the overabundance of whining. The only reason I read this one is because the OP is a friend of mine.

    But then ya know..... I hate tattoos too. .

    Cool, carry on then. Thanks for your input.

    I thought about the original post a bit (while I was eating my nachos) and while the OP's intentions may have been to suggest that, yes, we can do it. It'll be hard but we can do it...the way she (or he..I don't really care) said it was completely arrogant and came off as such. And surely doesn't belong in the "Motivation and Support" section.

    And thanks for letting us know you hate tattoos too! Surely anyone with tattoos is a questionable member of society, a derelict with no purpose or motivation. How can they possibly amount to anything more than basic labor.

    Ok...I might be a bit defensive. I bow out of said conversation and go to bed...I'm getting up early to hit the gym!
  • FlowersInTheDirt
    FlowersInTheDirt Posts: 124 Member
    So much negativity. I thought we were all here to support each other?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I'm getting very tired of seeing posts whining that I can't stop bingeing, I can't stop eating or drinking thus and so, I can't stop falling off the wagon...well, why can't you?
    It must be quite a challenge to navigate the real world with such a lack of empathy.

    On a practical note, if you're tired of those kinds of posts, then why don't you just stop reading them? There are certain kinds of posts on the boards that annoy or frustrate me, so I skip them. Problem solved.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I'm getting very tired of seeing posts whining that I can't stop bingeing, I can't stop eating or drinking thus and so, I can't stop falling off the wagon...well, why can't you? Is somebody standing there holding a gun to your head and forcing you to eat that cupcake or pizza or whatever? Do you really want to lose weight and get healthier or do you want to shovel in pop-tarts? You don't need hand-holding and people constantly reassuring you, you aren't a baby and don't need to be treated like one. If you don't want to do it, muscle up some self control and don't do it, and if you haven't got the self-control, that's nobody's fault but your own. This isn't being harsh, it's REALISTIC. Get some willpower. If you don't you WILL fail. Nobody can do it for you, you have to do it yourself.

    Kind of hypocritical ...I'm sure this is not your first attempted to lose weight.

    I think it's one thing to try losing weight several times, and another to complain about it.

    I don't agree with the way it was brought across by OP, but I am very allergic to Negative Nancy's. I don't mind (and trust me, I understand, been there!!) that people fall off the wagon and have off days, but to come and complain about it constantly... Meh.