Cheat Days



  • Direnscure
    Last night I almost had a cheat meal. There was three slices of leftover ham and pineapple pizza in the kitchen...I would of loved to have those slices of pizza. However, my dad asked me if I was going to fix myself something to eat like I usually do, because he was hungry (I assumed he was actually asking if I was going to eat the leftoever pizza. I told him that I was, that he could have the rest of the pizza.

    Anyway, took it as a sign lol. Fixed myself some awesome mixed veggies and stir fry peppers/onions. I "will" resist cheating...just remember you don't "need" that slice of pizza, that ice cream, or that burger.
  • aikasm
    aikasm Posts: 63
    i have one cheat day a week, i eat at a deficit on all the rest of the days so that when i go over on cheat day it balances out and i don't gain weight
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I don't have a cheat, if I want something I have it...... if I don't have the cals I workout so I can. for me this is a lifestyle not a diet


    The only cheat days I partake in are those in hotel rooms with loose women and cheap liquor.
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    i cheat once a week. i do not binge, but simply go out and eat whatever i feel like having..stuff which i normally would not fit into my macros. donuts, cheesecake, pizza, whatever i feel like. it helps me maintain my sanity and helps me to stick to my diet.
    i do it every week, and i have never gained weight and i have always felt great. i enjoy my cheat days to the fullest and so far it has benefited me greatly with my healthy lifestyle of eating a well balanced diet and training 6 days a week.
  • rheinrich17
    rheinrich17 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't call it a cheat day, but I am more lax about what I eat on the weekends.However, I also generally exercise more on those days as well. I'm losing weight steadily. As several other people commented, I look at this as a lifestyle change and not a "diet". I'm not willing to cut items like ice cream, chocolate, etc. out of my life forever, so I make sure that I make up for those extra calories in other ways.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I do cheat days, but once or twice a month. I normally time them to fit in with social events, birthdays, Christmas etc. I eat whatever I want and have no problems returning to normal the next day, and never feel guilty. I have found that as time goes by I eat less on these days, and I no longer want / crave certain foods, i.e. pizza.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    Cheat days keep me going strong the rest of the week. If I go too overboard, sometimes I'll go 10 days in a row after eating healthy. Usually I drink on my cheat days, and eat sweets. If you starve yourself from something you love, it's all you think about. Well, I do anyway. Good for metabolism too, re-boots it
  • audra0831
    audra0831 Posts: 244
    I don't necessarily have a cheat day, but Tuesday is my "splurge day." I have a treat on that day, maybe something I've been craving, but I just work the rest of my day around it. :smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    No cheat day here. I would feel guilty too and frankly like I'm wasting my time the rest of the week! But I don't need one either, I just eat what I want to during the week and fit it within my calories (to some limits, obviously).

    Plus this way I have extra motivation not to have fried food or too much rich food - I'd get sick. I'm not even craving it anymore (I have a little bit of ice cream pretty much every day though).
  • puffystuff
    Does anyone on here have a" cheat day" one day out of the week?? I tried this today and have not weighed myself yet. I kind of felt guilty after I ate the foods tho. I guess my real question is does anyone practice a cheat day and still manage to lose weight on their weigh in day??

    I think it's important to have some sort of cheat. Whether it be a day, just one meal, or a snack. As long as you are being honest w/ logging it and as long as it doesn't lead to bad food behavior. I have noticed that sometimes when I cheat I get the urge to say forget it and eat whatever so I have to keep those reigns held tight or I'll go a little nuts.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I have a "free" day once a week. I eat anywhere from 4500-6000 calories on those days.

    Ticker speaks for itself, really.
  • MrsKTillman
    I dont do cheet days, because this isnt a DIET.. its a lifestyle change. If i want something i have it in moderation and balance the calories.
  • dont_give_up
    dont_give_up Posts: 312 Member
    I have cheat days just about every week and I try not to use the same day. All my cheat days are different. Some days I will eat just a candy bar, which I normally don't do, and other days I will have a cheat meal. There have been days where I eat ice cream for dessert or a snack, even if it's one of my normal days. I also measure my foods on cheat days and I always keep track of what I eat, rather it's a cheat day or not.
    I have lost on weigh in day, and some I have managed to maintain. Sometimes depending on what I ate for my cheat day, I do feel guilty, and other times I don't. We're not perfect, and we are going to mess up once in a while.
  • lovelyr06
    I have a "cheat meal" once a week. I try to shoot for wednesdays! I could really screw up my weight loss if i gave myself a whole day to eat whatever i wanted.
  • sweatydebs416
    I usually have a cheat meal once per week. Sundays are "bagel sunday", so I enjoy a heavy carb filled breakfast and am so worried all day that I am going to gain weight, but it's been the opposite! usually the day after my cheat meal I actually have a loss in weight, so I feel that having a cheat meal is a good thing for your body
  • SolanumSunrise
    SolanumSunrise Posts: 244 Member
    I don't have any planned cheat days. I try to budget in all the foods I can't live without so I don't feel the need to have a cheat day. But every now and then I'll find myself out with friends on an unplanned outing, and without having budgeted for eating out I inevitably go over. This happens maybe twice a month, and I haven't found that it has slowed down my progress enough for me to notice. I will often try to do a little extra cardio that week to make up for the extra calories, but I don't stress over it.
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    I believe that "dieting" should be more of a lifestyle change rather than a short period of time that you attempt to eat healthy.

    In this case, I do not count when I splurge as cheating, but I do try my best to still monitor what I am eating. You can eat regular food and still be healthy. It is all about portions and knowing when you are able to "splurge" as I call it.

    I have to monitor the amount of fat in my diet, so on days that I want to eat something that is higher in fat I will order a salad with my dinner or perhaps have something light for lunch. This method can also be applied to those whom are tracking their caloric intake, which is a goal of mine.

    I generally ask myself "should I eat this" or "will I regret eating this later"? If I cannot honestly answer yes, then I do not eat it.

    Everyone's diet is different but my guilty pleasures include the following: brownies, funyons, french fries, dr. pepper, cheesecake, and brownies.

    I rarely eat these foods but when I do I am sure to log them in my diary. Also, keep in mind that you can substitute your favorite things for healthier options. For example, I purchase the fiber one brownies instead of eating the regular kind and I eat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream.
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I have an occasional cheat meal. But, I try to keep mostly within my TDEE. And I don't go crazy- I'll split a dessert and have a glass of wine or I'll have a dozen tortilla chips with queso dip. But, I try to make mostly smart food choices and keep the portion size down on the "cheat" items
  • Ranna51
    Ranna51 Posts: 24
    I don't have a cheat, if I want something I have it...... if I don't have the cals I workout so I can. for me this is a lifestyle not a diet


    The only cheat days I partake in are those in hotel rooms with loose women and cheap liquor.

    Don't forget the cigarettes- :smile:
  • kelseyeve
    I don't plan for "cheat days", but I find that about once a week I have a day where I feel more hungry than usual, so I eat more than my allowed calories on those days. I feel like if my body is trying to tell me something, I should listen to it! I have been steadily losing weight as well.