help just can't stick with it! keep failing



  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    Ah man. Are you me? I just went through this this week. I let myself indulge one time and it just got out of control after that. I was dieting perfectly for about a week. Then I figured okay, I'll let myself eat something good for once. Then I'll do it and have this feeling that "ahhh **** I ****ed up my diet anyway. May as well eat whatever I want today and start fresh tomorrow. I'll do better tomorrow!" Then tomorrow came and there's always something. Always. It's like the logic part of my brain is turned off. I ate too much yesterday. I felt so bad by the end of the day I was like "I screwed up. Bad. I should fast for the next few days to make up for it". Then today came and I realized I couldn't fast.

    It just leaves you feeling sad and losing hope. I'm starting to make videos of myself talking abouty screw ups and whatnot to hold myself to accountability a little bit better. I can't keep doing this. You really need to understand the rules of your diet and consider them set in stone. No justifying. No wiggle room. Nothing. Just follow the diet and if you're hungry the rest of the day, then tough. The diet is the diet. It would help if before I went out and got Burger King I reminded myself how big of a deal that drive to that fast food place is. If I was able to stop and say "this one meal will feel good for 20 minutes. Then, I'll feel nothing but regret. ". I'm not letting myself screw up anymore. I just can't. I could've been my goal weight a long time ago and I'm getting fed up with myself putting it off
  • jennymogirl
    jennymogirl Posts: 8 Member
    I do need to drink water will try that :-)
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    Just keep with it!! At least you say you are starting off great. That's a lot better than some people can say. Give yourself some credit
  • dgrei320
    dgrei320 Posts: 66
    i used to do that ALL the time. i would start the day perfectly healthy and then be jacked up by the end of the night. my advice is to schedule in a cheat day. i tell myself i will eat healthy for 7 days and then have a cheat day. it really helps knowing i can have some of the not so healthy stuff i like if i eat for 7 days straight the best i can.:)