How much do you 5 4 girls eat?



  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    5'2", 19 to 20% body fat. 99.5 pounds today. I'm guessing because I go by the scale and don't strictly count calories. To maintain, 1200 to 1600 on average. To lose, an average of 1150.
  • wafflemeister14
    wafflemeister14 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5' 5" 115 lbs and I try to eat 1200 plus exercise, I'm about 20% body fat, but I play softball competitively so I'm trying to lower that amount. I have had eating disorders in the past so I find it mentally and physically difficult to even eat 1200 calories, but I try my hardest!
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 5'4" and weight 198. I usually hit 1400-1500, I try to eat exercise calories back but don't always seem to be able to!
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    5'3 and average about 1800-2100 per day, love it since I'm never hungry. Workout 4-5 days a week (cardo & wt lifting). Losing about .5-2 lbs per week. Slow but pretty regular weight loss, I'm happy so far. :happy:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    That's awesome! I'm not so afraid of the calories anymore. Thank you all!
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    i eat around 1900-1950cals per day. actually i don't track anymore but it's somewhere there. i mostly listen to my body...when i work out extra hard or long, my body is hungrier so i eat a bit more.
  • rmtuesley
    rmtuesley Posts: 39 Member
    5'3, eat between 1800 and 2000 depending on workouts for the week. Usually 5 or 6 workouts a week with some yoga thrown in. I lose between .5 and 1 pound a week and am only about 10 pounds away from being in a a "normal" weight range. I didn't lose any faster when I was eating 1200 a day. Actually it was probably slower, and then I stalled....... Much happier now.