medical marijuana for weight loss



    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    that sounds counter intuitive since all I have ever heard about marijuana is that it gives you the munchies.


    Does he know MUNCHIES???
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yea, pretty sure that's bogus

    I've got a cousin with a card for "headaches." Turns out, he's actually just a pothead. :smokin:

    Yes, therefore the whole idiocy of "Medical Marijuana". A pothead is a pothead and marinol is the component of pot that is an appetite stimulant so weight loss is only possible if you smoke so much you forget where the fridge is....
  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    It was medical marijuana that led me into this weight predicament! I have a script (in Canada) for my fibromyalgia but relied too heavily on pot to deal with my symptoms rather than exercise and dietary changes. I still smoke pot but it's in smaller amounts and only right before bed so that I can sleep without taking narcotics and other, more destructive drugs.
  • Hetailin
    Hetailin Posts: 27
    DONT GIVE IN TO MUNCHIES!! haha~ marijuana itself is not known to cause weight gain. Everyone has different reactions, but munchies are typical for most strains of weed.
    Random note- vote to legalize medical marijuana in your state!<3 Get involved in the political process! It's a crime that the government denies its citizens access to a life-saving plant.
  • Fish_Fuzz
    Fish_Fuzz Posts: 90 Member
    Marijuana is like weight loss for dummies. You want to see results you need crystal meth at a minimum!
  • gabbylab
    gabbylab Posts: 146
    Just FWI medical marijuana is NOTHING like street marijuana.

    ^^This, I uhm, yah, tried some not to long ago. Nothing like what I remembered from years ago when a package of Oreos was a gift from the gods.
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    It never made my hungry. I was tiny when I was a pothead.
  • TeresaAlice1968
    TeresaAlice1968 Posts: 12 Member
    No absolutly not ! It not only makes you munch but also causes you to be less active.That is not true !:smokin:
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    7 grams of pot = 800 grams of brownies ;)
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi there.

    i smoke weed daily. (only at night)
    last year and the previous years i was smoking every chance i got. morning, night, lunch break etc.
    i hardly ate. i use to munch out all the time, but towards the end i never ate.
    i lost 20 kgs in 4 months smoking (i was also on riddilan for adhd) i use to be quite over weight, then i got too skinny.

    i went on holidays for 8 days in December last year, i was at a good weight. i stopped for a about a month. then picked it up peice by peice now i smoke only joints at night (about 3 a night) i use to smoke bongs not joints.

    i never cared about weight gain because it never happened so i ate really really badly.
    earlier this year when i started smoking again the munchies were intence. and all my life ive been a cafe worker now im a travel agent and have an office job so dont move around much. i noticed i was getting a bit bigger and wasnt impressed.

    now i usually exceed my calories everyday. but i munch on health food, and excersise in the mornings.

    i dont know if ive lost weight, but certainly havent gained any.

    alot of overweight people i no have lost a crap load of weight on the stuff, but i think its more once you have smoked for a while you stop eating as much (especially when your not high) and once your high you get hungry but no where near as intense.

    i lost weight while i was away. but thats because i couldnt eat much.. as the weeks went by i started eating normally again.

    now i am eating like everyone else, but when i smoke at night the munhies are intense hahaha.

    hope this helps!
  • gabbylab
    gabbylab Posts: 146

    Results of a study found it had more to do with controlling insulin levels.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i hear crack has the same affect...
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    one of my friends in the states just got a medical marijuana card to assist with weight loss. I didn't know it can help you loose weight. anyone know about this?


    To help prevent weight loss, surely? MM is generally prescribed to patients who need to increase their appetite.
  • Thedij
    Thedij Posts: 29 Member
    I'm game to participate in a focus group to pilot the theory :)
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    crack kills, and is discusting.
    weed is natural, and believe it or not DOES help some people.
    everyone is different.
    but you cant compare crack to weed. thats just stupid
    i hear crack has the same affect...
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    When i smoke.. i get really really lazy and I eat lots of dry lucky charms and star crunch. I don't see how one could possibly lose weight using marijuana. The end.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I've heard of medical marijuana being used to treat people with a loss of appetite. I have never heard it being used for weight loss.

    To me, that sounds like prescribing alcohol to treat a loss of motor skills!
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Doubt it, heh, based on past experience I wouldn't chance it :wink:
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    Hmmm, maybe you just stop caring that you're overweight?

    Sure as heck can't see it helping LOL

    ^^^ think same too...!!!
  • sj_1970
    sj_1970 Posts: 38
    On some people marijuana has the opposite effect of sitting on the couch and eating a bag of Doritos while drooling on themselves, I don't do it now but when I was very young it actually made me hyperactive. I asked one of my college professors about this and she said that in some people usually ones with ADD it does that. I don't have ADD (that I know of) I think it would depend on the person and their bodies reaction to it.
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