Any ladies managed to get to 18-20% BF? What did you do?

Hi guys!

So I've been on here for quite awhile now and have reached the size I'd like to be at (wearing a 4-6, down from a 10-12 over about 16 months), but am still struggling to bring my body fat percentage down. Since the beginning of January, I've managed to inch down from 23.1% to 21.8%, but obviously things are going super slowly and I'd love to see a little more progress. At this point, I weight lift 3x weekly, walk a lot (NYC lifestyle) and do a little extra cardio but not much, and aim to net 1600 calories per day (My inactive TDEE would be around 1800). Every fifth week or so I go back to eating at or slightly above maintenance and mix up my exercise routine so that I don't get into a rut. I try to get around 100-120g of protein a day, but otherwise don't pay super close attention to my other macros.

So, have any other women on here managed to get their body fat percentage down to 18-20% (I think that's around where I'll need to be to look the way I'd like to)? How did you do it? Any tips? To be clear, I'm not looking to actively add much more in the way of muscle, just maintain what I've got. It's really about trimming down the few pounds of excess body fat at this point.


**Edited to add: Don't look at my diet for the past week if you're checking my diary, go earlier! I was on vacation and didn't really track or work out. Also, I'm gluten intolerant, if that makes any difference?**


  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Bump, I'd like to know.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Sounds to me like you are doing extremely well! Bumping to hear more inspiring stories:)
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I lose when I increase my weights.... cardio does nothing for my fat it seems, just healps my heart health and endurance... heavier weights burns my fat
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I want to keep track of this topic.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    I lose when I increase my weights.... cardio does nothing for my fat it seems, just healps my heart health and endurance... heavier weights burns my fat

    So do you do high weight low rep? I currently do most of my exercises at 3 sets of 10, do you do 5x5s or something similar?
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I found since I've reached 23% that it's become harder and harder to lose fat. Lift heavy, do your cardio thing (look into HIIT vs steady state cardio). Keep measuring and remember that it's possible to decrease body fat even if your waist/hip measurements aren't budging.

    And unfortunately, I think you will need to add more muscle to lower your BF%...
  • nadz6012
    nadz6012 Posts: 126 Member
    Have you thought about maybe lowering your carbs a bit? I know a lot of body builders use carb cycling, I'm just not sure if it's for bulking, cutting or both :/
  • calisunrise
    calisunrise Posts: 307
    i believe i'm around 20 BF%, but i don't think my body composition is what you are interested in
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    i believe i'm around 20 BF%, but i don't think my body composition is what you are interested in

    19%, but I also don't think you're interested in it.
  • britkip
    britkip Posts: 49
    I'm at 16% BF I was never really watching what I was doing or trying to get to a certain percentage. But I do work out two times a day a hour each and I do a lot of running 8-10 miles a day. I eat a very high fiber and protein diet over 50 grams each a day. I don't drink anything but water and unsweetened tea and I eat extremely healthy. (I do have cheat days though) I think your doing great so far just keep up what your doing maybe lift a little more and just see where that takes you. GOOD LUCK!!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Are you doing full body 3x/week? If not, then you need to lift more often. Your protein is also way too low and carbs too high. I am 5'9" and 145lbs. with 19% BF (per Dexa scan in January, although I am almost certain I have lost a bit more since then). I eat ~200g of protein per day and 100-150g of carbs. My diet is clean about 90% of the time. Feel free to check out my diary.
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    18% here. Want more like 17.5...
    I just went the 1200 calorie route. Dropped a few pounds in a couple weeks. Nothing lost this week..but we'll see how it goes.

    EDIT: Crap, was confusing body fat and BMI. Nevermind xD
  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    I'm just under 19% right now.

    I lift 3x per week, run long distance 2x and do circuits 1x. You seem to be on the right track, but now that you've made it to goal weight/size - its all about diet now!!! You really need to keep that protein up over 120g (1g per lean body mass) and keep the carbs low. Not say low carb diet - you have to find *YOUR* perfect balance. For me, personally, to keep my BF low and have my abs/muscles pop I need to have at least 120+g protein, 150g or less carbs, 2200mg or less sodium and LOTS of water - all while eating 1600-1900 cal per day.

    Keep up the lifting, try changing up your lifting routine and lift a little heavier (not too heavy to try and get 8-12 reps 3x). Cardio is great too - I have bigger legs anyway, so the cardio helps keep them trimmed down while the squats and lunges help increase definition.

    you're on the right track...... but its a marathon now....not a sprint!! Keep up the great work - you'll see results!!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I was at a stand still for a bit so I started heavily watching my carbs and only really getting them from fruits and veggies. I stay away from breads and pastas, wheat, grain all that goodness. I do splurge once in a while and have something ridiculous just to do it and get that "OMG this is good" feeling.

    Once I started watching my carbs I dropped BF% and my body started changing. I'm pry close to 21% right now but going for 17% I have to remeasure really soon!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I think her protein intake is fine.. nothing wrong with high carb intake as long as the carbs are complex ones (perhaps the ones from vegetables sources, etc). Personally, I cannot workout without having had a medium-carb meal beforehand. Without it or lowering my carbs under 150g a day, I have no fuel for my workouts and just feel lethargic.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    FYI for those looking at my diary - don't look at this week please! Look at anything before that. I took this week off and didn't track very accurately and wasn't lifting (vacation)

    Thanks for the tips guys. This is all very helpful!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    22.5% here - would love to get down to 20%

    I don't really lift - I don't enjoy it as much as spinning or cycling and I don't eat enough protein. I guess I can't complain about my body composition until I start doing both of those things....
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I ate at a fairly moderate deficit (aimed for 1/2 a pound a week), busted my *kitten* at boxing, and ran for fun. And had patience... as in 12 months of it.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Have you thought about maybe lowering your carbs a bit? I know a lot of body builders use carb cycling, I'm just not sure if it's for bulking, cutting or both :/

    it could be for either but from a scientific standpoint there is no metabolic advantage or fat loss advantage to this strategy.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I did heaps of cardio, some high rep, low weight work...and ate at a very small deficit. I wouldn't go about it that way now but it did work FOR ME.