Any ladies managed to get to 18-20% BF? What did you do?



  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    "You could try doing a round of Lyle McDonald's RFL diet .... you'll probably be miserable given how rough the eating requirements are but a lot of ppl vouch for it."

    A similar plan would be his Ultimate Diet 2.0 (UD2). I am noodling on whether or not to try it, but am not sure I am willing to be in a bad mood for 12 weeks.
  • kbauman09
    kbauman09 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 45 years old, 5'7", and about 150 lbs. I'm at 19.6% body fat right now (got it checked in the bod pod). I do pretty intense bootcamp-style workouts (with heavy lifting) 3x a week and run/spin class the other days. I also work with a nutritionist who monitors my numbers here on MFP and helps me tweak the numbers. If I can do it, anyone can! I started this process about 1 1/2 years ago (and weighed 190). It took a ton of hard work and time, but it can be done!
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    I want to keep track of this topic.

    Me too!! :bigsmile:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm a new Rules girl, strength training got me from 32% to 21%. I just keep going and a little more comes off each month. It's a whole lot slower now that I'm hitting the 20% mark. I hear that getting below the 20% would require some serious diet manipulation, not sure I want to do that lol.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    Bumping to follow...I have the same problem, 5'4, 129 lbs, size 4/6, and BF% is upper 20's. :(
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Heavy lifting, proper eating and some cardio. I dropped to my lowest % when I was lifting more with little cardio. Some are saying cardio, cardio, cardio blah blah blah but hours upon hours of cardio isn't always a good thing. Yea you might have a low body fat %. Congrats! But if you have a low number of lean muscle mass with it there's no point.
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    18% here. Want more like 17.5...
    I just went the 1200 calorie route. Dropped a few pounds in a couple weeks. Nothing lost this week..but we'll see how it goes.

    EDIT: Crap, was confusing body fat and BMI. Nevermind xD

    You want to be underweight?

    I suppose that's how it's classified, but I know I eat healthy and I doubt it would hurt much at all. I'm already slightly underweight and I feel better than ever. I don't have much further to go at all, and I know I'll be fine. That aside, I surely don't look underweight. I guess it's not so much that I want to lose more weight but more that I want to get rid of this annoying fat that refuses to leave my hips and thighs. I'm not sure if I'd even be able to reach my goal weight without getting rather thin, given how thick my legs are.
  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Heavy lifting, proper eating and some cardio. I dropped to my lowest % when I was lifting more with little cardio. Some are saying cardio, cardio, cardio blah blah blah but hours upon hours of cardio isn't always a good thing. Yea you might have a low body fat %. Congrats! But if you have a low number of lean muscle mass with it there's no point.

    This, exactly.

    If you want to lower your BF% lifting heavy will give you the best results.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I got there last year through cycling and walking on a daily basis with a rest day once a week. Threw in some running, rowing and elliptical too, but cycling was my main as I love it. I ate a pretty carb heavy Pescetarian diet too. With winter and bad weather, I switched to strength training, running, elliptical and boxfit and am still struggling to get my bodyfat back down after a major period of binge eating late last year. However, I can see my abs and muscle in my shoulders and arms, from lifting high reps, 5kg dumbbells and doing about 40-60 minutes of interval training cardio most days.
  • amiaow
    amiaow Posts: 35 Member
    I have low BF%. To get there from normal body fat/undermuscled starting point, I spent 7 months eating at maintenance or slightly above while lifting heavy to build muscle and during this time I also cut a fair amount of body fat without really trying. When I was happy with the amount of muscle I'd gained I then cut 15-20% of TDEE (I aim for 20% but usually make between 15 and 20%) and dieted for 7 weeks and was done. My TDEE is around 2500.

    I've done various programs but for most of this year I've been doing 4x/week as 2 rounds of push/pull split. Heavy, no cardio and have fairly active weekends at home.

    It really was that simple, but IMO to look good at low body fat you need to build muscle first.
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    replying to have this topic for later, very helpful tips here. also looking to cut bf% particularly around my stomach area.
  • OmegaAlpha007
    OmegaAlpha007 Posts: 70 Member
    Stop running Start walking :) that's about it, I personally follow the Kris Gething plan say whatever you want but that's what I follow
  • leotardbanshee
    leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
    screw dairy and any alcohol hahahaha. I have gotten down to 21% and that's as far as I've gotten, my problem is lack of strength training and working out because of my surgery :/
  • 17forbes
    17forbes Posts: 33 Member
    Bump, I'd like to know.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    replying to have this topic for later, very helpful tips here. also looking to cut bf% particularly around my stomach area.

    Sorry, but you can't spot reduce a particular area. Reducing body fat is an overall effect.
  • travellingmama
    travellingmama Posts: 17 Member
    Bumping to read later.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I am right around 18%. Took a LONG time to get here. I do pretty heavy lifting for a woman (I, and I will continue to increase. I do low rep, medium rep and high rep (3 sets total) with decreasing weight. For example, I do 5 shoulder presses with 35 lb dumbbells, 10 shoulder presses with 30 lbs dumbbells then 15 shoulder presses with 25 lbs dumbbells. My boyfriend is quite buff, so he makes me 12 week routines based on what builds muscle the most for him.

    I believe I saw you say you are eating around 50 grams of protein a day. My gym suggest 1 gram per pound for those who lift routinely and heavily. I eat a protein bar for snack mid-day, I have a protein shake after working out always, and I eat 6 oz (or more sometimes) of chicken for lunch and then again for dinner. Building muscle is quite slow for women compared to men, but the more muscle you put on replacing the fat.....well...the more fat you will lose. Eat tons of protein, a moderate amount of carbs and keep lifting...and move your weights up as you can.

    I'm aiming for around 15%. Good luck!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I've loved reading this! BUMP
  • Myfitself101
    Myfitself101 Posts: 25 Member
    Great post, has inspired me to look at my weight loss differently!
  • LibbyCaramia
    LibbyCaramia Posts: 69 Member
    Very interesting thread! Definitely following this :)
  • mumx5
    mumx5 Posts: 325 Member
    bump :)
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • kar1ey
    kar1ey Posts: 17 Member
    do the do the bumpty bump
  • Donna36232399
    Donna36232399 Posts: 10 Member
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member