Losing 22lbs in 2 months?



  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    It is possible (I've lost 21.2 pounds in 50 days), but it isn't easy and may not be even do-able for you. I started a boot camp style workout and tracking my calories 50 days ago. I went from eating horribly and making terrible food choices (not to mention being virtually completely sedentary) to working out 4-6 days a week (at least 4 at boot camp), making good food choices and tracking everything. I just hit 21.2 pounds this morning, and I will likely get past 22 by 60 days.

    However, if you have less to lose than me, it will come off more slowly. I was very overweight and made dramatic changes that led to that early success. I fully expect my weight loss to slow down over the next 15-20 pounds, but I started out with almost 80 to lose. If your end goal is 160, you will probably get much more quickly to a point where you are losing a pound or half pound per week (which is healthy and nothing to sneeze at!).

    Make sure you are eating enough calories, get in some good cardio and strength training workouts, drink plenty of water and sleep. Even if you don't reach your goal, you will be closer by the end of two months AND you will be healthier. Maybe if you want to shake up your routine, try some kind of workout class that you haven't done before. Sometimes a change in what you are doing will boost your loss for a bit.

    Best of luck.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    Oh, and one last thing, avoid sugar at all cost. Sugar and simple carbs will spike your glucose/insulin levels and most likely convert the glucose into fat if you don't burn it. So stay away from sugar while on your journey.

    Please ignore the no sugar recommendation. Sugar will not turn into fat if calories in do not exceed calories out. Many of us eat 100g+ of sugar a day (natural and non natural sources) and still lose weight. Fruits and veggies provide you with value macro and micro nutrients that improve health. And fiber is needed in a diet. Also, there is NO reason to avoid carbs unless you have an insulin intolerance. You can limit carbs if you want short term weight loss as less carbs means you will store less water but in the end, to lose a pound of fat, you need to eat 3500 calories less than you burn and it doesn't matter from with macro nutrient it comes from. Also, be aware of under eating as your RMR will adapt and you will burn less calories. Also, under eating leads to muscle loss, which means a slower metabolism, a weaker body and more likely a flabbier body. Your goal shouldn't be just to lose weight, it should to be maximize fat loss and minimize muscle loss.

    While the below example is more extreme, there are hundreds of people on this board that can demonstrate that weighing more doesn't mean being more fat. Don't be short sited on your weight goals, figure out your true goals. If you want to look good naked, then having more muscle will get you there faster. Why lose 20 lbs if you can get better results by only losing 10 lbs. Nothing is worse than hitting a weight that you thought you would look good in, only to realize you lost too much muscle and now have to go through several bulk/cut cycles.
