Proper Gym Etiquette



  • NathanFronk
    NathanFronk Posts: 137 Member
    Don't hog multiple racks/machines to do your Crossfit routine while the gym is packed.

    This drives me nuts! Ill see this guy all the time with various weights and hell be running around the room doing headstand pushups, go do a set, then be gone someplace else.. and of course you cant go use his stuff bc all the weight is still sitting there. Ugh.

    I agree, ugh.

    I disagree. I do crossfit routines in my gym and when I finish using a piece of equipment I move my water and towel away from that machine while I go do my next exercise. If when I come back there is someone on it I totally am okay with that. I would never get upset for someone using an open piece of equipment. I hope people don't not use things because they think someone will be back. If you are in a routine you can always skip ahead, back, or do something else that is similar somewhere else.

    Don't be a jerk if you do crossfit in the gym. Also do not assume that if we are doing crossfit in the gym, that we're jerks.
  • PAWeissenstein
    PAWeissenstein Posts: 37 Member
    In response to Don't ever go to a Planet Fitness. Holy love of Jesus. I don't even know where to start....."

    I disagree.However if you are going to go to a Planet Fitness then talk to some of the staff members first and find out when the quietest or best times are to go work out there for your needs. My local Planet Fitness opens early Monday morning and is open through Friday evening. Saturday/Sunday hours are 7 am to 7 pm. Late night or early morning is the best time to go and it truly is a "no judgement zone." If someone is hogging something especially during the busier times then staff will talk to them. Obviously there are going to be a lot of newbies at a place like this but that's not an issue. You don't have to join a place like that. You can also go to a place like RetroFitness where you can sweat, fart and grunt all you want. Then there are the "check 'em out/meat market clubs" mostly located in larger cities and at spa locations. Well - fine if you are going to join a place like that because your eyes need the exercise - I don't have an issue with that either. And of course let's not forget the small independently owned places - some of which provide a level of service you won't find elsewhere. Begins to sound like a large grocery store doesn't it? So my advice is this: first shop around. Most gyms will give you a guest pass or two so that you can see how it is to actually work out there. They may also give you a two week discounted rate for the same reason if you talk to the manager and are up front about what your needs and wants in a gym are. They may also let you come in and observe what is going on while you make a decision on whether or not you wish to join and talk to you about it. After all - they want you to be a happy member if you join their gym. There are very few areas where there is only one gym - so you do have a choice. Find one that suits your own style and don't expect to walk in to one and change everything there. If sweat on the equipment bothers you (as it should) then find out what the gym policy is and if it is indeed enforced. (Again - talk to a manager - not the minimum wage person who is talking with a friend on Facebook while working.) If it is supposed to be enforced and isn't then make a complaint. If nothing happens then you have a couple of choices: 1. join another gym. 2. talk to the offending member directly and if they tell you where to go then make your complaint. 3. If after doing that you are told where to go by staff call the local health department. Many places put signs up because the local or state health department requires it not because they intend to enforce it. 4. Finally yes - it is OK to be a troublemaker if you get nowhere with the above. Contact your local newspaper with a story idea about getting in shape. The pitch is that of online apps such as MFP (come on - get them some free press too) along with local workout places and personal trainers who might come to your home. Next touch upon the whole cleanliness issue etc. and be sure to mention the place/places where you have had constant problems. Finally remember - you don't need to work out at a place which looks like Felix Unger slept there but if you need an Oscar Madison style level of cleanliness then do yourself and everyone else a favor and buy your own equipment and work out at home! Trust me - I believe that everyone should be cleaning up after themselves - but I realize that many places don't enforce that and that many people have a sense of self-entitlement and therefore they won't do it. So bring your own disinfectant wipes and wipe it down yourself. And if a person is hogging too much stuff or "claims" a station as their own with a towel then (after checking out the gym's policy) pick up their garbage with a disinfectant wipe and put it on top of a trash can where it belongs. If they complain to you that "hey I was using that" you can always tell them - "nope you weren't - you were trying to hog it and we all have to work out and share." Oddly enough it is not usually the muscleheads who are doing this but people who just don't think. Stand up to them and they will usually back down. OK - I'm done with my rant.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Wipe your sweat even if you think you didn't sweat.

    Don't "reserve" a machine by leaving your towel or water bottle then walking away for more than 5 minutes. This isn't your personal gym.

    Don't "reserve" a cardio machine by leaving the TV set attached to it on. I can't tell if someone is still using it or just forgot to turn off the TV when they were done.

    People hogging the machines for a long time just sitting there and staring off into space. The other day at the gym I had to wait nearly 30 minutes for this one guy and his gf to get off the leg press machine. First, he'd do 1 set, get off then she'd sit there chatting with him but not using the machine. Then she'd do 1 set and get off. He'd get on, they would chat again. This went on for so long.

    Don't stare at women using the inner/outer thigh machine.

    Don't workout next to someone if you really don't need to!!!!!! Drives me crazy!!!!!
    Example of last week!


    (Me). (The girl who decided to use the one next to me). (Empty) .(Empty).(Empty).(Empty). (Man)

    Crazy people! Use the Space!

    This bugs me too. There will be like 10 other cardio machines available exactly like the one I'm using, but someone inevitably avoid all those and comes next to the one I'm on. There's nothing special about the machine next to me. It's like all the other treadmills there. Maybe I have a huge circle for personal space, but I prefer if they use another machine instead.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    If there's room, leave a courtesy machine between me and you. Just like in public restrooms. If there's a WHOLE ROW of stalls...don't get in the one next to me. It's weird.

    Don't hit on the chicks who are taking their workout seriously.

    Do NOT do two workouts on TWO separate weight machines at once and refuse other people the right to work in, especially when you're having a conversation between sets. You're a jerk. O:)

    ETA: Not re-racking a BUNCH of plates. One 45, okay. A 25, okay. BUT 10 45's ON THE LEG PRESS. I wanted to scream. Esp since that's the LAST exercise for me on shoulder/legs day. o.O
  • AAB100267
    AAB100267 Posts: 10 Member
    I guess I have the best gym... the only issue I have w/ mine is that they seem to be out of paper towels all the time.... there are 4 paper towel stations and usually at least 2 are empty.

    People always wipe the machines down, and I never have to wait for a piece of equipment (there are over 450 pieces of workout equipment at my gym). The managers are very personable and friendly, the trainers are fabulous, and the place is always clean. I have a personal trainer there and I love it.

    If they could just fix that darn paper towel issue, it would be perfect!! :0)
  • cmaguire305
    cmaguire305 Posts: 34 Member
    Do NOT squat in the curl rack!!! Or whatever. There are several racks at my gym and I don't know which ones are for squatting, curling, talking on the phone, resting spot for gym bag, admiring yourself in the mirror, or creeping on women. But they all seem to be interchangeably used for all of the above mentioned activities.

    But seriously, I'll put up with a lot of **** at the gym because I just want to get in and do what I gotta do and leave. But for ****s sake, don't stink please. Smelling like sweat, fine. Smelling like perfume, cologne, or body odor just blows. Can't tell you how many workouts were cut short because someone near me stunk. Just a little extra deodorant is all you need. Maybe if everyone in this forum would tell two people, and they told two people.... Oh, and who the hell puts their jackets on the floor when they workout? Seriously, it's a tripping hazard and the floors are freaking gross.. at any gym. Who raised these people?
  • Dozer91
    Dozer91 Posts: 40 Member
    My biggest peeve... I am running on the treadmill in an empty row at the gym. (I come in the middle of the day) and someone takes the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME! Then gawks at the numbers and setting on the treadmill. Maybe I have personal space issues but I like to enforce the every other rule. Get off my **** dude!
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member

    Aghhhh it pisses me off. Don't do your pathetic 'shrugs' right in front of the rack, 6 inches from the mirror. If you can't lift the dumbbell back 6 feet to a bench, it's probably a tad too heavy for you.

    Or if someone is doing a set and looking at themselves in the mirror for motivation, vanity, whatever reason...DONT stand right in front of that line of sight and do your set. Step aside. Not that hard.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Please wipe off the machine, even if you don't think you sweat.

    Wipe your sweat even if you think you didn't sweat.

    To those who "don't sweat"... Yes, you do.

    If you can't act like an adult and wipe off the machine, please get your exercise at the barnyard from whence you came.