Guys ALWAYS say "confidence matters" LOL.


JUST SAYING... its been my experience that guys can say that confidence is the number one attraction they have for us ladies (and I'm not saying its not important) but I have learned over time that when it all boils down to it, the girls gotta be hot to them or he ain't gonna be feelin' it. Sometimes no amount of confidence will make up for his not being attracted. Which is really totally fine.

So you know, theoretically, I can be as confident in my own skin as Kesha decked out in a tub full of glitter but if the guy isn't attracted to me, it ain't gonna matter. Not that I'd personally give a tiny rats behind (edited for MFP purposes) if he thought I was hot or not, I'm just saying a theoretical lack of confidence wouldn't be an important factor. So for guys that say, "well she just needs to be confident" or some other lame excuse, they can stuff it. Lol. If its cuz you don't think she's hot, then say so. Lets not hide behind, "Oh confidence is what she was lacking...." But perhaps not many women are like me and would want to hear that.

Thoughts? Just been pondering on this for a bit.


  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I prefer cash
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Confidence, or lack there of, irrelevant if you do not find them attractive. (Almost always.)
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member
    I prefer cash

  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Cute face...
  • slim133lbs
    :tongue: whatever..
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Girls say the same thing. I just want someone who treats me nice. Bologna haha...
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Girls say the same thing. I just want someone who treats me nice. Bologna haha...

    Treating somebody nice isn't a quality. Its a requirement. Like breathing. You are not a super hero with breathing power. You are an average person doing what every alive human being should be doing. Breathing. So is being nice. You SHOULD be nice.

    You know what I think is Bologna? The fact that kids nowadays think that if you start acting nice, some girl will magically come and sit in your lap. Men don't even bother asking her out. They just expects things for being nice. And when you do this to a friend and she calls you her friend and not your boyfriend you say you're "friendzoned" when in reality.. you never even made a move or asked her out.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Girls say the same thing. I just want someone who treats me nice. Bologna haha...

    Treating somebody nice isn't a quality. Its a requirement. Like breathing. You are not a super hero with breathing power. You are an average person doing what every alive human being should be doing. Breathing. So is being nice. You SHOULD be nice.

    You know what I think is Bologna? The fact that kids nowadays think that if you start acting nice, some girl will magically come and sit in your lap. Men don't even bother asking her out. They just expects things for being nice. And when you do this to a friend and she calls you her friend and not your boyfriend you say you're "friendzoned" when in reality.. you never even made a move or asked her out.
    Thank you! I hate self righteous "nice guys" that complain how they have been so nice to some girl but she won't sleep with them and they don't know why. Because being nice isn't a ticket into someone's pants, it's a behavior and we should all practice it regardless.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    LMAO I don't know who popularized this confidence BS. If you find someone unattractive their amount of confidence is irrelevant.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Well I'm a girl (derp) and a guy can have all the confidence in the world but if I'm not physically attracted to him then there's no chance. Women aren't really any different when it comes to this.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Girls say the same thing. I just want someone who treats me nice. Bologna haha...

    Treating somebody nice isn't a quality. Its a requirement. Like breathing. You are not a super hero with breathing power. You are an average person doing what every alive human being isn'ld be doing. Breathing. So is being nice. You SHOULD be nice.

    You know what I think is Bologna? The fact that kids nowadays think that if you start acting nice, some girl will magically come and sit in your lap. Men don't even bother asking her out. They just expects things for being nice. And when you do this to a friend and she calls you her friend and not your boyfriend you say you're "friendzoned" when in reality.. you never even made a move or asked her out.
    Thank you! I hate self righteous "nice guys" that complain how they have been so nice to some girl but she won't sleep with them and they don't know why. Because being nice isn't a ticket into someone's pants, it's a behavior and we should all practice it regardless.

    Being nice isn't a requirement, when a girl likes you, most of the time being a jerk doesn't change her mind...
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Well I'm a girl (derp) and a guy can have all the confidence in the world but if I'm not physically attracted to him then there's no chance. Women aren't really any different when it comes to this.

  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Your right.

    I don't care how confident a dude thinks he is. If I find him annoying or unnattractive, it may make it worse! I am sure it holds true for men too. If you dont like a girl and they are over confident... yikes.
  • FearAndTrembling
    I've always heard women like confident men, not the other way around. A confident women is not more attractive than a shy, unsure one.
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    I never thought I was the type of person to be annoyed by the use of "ain't".

    I think the argument isn't that confidence adds sexiness, because it doesn't.
    The argument is more that the lack of confidence can detract from attractiveness.
  • keithmustloseweight
    keithmustloseweight Posts: 309 Member
    That was so hard to read.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Girls say the same thing. I just want someone who treats me nice. Bologna haha...

    Treating somebody nice isn't a quality. Its a requirement. Like breathing. You are not a super hero with breathing power. You are an average person doing what every alive human being isn'ld be doing. Breathing. So is being nice. You SHOULD be nice.

    You know what I think is Bologna? The fact that kids nowadays think that if you start acting nice, some girl will magically come and sit in your lap. Men don't even bother asking her out. They just expects things for being nice. And when you do this to a friend and she calls you her friend and not your boyfriend you say you're "friendzoned" when in reality.. you never even made a move or asked her out.
    Thank you! I hate self righteous "nice guys" that complain how they have been so nice to some girl but she won't sleep with them and they don't know why. Because being nice isn't a ticket into someone's pants, it's a behavior and we should all practice it regardless.

    Being nice isn't a requirement, when a girl likes you, most of the time being a jerk doesn't change her mind...
    See you still think its about gender, its about humanity. Male, female irrelevant! You should be nice to a person REGARDLESS.:huh:
  • coal_chamber
    Sorry. I ain't feelin' it.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I think the argument isn't that confidence adds sexiness, because it doesn't.
    The argument is more that the lack of confidence can detract from attractiveness.

    Overconfidence or arrogance can detract from attractiveness also.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    See you still think its about gender, its about humanity. Male, female irrelevant! You should be nice to a person REGARDLESS.:huh:
