Question for all young stylish men



  • PratoN
    PratoN Posts: 20 Member
    So long as the color matches his purse I don't see a problem.

    Love it.

    Also, I can't even handle this thread.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    The way I see it is this, you can have your own sense of "style" but there is a global acceptance of what being "stylish" is. And too me, being stylish for a man means dressing your self like a gentleman and looking presentable in both a working and social environment.

    You wouldn't see Ryan Reynolds or David Beckham wearing nail polish would you? ;)

    I guess the root problem a lot of people would have with what you are saying is that your idea gender rolls is outdated. you make it sound like if you wear nail polish, you are not a real man, but its ok for man on man men because theyre not "real men" either.

    there are no set gender boundaries, no such thing as "a real man". we live in a more enlightened world these days, there are women who grow up to identify as men and men who transition into women. there are lots of people in between, but in the end its not up to you to judge who someones gender or dismiss or discount it because it doesn't fit in with you, your straight mates and ryan Reynolds.

    there are men who dress in drag and men that are nurses and men who stay at home and look after their children and men who love other men and men who wear nail polish. they're all men. they're all real.

    thats tolerance. thats equality. thats understanding. traditional gender roles are outdated. time to catch up man.

    Most logical poster in the thread
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member

    Never, EVER, confuse a metrosexual guy with a redneck, hardworking country boy.

    Bring on the Zombie Apocalypse. We will see who survives!

    Rant on.

    And no, it is NOT becoming popular. I don't care if in a band, or a fad, or the thing to, it is not to be done. I don't care about tattoos, piercings and the alternative lifestyle. Painted fingernails on a man signifies the lack of know how of manual labor. They are the ones that pay everyone else to do those little jobs that I am convinced everyone should learn how to do. From cutting grass to changing oil. People would have more money in their pockets.

    Rant off.

    lulz, im guessing this isn't your only totally outdated view on life
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    You never ask "why" when it comes to fashion. If we did that, the 80s would have never been...well...what it was.

    If this kid is polite, employed (assuming he's old enough for that) and treats your daughter well, you're off to a great start. I wouldn't sweat the details.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    just another trend to emasculate men.

    "Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots ‘cause it’s okay to be a boy
    But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading ‘cause you think that being a girl is degrading."

    You are taking it out of context and making it a slippery slope fallacy.

    Allot of things are acceptable, however the line must be drawn somewhere. How far is too far. Why is it okay to emasculate men and nothing is said. However apply those same changes to women, a race, a religion, a sexual preference and it is not okay?

    I believe social mores determine this rather than some hardline that must never be crossed. There is a cycle to these things and everything comes and goes.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I've seen it here and there, more in Japan because a lot of the guys (and girls) are more androgynous. I think it's absolutely fine. if they like it, why not? Defining or judging someone because they wear nail polish, eye liner, or underwear meant for the opposite sex is just silly and dumb.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I met a guy on Saturday with black fingernails. I'm not sure why. I just attributed it to his fashion sense.
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    So interesting how this turned into a gender/sexual orientation thing...I don't think there were too many jabs at gender/sexual orientation. I think there was observation. I love how people carry a soapbox to stand on at any time because they believe their beloved cause is so mis-represented. You can't say painted toenails are not more popular with gay men as compared to straight men. Even though, honestly, a lot...if not MOST gay men...would think painted nails are a little much. It's niche, it's sub-cultural, it's a small share of people that do this. And it's a choice a person should be free to make...but also...let's be frank...they will have people question them. Deviance of the norm will always be questioned. There will ALWAYS be a norm. Even if the norm I say if you have stones to buck the norm...have the stones to withstand criticism and stand up for yourself... *shrug*...I aprreciate a person who lives their life differently and is not afraid to defend it...or own it. Can't stand those who need the norm to be extended to them....just revel in your uniqueness...

    The question was whether nail polish is a fashionable trend among young men. The answer: No. It's not all the rage. It's not even big among those that are very trendy and into menswear.

    What this person said.
    I work on a college campus and I don't ever recall seeing this, except on the punk rockers, skaters, goth type. But they have been doing it for years. I, personally, am not a fan, unless you are doing the whole goth look, but you have to have eyeliner as well. :)
    I can honestly say I don't think a preppy suit and tie guy could pull off the look. .
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    just another trend to emasculate men.

    "Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots ‘cause it’s okay to be a boy
    But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading ‘cause you think that being a girl is degrading."

    You are taking it out of context and making it a slippery slope fallacy.

    Actually, I just really wanted to quote Madonna.
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    uh never have

    and this if I ever had a daugher
    unless of course my future daughter wants to paint them for me. I guarantee you that ANY man on here would let their 5 year old daughter paint their nails. If you wouldn't then you're a sorry *kitten* dad.
    I have in the past - and I guarantee you that I'd let my daughter (who's a little young, at 3.5) paint my nails without a moment's hesitation.
  • reallifealien
    reallifealien Posts: 128 Member
    i hate the fact that this thread implies that there are socially determined standards for being 'stylish' which automatically alienate feminine/androgynous men
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Here's a very stylish older heterosexual man who rocks nail polish, occasionally wears clothes more often associated with women's wear and also happened to run 43 marathons in 51 days :happy:

    Eddie Izzard?? I love that guy!!

    In other ponderings...

    Why stab someone just because they decorate themself in a way you find disagreeable? i mean, it's not a vulgar tshirt or threatening visible tattoo. it's not even as permanent as hair dye.

    Why judge someone so harshly for something so trivial? why not just understand that we can't all possibly like the same things, and eventually you'll run into something you hate that someone else loves, or vice versa, and there's nothing wrong with that. that's just how is. there is nothing 'wrong' with a dude painting his nails, just like there's nothing 'wrong' with a gal shaving her head. you can dislike, but that's still just your opinion.

    Here's my opinion:

    fashion = what everyone else is wearing

    "fashionable" = a broad segment of other folks would say you look good

    style = what you like to wear; what you think looks good on yourself

    "stylish" = you look good, regardless of whether or not you are "fashionable".

    trend = a microcurrent of fashion and other social behaviors

    "trendy" = a broad segment of other folks can see you are trying to fit in

    if you want to overlay preferences based on gender/sexual identity roles onto that matrix, go ahead. i won't even go there. that's where it gets so messy as to be unclassifiable anymore these days.

    i'm in for variety.
    i'm in for iconclasts.
    i'm in for men who aren't hung up on being manly.
  • migueltavares
    No, but I've seen older men doing it, like business kinda men.