I seem can't meet 1200 calories a day



  • jukyu
    jukyu Posts: 80 Member
    Couple things come to mind. You are either underestimating your calories eaten, or overestimating calories burned. Both are likely. 1200 calories should be easy to consume in a day, and if you're burning 500 calories through exercise (aaaaand most women who presume they are aren't) you should be ravenous for 1200+ calories a day.
  • InvadingObsession
    InvadingObsession Posts: 8 Member
    I know having too few calories is bad, that is why I made this post; so I could get ideas on how to reach my goal.
    I live with a girl who is recovering from her eating disorder and I just had to convince her that just because she's missing one ingredient for her planned dinner doesn't mean she needs to skip the entire meal all together; I would never put myself on par with her, it's insulting to her and others who have a real issue with food.

    The thing I'm going by for how many calories I burn is a tracker; I put in my weight and height and everything and set off on a walk and it tracks my speed and how far I go and calculates how much I've burned. And then I put the info on here and it gives me around the same amount of calories as the tracker. So if I'm wrong I blame the technology.
  • dessyjo
    dessyjo Posts: 176 Member
    Cheap and simple? Two words: Peanut Butter.

    I also like south beach meal bars. 180 calories of delicious, chocolatey goodness!

    Both will help increase your calories if you can squeeze a sandwich in at lunch time or a bar a few hours before or after supper.