thoughts on artificial sweetners?

sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
I drink mainly water (a lot of it), but I do love my morning coffee!! I use 1 packet of splenda per cup and I only have 1 cup per day, maybe 2. Is this a detrimental amount of splenda?? I would have to use 2-3 tsp of regular sugar to get the sweetness I prefer, which is why I reach for the splenda. I know artificial sweetners have a bad rep, but what about in moderation??


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    it depends if you value health more than weight loss, or vice versa.

    If it's just 2 tsps, I'd personally go with honey or sugar
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Unless you have a sensitivity to it, it's fine.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I use sugar or honey, myself. For the amount I use, it isn't making a big dent in my diet.

    There have been studies (I'm sure you can Google this) done with rats that have found that despite consuming no calorie artificial sweeteners instead of real sugar, they are more likely to gain weight. It seems to have to do with the chemistry of the sweeteners. They interfere with your body's ability to recognize how many calories you have taken in and you are less likely to feel "full" as a result of consuming calories, both from the sweeteners and from other calories you consume, and you are therefore more likely to overeat in the long run. That is the basic idea, anyway. I am not a nutritionist. I'd rather steer clear than risk mucking with my body chemistry.

    That said, you gotta do what works for you!

    * And I'll add, it sounds like in either of our cases, we aren't consuming much. I wouldn't really worry about it.
  • NakedLunchTime
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Artificial sweeteners have unfair rep. They are blamed by overweight people for their weight gain or lack of weight loss. The fact is, people need to be accountable for what they put into their mouth in terms of overall nutrition, not whether they've taken a packet of sweetener. If you want to put some in your tea or coffee or oats, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. You won't get sick, you won't get cancer and you certainly won't get fat.

    That said, I would not recommend diet sodas in place of plain water. But if you want to drink one, then go for it. Just don't go consuming 20+ cans a day.
  • PurposefulPractices
    I also use sugar or honey. I just don't think 2 tsp a day are that much or will have much impact on my calories. Plus I've read way to many studies on artificial sweeteners to feel good about using them.
  • MeganG12345
    MeganG12345 Posts: 66 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are one of those things that are bad for you even in moderation. If you are trying to be genuinely healthy, not just thin, I would not consume them every day. I'd recommend allowing yourself a tsp of sugar in the morning with you coffee and counting it with your calories. Or switch to tea and sweeten with honey.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    I use sugar or honey, myself. For the amount I use, it isn't making a big dent in my diet.

    There have been studies (I'm sure you can Google this) done with rats that have found that despite consuming no calorie artificial sweeteners instead of real sugar, they are more likely to gain weight. seems to have to do with the chemistry of the sweeteners. They interfere with your body's ability to recognize how many calories you have taken in and you are less likely to feel "full" as a result of consuming calories, both from the sweeteners and from other calories you consume, and you are therefore more likely to overeat in the long run. That is the basic idea, anyway. I am not a nutritionist. I'd rather steer clear than risk mucking with my body chemistry.

    That said, you gotta do what works for you!

    * And I'll add, it sounds like in either of our cases, we aren't consuming much. I wouldn't really worry about it.

    1) Rats, not humans.
    2) Were those rats given a calorie/macronutrient controlled diet and subject to the same activity? I don't think so.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I use sugar, especially for such a small amount.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Artificial sweeteners have unfair rep. They are blamed by overweight people for their weight gain or lack of weight loss. The fact is, people need to be accountable for what they put into their mouth in terms of overall nutrition, not whether they've taken a packet of sweetener. If you want to put some in your tea or coffee or oats, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. You won't get sick, you won't get cancer and you certainly won't get fat.

    That said, I would not recommend diet sodas in place of plain water. But if you want to drink one, then go for it. Just don't go consuming 20+ cans a day.

    I love you, man.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I use sugar or honey, myself. For the amount I use, it isn't making a big dent in my diet.

    There have been studies (I'm sure you can Google this) done with rats that have found that despite consuming no calorie artificial sweeteners instead of real sugar, they are more likely to gain weight. seems to have to do with the chemistry of the sweeteners. They interfere with your body's ability to recognize how many calories you have taken in and you are less likely to feel "full" as a result of consuming calories, both from the sweeteners and from other calories you consume, and you are therefore more likely to overeat in the long run. That is the basic idea, anyway. I am not a nutritionist. I'd rather steer clear than risk mucking with my body chemistry.

    That said, you gotta do what works for you!

    * And I'll add, it sounds like in either of our cases, we aren't consuming much. I wouldn't really worry about it.

    1) Rats, not humans.
    2) Were those rats given a calorie/macronutrient controlled diet and subject to the same activity? I don't think so.

    Hey, I'm just saying that was the study done. Take from it whatever you like and eat whatever you want.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    If that's all the sweetener you are using in a day, I'd say you're probably ok but I would switch to stevia sweetener instead because it is all natural. Honey or agave would work too if you're only using a couple of teaspoons you're talking less than 50 calories. There are all kinds of reports regarding artificial sweeteners and their long term effects on your body.
  • alwayskungfu
    Body says Toxic element detected!!!
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    Splenda is a byproduct from lab work aimed at developing insecticides. I _would_ not eat. Sweeten with a natural sweetener until you can train yourself to drink your coffee "black."
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Artificial sweeteners have unfair rep. They are blamed by overweight people for their weight gain or lack of weight loss. The fact is, people need to be accountable for what they put into their mouth in terms of overall nutrition, not whether they've taken a packet of sweetener. If you want to put some in your tea or coffee or oats, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. You won't get sick, you won't get cancer and you certainly won't get fat.

    That said, I would not recommend diet sodas in place of plain water. But if you want to drink one, then go for it. Just don't go consuming 20+ cans a day.

    This. Just about everything else in this thread is complete and total bullsh!t.
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I put at least 4 packs of Splenda (or equal, sweet and low, etc.) in my coffee. I have done this for over 6 years almost every day. I am healthy, and have not gained weight because of this.

    Source: Actual experience
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I use sugar or honey, myself. For the amount I use, it isn't making a big dent in my diet.

    There have been studies (I'm sure you can Google this) done with rats that have found that despite consuming no calorie artificial sweeteners instead of real sugar, they are more likely to gain weight. seems to have to do with the chemistry of the sweeteners. They interfere with your body's ability to recognize how many calories you have taken in and you are less likely to feel "full" as a result of consuming calories, both from the sweeteners and from other calories you consume, and you are therefore more likely to overeat in the long run. That is the basic idea, anyway. I am not a nutritionist. I'd rather steer clear than risk mucking with my body chemistry.

    That said, you gotta do what works for you!

    * And I'll add, it sounds like in either of our cases, we aren't consuming much. I wouldn't really worry about it.

    1) Rats, not humans.
    2) Were those rats given a calorie/macronutrient controlled diet and subject to the same activity? I don't think so.

    Nope. The rats who had artificial sweetener ended up consuming more calories overall which is why they gained weight. So if you're restricting your calories and don't have a sensitivity to artificial sweeteners, having it in moderation isn't going to make you fat/ give you cancer/ etc.
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    You should try Stevia it is a plant base product so it's all natural. Many people made the switch to it. I've been using it for more than two months and i like it. I don't drink coffee but use it in my natural yogourt.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    If you listened to everything that is apparently bad for you, you'd never eat anything at all. Even if it isn't the healthiest your not having ridiculous amounts!