Timing of your calories



  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    The internet is a dangerous place.

    But you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.

    "Look. Here comes my date. I met him on the Internet. He's a French model."
  • ScottysSpeedShop
    ScottysSpeedShop Posts: 47 Member
    Irrelevant. If meal timing was a nesscary thing, overnight workers would be ****ed.

    The hour of the day has nothing to do with it. The point is a person cant take in more calories per meal than their body can process in a set amount of time. The average sedentary person can only process around 300 calories every 3 hours. If you binge and take in 1500 calories at one meal then the excess from that meal is going to fat storage. Even if you didnt meet your calorie goal for the day. Calories convert to fat fast.

    Irrelevant since total energy balance over time will dictate differences in storage vs oxidation. Eat it all at once, store some fat acutely, oxidize it between meals. See previous reply.

    Hey nice abs.
    Just out of curiousity, what is your eating pattern?
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
  • ScottysSpeedShop
    ScottysSpeedShop Posts: 47 Member
    The internet is a dangerous place.

    But you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.

    "Look. Here comes my date. I met him on the Internet. He's a French model."

  • buffty
    buffty Posts: 83
    The internet is a dangerous place.

    But you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.

    Lol. You look just like Eva Green in your photo by the way, beautiful!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am thinking that I don't want to warn people about our bodies not caring when we get our calories. They seem really married to this idea for some reason. But as for me I don't want to feel deprived 6 times a day and at the end of the day still be hungry.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    That article is a terrible misrepresentation of what Venuto actually says in the first place. I am not sure whether the article linked is an old one - but Venuto himself disagrees that meal timing has any significant impact and he definitely does not say that you will gain weight on a deficit.


    Quote from Venuto

    "I haven't read your post but Ive read all the literature on meal frequency (I have at least 40 full text papers in my files), actually I read them a long time ago.. which is why its' my "bad" that I havent updated the book yet. The first edition was written in 2002.

    yes there will be a new edition. Burn the Fat 2.0 may get released later this year, or at the latest early 2009.

    heres what you will see in the new edition:

    You will still see me recommend 5-6 small meals per day,and rather strongly. But not dogmatically. What you wont hear me say is that 6 meals increases metabolism or weight loss over 3 meals at an equal caloric intake.

    You will also not hear me say that your metabolism slows down if you miss a single meal. (starvation
    response) I already reviewed that data on my public blog last year:
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Here is a good quick read about how many calories and when. Your body can only process so many calories in a 3 hour period.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Looking forward to my food turning to fat while I sleep tonight.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Wow jq2122, you are a little fire cracker. I like that.

    I have been studying this for quite awhile. We all know that to gain weight all you have to do is have more calories going in than going out. And to lose weight more calories going out than going in. And to maintain you just keep it even. There obviously is a time frame involved. Can you please give me your opinion what that time frame is for a person with a sedentary lifestyle. My research and experience has taken me to a window of 3 hours before the body starts to store it's extra unused fuel concoction as fat. What time frame do you think the human body converts the surplus to fat?

    Thank you for your opinion.

    What research may this be?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Irrelevant. If meal timing was a nesscary thing, overnight workers would be ****ed.

    The hour of the day has nothing to do with it. The point is a person cant take in more calories per meal than their body can process in a set amount of time. The average sedentary person can only process around 300 calories every 3 hours. If you binge and take in 1500 calories at one meal then the excess from that meal is going to fat storage. Even if you didnt meet your calorie goal for the day. Calories convert to fat fast.

    Your energy does not convert immediately to fat - it all depends on glycogen stores, protein synthesis needs, digestion absorption, utilization etc etc. For example, you don't eat for a while your glycogen stores are depleted. You eat, they are repleted.
  • ScottysSpeedShop
    ScottysSpeedShop Posts: 47 Member
    Wow jq2122, you are a little fire cracker. I like that.

    I have been studying this for quite awhile. We all know that to gain weight all you have to do is have more calories going in than going out. And to lose weight more calories going out than going in. And to maintain you just keep it even. There obviously is a time frame involved. Can you please give me your opinion what that time frame is for a person with a sedentary lifestyle. My research and experience has taken me to a window of 3 hours before the body starts to store it's extra unused fuel concoction as fat. What time frame do you think the human body converts the surplus to fat?

    Thank you for your opinion.

    What research may this be?

    15 years ago my perfectly healthy Mom sat down. She seemed to lose her will to live. Last November she finally died from her sedentary life style. I did everything humanly possible to prevent this from happening. I learned everything I could learn about this topic. I am still learning. Every chance I get I try to motivate someone. I have learned that people don't like to be talked down on. It's not motivational. I have learned that people don't like to be intimidated with big words so I try to keep it simple. I hope someone here has benefited from this post.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Irrelevant. If meal timing was a nesscary thing, overnight workers would be ****ed.

    The hour of the day has nothing to do with it. The point is a person cant take in more calories per meal than their body can process in a set amount of time. The average sedentary person can only process around 300 calories every 3 hours. If you binge and take in 1500 calories at one meal then the excess from that meal is going to fat storage. Even if you didnt meet your calorie goal for the day. Calories convert to fat fast.

    If you eat more than your immediate needs the excess will get stored. You seem to be ignoring what happens for the entire rest of the day when you are still burning energy. If you are burning energy and you have not eaten recently your body wont just shut off it will get the energy from storage. What matters is the balance at the end of the day. Did you eat more or less than your burned? If more then gain in weight, if less then loss in weight.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Wow jq2122, you are a little fire cracker. I like that.

    I have been studying this for quite awhile. We all know that to gain weight all you have to do is have more calories going in than going out. And to lose weight more calories going out than going in. And to maintain you just keep it even. There obviously is a time frame involved. Can you please give me your opinion what that time frame is for a person with a sedentary lifestyle. My research and experience has taken me to a window of 3 hours before the body starts to store it's extra unused fuel concoction as fat. What time frame do you think the human body converts the surplus to fat?

    Thank you for your opinion.

    What research may this be?

    15 years ago my perfectly healthy Mom sat down. She seemed to lose her will to live. Last November she finally died from her sedentary life style. I did everything humanly possible to prevent this from happening. I learned everything I could learn about this topic. I am still learning. Every chance I get I try to motivate someone. I have learned that people don't like to be talked down on. It's not motivational. I have learned that people don't like to be intimidated with big words so I try to keep it simple. I hope someone here has benefited from this post.

    This did not answer the question...what research? You do not mind providing links - how about providing links to some valid credible resource?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...to learn how more calories are burned from eating frequently than eating infrequently.
  • ScottysSpeedShop
    ScottysSpeedShop Posts: 47 Member
    Wow jq2122, you are a little fire cracker. I like that.

    I have been studying this for quite awhile. We all know that to gain weight all you have to do is have more calories going in than going out. And to lose weight more calories going out than going in. And to maintain you just keep it even. There obviously is a time frame involved. Can you please give me your opinion what that time frame is for a person with a sedentary lifestyle. My research and experience has taken me to a window of 3 hours before the body starts to store it's extra unused fuel concoction as fat. What time frame do you think the human body converts the surplus to fat?

    Thank you for your opinion.

    What research may this be?

    15 years ago my perfectly healthy Mom sat down. She seemed to lose her will to live. Last November she finally died from her sedentary life style. I did everything humanly possible to prevent this from happening. I learned everything I could learn about this topic. I am still learning. Every chance I get I try to motivate someone. I have learned that people don't like to be talked down on. It's not motivational. I have learned that people don't like to be intimidated with big words so I try to keep it simple. I hope someone here has benefited from this post.

    This did not answer the question...what research? You do not mind providing links - how about providing links to some valid credible resource?

    No, I am not going to dig up my research for this post. I am wrong. I was talking out of my *kitten*. I have no business posting such things. I apologize. Please disregard this post.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member

    No, I am not going to dig up my research for this post. I am wrong. I was talking out of my *kitten*. I have no business posting such things. I apologize. Please disregard this post.

    Smartest thing you've said in this thread! Bravo!
  • ScottysSpeedShop
    ScottysSpeedShop Posts: 47 Member

    No, I am not going to dig up my research for this post. I am wrong. I was talking out of my *kitten*. I have no business posting such things. I apologize. Please disregard this post.

    Smartest thing you've said in this thread! Bravo!

    I'm married with children. My pride left years ago. ;)
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Lol. You look just like Eva Green in your photo by the way, beautiful!
    Thank you :smile:
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Irrelevant. If meal timing was a nesscary thing, overnight workers would be ****ed.

    The hour of the day has nothing to do with it. The point is a person cant take in more calories per meal than their body can process in a set amount of time. The average sedentary person can only process around 300 calories every 3 hours. If you binge and take in 1500 calories at one meal then the excess from that meal is going to fat storage. Even if you didnt meet your calorie goal for the day. Calories convert to fat fast.

    And then the fat converts right back to energy ... it's the NET that matters .. say your 300 calorie theory is true .. I eat 2000 cals at breakfast .. 300 are "used" and 1700 are stored as fat. Now as I go through the rest of the day, guess where the energy is coming from .. that "new" fat. Does not matter in the least that an abundance at one meal temporarily gets stored as fat.