How do YOU survive the weekend?



  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Try the Fit and Active Chocolate fudge bars. Only 100 calories and not bad tasting. As for temptation on the weekends I try to stay busy doing yard work or some other type of activity and try not to think about eating. Not to mention coming on here and posting my food. Keeps me honest.

    Haha yes, I usually don't log either... I'm bad!! But staying busy is a great idea!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I've found it's all about structure. That is why most of us do so well during the week. Your (well at least my) week is pretty much the same old thing: wake up at the same time, go to work, work, drive home, walk the dogs, workout, eat dinner, get meals ready for tomorrow, bed. The weekends however, are usually very dynamic and never the same for me. So what I do, is plan my meals out ahead of time and plan my activities around those meals/snacks. It's a bit anal, no doubt, but it seems to work. Plus, like someone else said, give yourself a "cheat day". And by cheat day, I mean some extra calories. Many people think "cheat" means eat whatever you want.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. It is about structure! It seems as though when my weekends are open, I get a bit anxious and tend to eat more. Good thinking!
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Prelogging helped me. Didn't always stick to it at first, but it got better with time. Have since carried it over to the weekdays as well and find it extremely helpful.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I'm the opposite.

    Weekends are when I don't eat nearly as much as I need to. Probably because we are so busy during the weekends as opposed to my sitting at a desk and grazing all weekday long.

    I like what scottyg70 does in that he plans his meals out beforehand, which, I think, I will attempt to do this weekend.

    This makes me think maybe it's not a weekend thing, but a being busy thing! Apparently I need to develop more hobbies haha
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Similar story with me. I don't drink on weekdays but on weekend in just 2 nights I consume something like 12-15 beer. I have no so any control when it comes to partying. The only escape is if I opt for whiskey, which being less caloric is a relief. But I hate whiskey in summers.

    I used to be in the same boat as you. My drinking was out of control! Luckily, I've gotten that controlled now. I totally understand your pain though!! I try to stick to vodka sodas if I do drink.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I've found it's all about structure. That is why most of us do so well during the week. Your (well at least my) week is pretty much the same old thing: wake up at the same time, go to work, work, drive home, walk the dogs, workout, eat dinner, get meals ready for tomorrow, bed. The weekends however, are usually very dynamic and never the same for me. So what I do, is plan my meals out ahead of time and plan my activities around those meals/snacks. It's a bit anal, no doubt, but it seems to work. Plus, like someone else said, give yourself a "cheat day". And by cheat day, I mean some extra calories. Many people think "cheat" means eat whatever you want.

    Totally agree with this. I am more tempted on weekends because I have the time to be tempted by food. That's not the case during the week, when I have work, the gym, and other obligations keeping me busy. I am fairly obsessive about planning my time on weekends though, and if I just get myself out of the house, that helps a lot.

    I also think it's critical to get rid of things that tempt you. I really don't have anything in my fridge or cabinets that I would be tempted to binge on, and even if I did, it's all fruit and vegetables and meat and Greek yogurt, so it won't kill me.

    I do want to say that I don't agree with the idea of eating something and just working it off later. That starts a vicious cycle of binge and punishment that will seriously corrupt your relationship with food and cause you to feel guilty about what you eat all the time. Just give yourself a little bit of breathing room ONE day (not all weekend).

    I agree with you... I don't believe in being able to work it off later. There are certain "foods" (I'm looking at you, processed foods!) that you shouldn't ever touch! :)
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I'm retired from my job, so now it's just the farm. Weekends are no different from any other day. Still have to haul hay, feed and water the horses, gather eggs, clean stalls ,tend the seedlings, do my work outs. I don't go out drinking at all.....I never thought that was fun.. If you work all week and then party on the weekends, well, of course you'll have more problems keeping on track. Try yogurt instead of ice cream .Don't keep stuff like candy, cookies, etc. in the house if you think you can't eat it in moderation. Plan to spend your weekends bike riding/canoeing/hiking/going to art fairs, where you'll do a LOT of walking. ... something like that rather than going out and drinking.Maybe that will work.

    Maybe I need to work on your farm haha
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Just set up goals to yourself. You don't have to feel guilty every time you put a spoon of ice cream in your mouth or drink a glass of Coke, or even eat a slice of pizza. It's just about control. Don't go stuffing your face all the way, girl!
    What you have to think about is how fabulous you wanna look on Monday, and how much of a pain in the a** it will be to lose all those little pounds you managed to put back on during the weekend...
    So, be brave! And, remember: Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous always!!!! ;)

    Haha, you sound like my boyfriend, "have some self control!". I have no control... if there is ice cream in front of me, I'm gonna eat the whole thing! Probably just need to steer clear haha :)
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Prelogging helped me. Didn't always stick to it at first, but it got better with time. Have since carried it over to the weekdays as well and find it extremely helpful.

    That is a great idea... thank you!
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    Oh my Goodness I struggle with this as well!!! I try to not drink during the week and make sure I exercise at least saturday morning in which I do a marathon workout of weights and bodystep and try to burn at least 1,000 to make up for all my naughtiness
  • dlbaron
    dlbaron Posts: 79 Member
    I'm in college so I have the same problem... weekends are dangerous. Lately instead of going bar hopping with friends and ordering whiskey gingers, gin and tonics, and beer (!!!) then getting drunchies and eating pizza at 2 in the morning I'm trying to only go out one night a weekend. For example, on a Friday I might just drink a glass or two of wine with friends or my boyfriend. On a Saturday if I want to party I've just been trying to drink lots of water during the day (to keep me fuller and prevent hangovers which always lead me to eat more) and then sticking to a lower cal drink (last weekend made orange vodka with 0-cal tangerine-lime seltzer and it was great!). It's really hard though! Trying to teach myself new habits.
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    I work out more on the weekends so I can afford to have a little more or treat myself. I try to always make sure I have a deficit on weekends in case something comes up thats out of my control or some event I want to take part in comes up.
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    Weekends can be really hard, especially if you don't have solid plans. Find ways to keep busy, pre-make food, and don't forget to let yourself live a little. One junky snack isn't going to undo ALL of your progress, unless you let it.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    I survive the wkends easily b/c they are my rest days / off days.

    However,on the occassion i swap a wkend day w/ a wkday i survive that day but following a schedule. It's so easy fo rme to eat right during the wk, b/c i'm "scheduled" i get up @ the same time ea day, i pack a lunch, i put my head down & plug away at my work "to do" list.

    A saturday / sunday (or both) would be no different - except that i make out a schedule for my wkends... i feel much btr this way anyway. As much as i LOVE sleeping in & being lazy on the wkends; once i'm up & motivated & doing things, my days are much btr...
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    This was my problem when I worked in an office. I was SO disciplined during the week, then I would go crazy come the weekend. I think that limiting myself during the week caused this because when you restrict, a binge is GOING to happen. Also, a good idea is to try and keep yourself focused and busy on NON-FOOD related things. Go for a walk with a friend, go do work at a coffeehouse where you're away from the kitchen..

    Another great idea is on Friday, prepare snacks, foods, lunches etc that you can have over the weekend. When you're foods all ready for you you don't need to grab last minute junk.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Oh my Goodness I struggle with this as well!!! I try to not drink during the week and make sure I exercise at least saturday morning in which I do a marathon workout of weights and bodystep and try to burn at least 1,000 to make up for all my naughtiness

    dang, thats awesome!!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I'm in college so I have the same problem... weekends are dangerous. Lately instead of going bar hopping with friends and ordering whiskey gingers, gin and tonics, and beer (!!!) then getting drunchies and eating pizza at 2 in the morning I'm trying to only go out one night a weekend. For example, on a Friday I might just drink a glass or two of wine with friends or my boyfriend. On a Saturday if I want to party I've just been trying to drink lots of water during the day (to keep me fuller and prevent hangovers which always lead me to eat more) and then sticking to a lower cal drink (last weekend made orange vodka with 0-cal tangerine-lime seltzer and it was great!). It's really hard though! Trying to teach myself new habits.

    Ah, yes, I remember college being a tough time! I gained a lot of weight then haha. I'd have beer for breakfast, and boxes and boxes of cereal and instant rice as "meals". Then I graduated, moved home, and lost weight. College is a dangerous place, but it is oh-so-fun! Props to you for trying to stay in check while there!!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I work out more on the weekends so I can afford to have a little more or treat myself. I try to always make sure I have a deficit on weekends in case something comes up thats out of my control or some event I want to take part in comes up.

    that's a good idea... I need to start doing that!
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I weigh in on friday and also on monday to hold me accountable over the weekend. Also, I plan all my meals as I do during the week. And I try to burn more calories over the weekend doing some form of "fun" workout. This way even if I want a little treat I have a little more wiggle room in my calories for the day.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Weekends can be really hard, especially if you don't have solid plans. Find ways to keep busy, pre-make food, and don't forget to let yourself live a little. One junky snack isn't going to undo ALL of your progress, unless you let it.

    good thinking, i bet some of it is mental too :) i need to be less strict!