How do YOU survive the weekend?



  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    This was my problem when I worked in an office. I was SO disciplined during the week, then I would go crazy come the weekend. I think that limiting myself during the week caused this because when you restrict, a binge is GOING to happen. Also, a good idea is to try and keep yourself focused and busy on NON-FOOD related things. Go for a walk with a friend, go do work at a coffeehouse where you're away from the kitchen..

    Another great idea is on Friday, prepare snacks, foods, lunches etc that you can have over the weekend. When you're foods all ready for you you don't need to grab last minute junk.

    I think you're right... it's like I want to reward myself for being so good during the week haha. I need to start rewarding wiht non-food items ;)
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    every day is Sat for there is no wagon to fall off!! I always have fun eat whatever I want and problem..NOWWW when I was dieting and eating clean..Big Mistake..then I had all sorts of issues:) Big ahaaa for me..every day is killah nowww
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I'm currently maintaining my weight. However, I have my settings at a 0.5 pound per week loss....helps even out my weekend shenanigans.
  • LeopardPrintedLove
    LeopardPrintedLove Posts: 34 Member
    Plan ahead! I have set myself up for failure by neglecting to do so for the past couple of weekends, this weekend, I am stocked up! I like to grocery shop Friday after work and have lots of healthy food in the house! I like to write down what I plan on eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) and make it something that is more time consuming to make, something I wouldn't have time to do during the week! This weekend I am going to try to make a pot of homemade chicken/vegetable soup and bake my own sourbread bowls to put it in....I have planned to eat that twice this weekend. I also like to get fresh fruit, eggs, and toast for healthy breakfasts and lunches! You can do it! The weekend can be the most exciting time to eat healthy! ;)
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Personally I do way more exercise at the weekend so I get to eat a bit more anyway... but recently I've really got into a groove with cooking so staying within my calorie goal doesn't feel like a "diet" at all so I'm not chomping at the bit to "cheat" come a weekend.

    The times I go a little off course are when I'm hungry and away from home with nothing pre-prepared and I have to buy food on the hoof. There are not many options that fit with my personal diet in gas stations or supermarkets for on-the-go.
  • prettywoman36
    prettywoman36 Posts: 4 Member
    OMG!!!! I soooooo have the same problem. Thats why I'm here, that darn Ice Cream. I packed on 30lbs. Now its so hard to get it off and to stop eating the ice cream!!!!
  • misseseaj2010
    I look at nutrition facts of restaurants and plan ahead. I love subway, i get my sandwiches with no cheese or sauce, just the meat and vegetables and even a footlong is very reasonable. I also do taco bell fresco menu, my favorite is the soft chicken taco.
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    I think a good way to relate to this is for anyone who is an ex-smoker. When i was bored, I would smoke twice as much as I normally would. But if I was engaged on something that kept me busy, I'd actually go hours without even realize I hadn't had a cigarette. It's the same concept with snacking/eating. So keep yourself busy! Take walks, do yard work, whatever and try not to sit down, particularly in front of the TV until it's later in the day!
  • AmyJoShanks
    AmyJoShanks Posts: 40 Member
    I just recently decided to make myself go to the gym on Saturday and Sunday. The weekends used to be my "free" time, to rest and relax and loosen the reins on the meal plan...MFP made me realize how much I was actually consuming during my "free" time and how badly I was sabotageing my weight loss.
    So find time to go to the gym, log on here all weekend, and plan your meals. Also, if you do get invited out to dinner or to an event where you're nervous about cheating, eat something at home before you go. That way you're not starving and you're less likely to over do it.

    PS - i'm lactose intolerant as well and I take Lactaid pills before I consume any dairy. Works like a charm!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    OMG!!!! I soooooo have the same problem. Thats why I'm here, that darn Ice Cream. I packed on 30lbs. Now its so hard to get it off and to stop eating the ice cream!!!!

    haha, yes i am an ice cream addict as well! ive been known to eat an entire pint in one night!! yikes.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I think a good way to relate to this is for anyone who is an ex-smoker. When i was bored, I would smoke twice as much as I normally would. But if I was engaged on something that kept me busy, I'd actually go hours without even realize I hadn't had a cigarette. It's the same concept with snacking/eating. So keep yourself busy! Take walks, do yard work, whatever and try not to sit down, particularly in front of the TV until it's later in the day!

    never thought about it compared to smoking (ive never smoked), but i can see how this is a great approach!!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I just recently decided to make myself go to the gym on Saturday and Sunday. The weekends used to be my "free" time, to rest and relax and loosen the reins on the meal plan...MFP made me realize how much I was actually consuming during my "free" time and how badly I was sabotageing my weight loss.
    So find time to go to the gym, log on here all weekend, and plan your meals. Also, if you do get invited out to dinner or to an event where you're nervous about cheating, eat something at home before you go. That way you're not starving and you're less likely to over do it.

    PS - i'm lactose intolerant as well and I take Lactaid pills before I consume any dairy. Works like a charm!

    haha yes, i take the pills before i eat something i know i shouldn't! they do help quite a bit!
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    I'm still working on that! But I seriously need to up my veggie intake on the weekend, for fiber more than anything! My husband and I do all our errands, and at least one fun "outing" on each weekend, so we're still working on taking healthy snacks etc.. My goal this weekend is to try to make my meals look more like my weekday meals. I know there will be a couple of slips, but I need to stop making it the whole weekend!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    It seems as though eating/exercising is on point for me during the week, but when the weekend rolls around, I seem to fall off the wagon. What I mean by that is I'll either eat WAY too much, or I'll eat things I know I'm intolerant to (i.e. ICE CREAM). Then I pay for it later.

    What are your tips and tricks to staying on the right path when temptation arises??

    Open to new friends, too. Love to stay motivated! Rock on!
    Honestly, if you eat ice cream during the week (and account for the calories) chances are you won't go overboard with it on the weekend.
    Moderation seems to win every time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • haiitsstef
    haiitsstef Posts: 12
    Long Island Iced Teas
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    OMG!!!! I soooooo have the same problem. Thats why I'm here, that darn Ice Cream. I packed on 30lbs. Now its so hard to get it off and to stop eating the ice cream!!!!

    haha, yes i am an ice cream addict as well! ive been known to eat an entire pint in one night!! yikes.

    Pint? Yikes. Makes the half gallon I gorge on from time to time seem small :sad:
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Develop a "weekend" routine that's different from the weekday routine.

    Mine involves longer, more intense workouts that burn more calories, and to me, more calories burned means more calories to eat. Most weekends my husband and I go out for a big meal around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, so I try to stay busy (working out/cleaning) to prevent grazing. If I'm truly hungry, I'll eat a small low fat/low sugar yogurt to hold me over until the meal. Then, at the restaurant, I order what I want and usually eat half and pack the other half to-go, then we split dessert. We usually run errands, grocery shop, etc. which burns additional calories, and by evening, usually all I want is a small snack for dinner, so I'm well within my macros for the day...splurges and all.
  • doriep1984
    doriep1984 Posts: 2 Member
    Planning. I need to start planning because I "relax" with food : (
  • Ellezums
    Ellezums Posts: 3 Member
    totally agree
  • blue_byrd
    blue_byrd Posts: 9 Member
    Planning. I need to start planning because I "relax" with food : (

    Right?? How do you get around that? I've tried to crochet, I've tried to read- but all I REALLY want to do once my kiddo is in bed is park in front of the TV and eat. Slowly. Luxuriously. With no one to clean up after except myself. :P