How much do you execise in a day?



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I lift weights about 3 times/week for about 30 mins, and run 2-3 times a week for 30 mins. Sometimes these are on the same day for a total of 1 hour, but if it's nice I run outside on a different day than the gym.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I run about 5 hours a week, over 5 or 6 days, with a weekly long run in the 8-10 mile range. Some runs are as little as 30 minutes, while it takes me about 2 hours to go 10 miles. Along with that I do two 1-hour Pilates classes per week, and recently started a short (15 minutes) arms and abs program 3-4 times a week. If I only run 5 days, I hit the stationary bike and/or stair master at the gym on the 6th day.

    I try for one complete day of rest per week, but don't always schedule it right--if Pilates day isn't too strenuous, it sort of counts as a rest day. It all adds up to about 7-8 hours per week.
  • Italianstallion11
    30 mins a day
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    3 - 4 times a week I'm in the pool for at least a solid 60 mins of laps, then toss in another 10 - 20 mins for cool down/warm up depending on who else is there, and/or how crowded the pool is that day
    2 times a week is weights with every 5th week focused on core building calisthenics. Most weight days is 40 minutes under weight, another 20 with accessory work (some calisthenics, some extra weight work), 30 mins cardio for warm up. Sometimes treadmill, sometimes elliptical, starting to also use the stationary bike.

    If I miss the pool I usually use the kinect games for the cardio if the knees aren't complaining that day.
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    45 minutes at 5am M-F, mixing it up with running, elliptical, Tae Bo, Turbo Jam, Pilates, etc.
    30 minutes Saturday and Sunday
    3-4 additional nights at the gym for 30-60 minutes
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I like to burn at least 100 calories a day on exercise. It just makes me feel so good to get my heart pumping and do anything. But, most often, it's 250-350.

    I try to do something more intense a couple days a week with light runs in between. Then, I throw a speed/timed, or distance run in on a day when I'm feeling more refreshed. Because I like to work out nearly every day, I try to keep it to a half an hour on cardio, but P90X arms and shoulders takes me 80 minutes to get through (I don't use the video).

    I am very much into cross training this time around. I will generally learn a new workout, do it twice that week, then take a break from it that week and work it into my cycle of "every now and then". I like having a lot of tools under my belt in case of injury, boredom, or need for isolation exercises. I'm keeping a notebook of sketches of workouts I can pull out and do no matter where I am (hotel, vacation,etc).
  • closedmouth13
    never under an hour!
  • ascsimon
    ascsimon Posts: 3 Member
    How do you get motivated to work out or hit the gym on a regular basis. Im struggling in this area. I do good for a week then I slack. I get bored walking indoors. I also am not a morning person so getting up early hasnt really been an option (unless you have tricks to get me out of bed and to the gym)

    Any help, motivation or suggestions would be GREAT!!

    I find that you have to make working out a habit.That's the only way to stay consistent.Personally that works for me.I only take a break if I'm really sick.I'm a morning person,but I do my workouts at night.It was tough finishing my first round of Insanity and still take care of my family.

    Good luck!!

    Agree about making it a habit. I also found that you need to like the activity to make it last long term. I tried a variety of activities for doing cardio but always went back to running outdoors realizing that fits me best regarding personality, flexibility etc...
  • mylittletribe
    MWF 60-90 minutes at the Y between getting kids on the bus, and work. Mostly elliptical or jog on the treadmill inclined. Weights if I have time. TThS 120 minutes at the Y... Afternoons, same routine, except the second hour I'm in the pool with the kids. I can do laps while they play. Sunday.... Rest.

    I also do some weights at home (upper body), last month I did the squat challenge, this month the crunch challenge. If I MUST skip the gym, I'll do 30DS in my living room and fit in a decent walk in my neighborhood.
  • xprplstardust
    xprplstardust Posts: 105 Member
    I am currently doing insanity as soon as I get home from work around 3:30-4ish & I usually go for a walk after, about 3 or 4 miles which takes about an 45 min - 60 min for the walk alone plus roughly 40 min for insanity, I'm usually done by 5:30 or 6 at the latest. Sometimes I get on my elliptical in the morning right before work for about 15 min.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    30-45 mins of cardio about 4-5 days a week. And maybe. 2-3 days a week of the 30 day shred. Except I haven't done it this week.