so my low cal diet won't work to lose 50 pounds?

I weighed 251 2.5 weeks ago. I'm down to 236. I should be eating 1700 calories according to the 'in place of a road map' thread. I did all the calculators.
i've been eating about 900 calories a day. Its easy for me to do and i'm losing a lot of weight. i don't think i'm capable of eating 1700 calories. I can either eat a lot of calories (like 2600) or very little.

my plan is to stay on 900 a week until I stop losing weight and then start adding 100 calories a week back. I think ill plateau around 180 pounds and probably gain back like 10 pounds while my metabolism goes up when I add back calories


  • I suggest 1200 calories, I do this because yeah you are loosing weight just now but that's just liquid fat.Very soon you will stop loosing weight on this calorie scale and that is because your body will start storing fat from 1. Lack of calories and 2. it will be panicking because it's loosing the fat too fast. To help you along your way try eating 6 small meals a day that add up to 1200 calories and you won't even realize that you are over 900 calories. Best of luck!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You are losing weight. Probably a combination of lean muscle, fat and bone density. If you lost at a lower rate while eating a healthy number of calories, you would lose more fat and less muscle. If you did weight training at the same time, you would lose mostly fat, almost no lean muscle and no bone density. It's really up to you what "weight" you want to lose.

    All this being to say: MFP isn't about trying to eat the fewest possible number of calories. It's about learning to eat at a healthy level for your body - not too much and not too little. Here are some ideas for adding healthy calories, since you say you are struggling with this:

    Chicken with the skin
    Whole eggs (including deviled eggs, egg salad)
    Full fat dairy (including cottage cheese, yogurt)
    Peanut butter or other nut butters
    Dried fruit (raisins, apricots, apples)
    Brown rice
    Dark chocolate
    Add Chia seeds to salads or yogurt
    Olive oil
    Granola/sports nutrition bars
    Whole grains or whole grain products
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Oh my goodness...My breakfast was about 2/3 of your daily intake.

    You'll probably hear this again and again on here, but you should eat more. Your organs need enough nutrition and calories to function. It's probably not getting all it needs at this point. I wouldn't wait until you plateau, but rather start upping the calories little by little now.

    With a metabolic reset and exercise program (along with clean eating and nutrient dense foods that most often keep you fuller than processed foods) you will not get fat if you consume well over your current intake, I assure you.
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    Never under any circumstances eat under 1200 cals. Your metabolism will be shot and it does absolutely no good to eat that low. Another problem people can run into is if they start adding calories they feel like their getting bigger so they go on a more extreme diet. Long story short eat 1500 right now if you can't reach the 17 but never ever go under 12
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    ...i don't think i'm capable of eating 1700 calories. I can either eat a lot of calories (like 2600) or very little...

    This makes absolutely NO sense to me, but anyways. Good luck! You've obviously got it all squared away.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    wow, well good luck to you on 900 calories a day. that is not a "lifestyle change" diet and is a recipe for disaster. I've been eating 1500-1600 calories a day, well balanced, healthy foods since i started and have been consistantly losing each week. You will screw up your body on 900 calories, and a screwed up body and metabolism is not gonna be a very good fat burning machine. When your 900 calorie diet starts not working and you start feeling tired, sick, cold , hungry.... try switching to what the roadmap says, 1700 calories.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    900 calories a day is skirting around eating disorder territory.

    Newborns eat more than this.

    You are an adult. Eat more. Add in calorie dense foods - nuts, avacados, full fat versions of foods you already eat. You don't have to drastically increase volume to get more calories in. But you should most certainly be eating MORE.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    NO...just no.
  • baxterwagner
    baxterwagner Posts: 2 Member
    this does not make logical sense. I would not go below 1,200 as others have said. make sure what makes up those calories are good, sensible, and well balanced foods. what are you eating?
  • I am 5"10 and weigh 146.8 lbs and eat healthy, no junk food at all!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    "i don't think i'm capable of eating 1700 calories. I can either eat a lot of calories (like 2600) or very little"

    All that says to me is I'm terrible at planning so I'm either going to pig out or eat almost nothing. It's really not that hard. Put a little effort into it, plan your meals the day before if you need to, and EAT. You will never keep weight off by crash dieting, so enjoy gaining it all back if you continue doing this.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Sure it will work.

    But you'll be losing muscle along with the fat. Which means you won't be as happy with your appearance when you get to your goal weight.

    And, very little calories usually means fatigue, so you're risking being tired all the time. In addition, some people experience hair loss, brittle nails, skin issues, etc. Your body isn't getting much, so the "extras" don't get the nutrients. On top of all that, you risk slowing down your metabolism. That means when you get to your goal, your maintenance calories will be lower than someone who had been eating at a more moderate deficit.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    i don't think i'm capable of eating 1700 calories. I can either eat a lot of calories (like 2600) or very little.

    Sounds legit.
  • TigerPawsSC
    TigerPawsSC Posts: 20 Member
    I wish folks would stop spouting off the same unsubstantiated nonsense about "starvation mode" and the human body "storing all of its fat" because it is losing it too fast. This board has to be the biggest exercise in group think on the entire Internet, which is saying a lot.

    There are many problems associated with eating too little. You lack energy. You're more prone to binging. It's harder to maintain your weight loss once it's gone because you haven't developed sustainable habits. There are actual health-related risks to your body. Etc. These reasons should be sufficient to dissuade people without lying about how they will eventually stop losing weight on a low calorie diet.

    They will lose weight. It will still be a combination of fat and muscle mass (the composition of those two depends upon a number of factors). They may hurt their bodies in the process, and it's probably neither necessary or healthy. But as I said, there are enough good, legitimate reasons to avoid a very low calorie diet that people should quit relying on unsubstantiated lies in these discussions.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I should be eating 1700 calories according to the 'in place of a road map' thread.

    i've been eating about 900 calories a day.

    my plan is to stay on 900


    Think about this for a second.

    You didn't get to 250 pounds because you're so darn smart about food. You don't become obese because you make good decisions about nutrition. Right?

    So, you went and read a thread full of fantastic info and direction about weight loss because you're 250 pounds and want to lose weight. So what do you do? Throw all that advice and information out the window.

  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    If you are thinking about losing weight right now as quickly as possible, regardless of how unhealthy it is in the long run, you will fail.

    End of story.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    I weighed 251 2.5 weeks ago. I'm down to 236. I should be eating 1700 calories according to the 'in place of a road map' thread. I did all the calculators.
    i've been eating about 900 calories a day. Its easy for me to do and i'm losing a lot of weight. i don't think i'm capable of eating 1700 calories. I can either eat a lot of calories (like 2600) or very little.

    my plan is to stay on 900 a week until I stop losing weight and then start adding 100 calories a week back. I think ill plateau around 180 pounds and probably gain back like 10 pounds while my metabolism goes up when I add back calories

    Not sure of the point of this post. Your question was/is...... so my low cal diet won't work to lose 50 pounds? I bet my life saving if you actually eat 900 cal/day and stick to it you will definitely lose 50lbs. Without a doubt! I wouldn't do it...but hey, its your body and your old enough to make your own decisions. Best of luck to ya! Wish you the best in acheiving your goals.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    My concern with such low cal would be that I don't wanna mess up my metabolism and put myself at realistic risk I wouldn't be able to maintain as a lifelong lifestyle.
  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member
    Enjoy your 900 calorie days while they last.
    Once you lose around 10% of your weight, your body will start putting up a fight, and at 900 calories, it's going to be a slug-fest.
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