so my low cal diet won't work to lose 50 pounds?



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Oops. yeah, you're right. Either way, 190 is an unhealthy weight unless she's substantially tall for a woman.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    A couple friends used to weight about as much as me. They signed up with a medical weight loss clinic. One has lost 40 pounds in the last two months. She eats about 900 calories a day, she's still losing. The other has hit a plateau at about 180. They don't eat sugar or salt, all protein, carb and veg. I don't eat the same thing as them.

    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    Look, if you're not willing to put in the time to do it correctly, then why even bother? Why jump in and crash diet to begin with and then try to learn the way to do it right? So, you may lose more slowly, but you will still lose.... and you'll learn how to keep it off in the process. I don't see why this is so difficult to understand.

    YOU'RE JUST GOING TO HAVE TO BE PATIENT. It's not bashing, it's logic.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    It really works much better the other way around. Eat the most calories that you can eat and still lose weight. When you stop losing for more than a month, you can cut your calories back a bit, going from - example - 1700 per day to 1600 per day. You also can add more activity.

    Since you're starting at so low of calories, you have nothing to cut.

    Plus such low calories has a very negative effect on your metabolism. I would guess that it has slowed by approximately 25%. That means that when you get to goal weight, you'll have to keep your calories lower than they would be otherwise by about 25%. So instead of - example - 1600 being your maintenance calories at goal weight, yours will be 1272. Bon appetit!
  • belle19822000
    belle19822000 Posts: 62 Member
    I weighed 251 2.5 weeks ago. I'm down to 236. I should be eating 1700 calories according to the 'in place of a road map' thread. I did all the calculators.
    i've been eating about 900 calories a day. Its easy for me to do and i'm losing a lot of weight. i don't think i'm capable of eating 1700 calories. I can either eat a lot of calories (like 2600) or very little.

    my plan is to stay on 900 a week until I stop losing weight and then start adding 100 calories a week back. I think ill plateau around 180 pounds and probably gain back like 10 pounds while my metabolism goes up when I add back calories

    As someone else already said: You didn't gain that weight by eating only 900 calories your entire life! But now, 1700 calories are too much for you?... buhuuuuuuuu!!

    Are you aware how much calories it takes to actually get to over 200 pounds???

    What's with thew attitude: I can only eat too little (900) or to much (2600 calories)???

    Your plan is WRONG! Period.

    People don't choose between winning a Nobel prize and not having a job. they choose something in between! I suppose you are a candidate for a Nobel prize then, since you only aim for one opposite?

    Be realistic, eat less then 2000 calories, and there won't be that "planned" 10 pound gain you mention. You'll just lose weight. Simple as you gained it!
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    In what way would a crazy crash diet make it "easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health"?

    That doesn't make any sense.

    Carrying out your plan is a bad idea and you know it. Did you expect something other than bashing by posting a plan you know well and good is horrible?

    OP posts: "So my low cal diet won't work?"
    OP hopes to get: "No, it's fine! Lose 50 pounds through malnutrition and crash dieting now. Worry about silly things like health and long term success later. What you need now is a crazy plan you know is wrong."
    OP gets: "Uh, no, it won't work and you know it."
    OP responds: "Can I just get information instead of bashing?"

    Hmmm.. your normally a bit more cordial in your responses... not enough Poptarts today, I guess. I love that you kinda assume that the OP just wants to her own advice.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    In what way would a crazy crash diet make it "easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health"?

    That doesn't make any sense.

    Carrying out your plan is a bad idea and you know it. Did you expect something other than bashing by posting a plan you know well and good is horrible?

    OP posts: "So my low cal diet won't work?"
    OP hopes to get: "No, it's fine! Lose 50 pounds through malnutrition and crash dieting now. Worry about silly things like health and long term success later. What you need now is a crazy plan you know is wrong."
    OP gets: "Uh, no, it won't work and you know it."
    OP responds: "Can I just get information instead of bashing?"

    Hmmm.. your normally a bit more cordial in your responses... not enough Poptarts today, I guess. I love that you kinda assume that the OP just wants to her own advice.

    I'm generally more "cordial" to people who don't straight-up say that they know what they are doing is wrong but they're going to do it anyway, then post several more times in the thread complaining about the response they're getting.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I was very discouraged by a friend on my list. We both had the same amount of weight to lose - 100+ pounds. We started on the same day. I decided to go with the road map and she kept doing her less than 1200 cals a day. She lost about 3 pounds every week and every body was cheering her on. I was determined to lift heavy and eat healthy. I was jealous of her losing so fast.

    Flash forward one year. I am down 74 pounds, I can deadlift 110 pounds & doing Stronglifts, I am running for 32 minutes straight, I am healthy. My hair is thick and shiny. I pay attention to my macros. My friend is about 10 pounds from her goal. She posted the other day that she has serious vitamin D deficiencies, has a lot of loose skin and her hair is falling out.

    It may take me another year to lose all my weight, but I will do it. You can too. There are lots of ways to go about it. The key is whether you want to be healthy at the end or not.

    Good luck in your decision. :flowerforyou:

    ^^You are beautiful and amazing!!! Did you friend add lethargic as a snail to her list?

  • joewtug1
    joewtug1 Posts: 10
    dafuq i just read?
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    You don't wanna do this plan, because it's really unsustainable and unhealthy.... and in the long run it kinda messes with your mind.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    What are you losing 50 pounds of with this methodology, I ask?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I weighed 251 2.5 weeks ago. I'm down to 236. I should be eating 1700 calories according to the 'in place of a road map' thread. I did all the calculators.
    i've been eating about 900 calories a day. Its easy for me to do and i'm losing a lot of weight. i don't think i'm capable of eating 1700 calories. I can either eat a lot of calories (like 2600) or very little.

    my plan is to stay on 900 a week until I stop losing weight and then start adding 100 calories a week back. I think ill plateau around 180 pounds and probably gain back like 10 pounds while my metabolism goes up when I add back calories
    Well you didn't gain weight eating 1700 calories a day, so you're capable of doing it.

    You can keep losing weight eating that much, but you'll be losing a good amount of lean muscle (and muscle DOES weigh more than fat by volume) so take that into consideration because losing it means a lower metabolic rate, less strength and a higher risk joint wear (since muscle helps to keep bones friction down).

    Also you're more likely to stall or plateau much faster and for a longer period of time.

    Less calories doesn't always mean better when it comes to healthy weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    It's hard to go from one eating system to another. You put a lot of emotional energy, time, playing, and fortitude into where you are...and now, you will need to make some slow adjustments to move foward without feeling like you are sabotaging former efforts.

    The goal is several small "mini-meals" through the day, which you are already doing. So, let's shoot for an Egg McMuffin style sandwich for breakfast, lean, low fat, and not too heavy on the breads, or a bowl of oatmeal with an apple or a few almond slivers in it (1 T.) and a cup of coffee or skim milk.

    Mid morning, a large apple and a cup of coffee, or a few peanuts (about a capful is close to an ounce, pre-measure nuts so you'll know how to "spot" a one ounce serving. About 100 cals.

    Lunches are easy: a bowl of soup, veggie salad, a hummus wheat roll, turkey based sandwich on Healthy Life bread with some fruit, veggies, and salsa. All of these should get to about 250-300 calories.

    Mid afternoon, you have several options depending on how big your supper is. If it's small, go larger on this. If it's going to be big and early or with family who is not dieting, you might save more calories for supper. So, a granola bar, a protein bar, a 100-200 calorie snack. If you are working out, perhaps more protein, if not, healthy carbs: carrot sticks, hummus or peanut butter in celery sticks.

    Then, evening meal, shoot for 400 calories or so.

    Bedtime, you may feel "snacky" again. A 100 calorie mini bag of popcorn, piece of fruit, piece of dark chocolate (often 70 calories), a protein smoothie (if you didn't have one earlier and worked out, these are often 250 calories or so, so I save them for workout days).

    And start walking. !5 minutes a day...every day. Watch that grow from one mile to about two over the next two weeks. And progressively walk. Your body will build more muscle, which burns more fat, which allows you to enjoy eating without starving yourself. Soon, you'll be able to handle low impact aerobics tapes or Jilliam Michaels Biggest Loser...great places to start.

    Once you feel safe at 1200 calories and see you are losing, and you feel great, you may feel safe to creep on up to where you need to be, and it will give your body time to adjust to these changes. Make about a 200 calorie change at a time, sit on it a while, behave in healthy ways, and keep adjusting.

    I hope this helps.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I could either save money by putting 10% of my paycheck into a savings account each week. Or I could save money by prostituting my body at a truck stop on weekends and then putting that money into a savings account.

    I would probably have a bigger savings account faster with the second option, but does that make it the smart option?

    No. Eat some damn food.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    A couple friends used to weight about as much as me. They signed up with a medical weight loss clinic. One has lost 40 pounds in the last two months. She eats about 900 calories a day, she's still losing. The other has hit a plateau at about 180. They don't eat sugar or salt, all protein, carb and veg. I don't eat the same thing as them.

    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?
    They are at the wrong clinic then. Don't be a sheep. It's so ironic that some people will do all the right things to protect their family, kids, animals etc., but when it comes to weight loss, they'll take a chance even if it could mean a health consequence.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I could either save money by putting 10% of my paycheck into a savings account each week. Or I could save money by prostituting my body at a truck stop on weekends and then putting that money into a savings account.

    I would probably have a bigger savings account faster with the second option, but does that make it the smart option?

    No. Eat some damn food.

    I like you.
    This is why I quit reading these posts. Everyone is an expert! If it works for you and you are not feeling sluggish & run down then it works. We are all grown ups on here and should try to support each other not boss each other around.

    A person at my work always comments on what I am eating...too much salt, too many carbs. I've lost 16 lbs and she just exercises her mouth. Who is doing better??

    And you - you really feel that it's not simple enough to say "Hi, I'm an adult who is eating less than a newborn?" an go "This is not a good idea. You're an adult, not a newborn."

    You know, a tiny human being that had just passed through a woman's body mere months ago?

    Do you REALLY think you need to be an expert to know that's bad? If you do, please - stop posting any and all advice on forums. Cease and desist. THIS moment. We do not need someone who is so ill advised in the human body that they won't say eating at starvation levels is a bad thing.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It's hard to go from one eating system to another. You put a lot of emotional energy, time, playing, and fortitude into where you are...and now, you will need to make some slow adjustments to move foward without feeling like you are sabotaging former efforts.

    The goal is several small "mini-meals" through the day, which you are already doing. So, let's shoot for an Egg McMuffin style sandwich for breakfast, lean, low fat, and not too heavy on the breads, or a bowl of oatmeal with an apple or a few almond slivers in it (1 T.) and a cup of coffee or skim milk.

    Mid morning, a large apple and a cup of coffee, or a few peanuts (about a capful is close to an ounce, pre-measure nuts so you'll know how to "spot" a one ounce serving. About 100 cals.

    Lunches are easy: a bowl of soup, veggie salad, a hummus wheat roll, turkey based sandwich on Healthy Life bread with some fruit, veggies, and salsa. All of these should get to about 250-300 calories.

    Mid afternoon, you have several options depending on how big your supper is. If it's small, go larger on this. If it's going to be big and early or with family who is not dieting, you might save more calories for supper. So, a granola bar, a protein bar, a 100-200 calorie snack. If you are working out, perhaps more protein, if not, healthy carbs: carrot sticks, hummus or peanut butter in celery sticks.

    Then, evening meal, shoot for 400 calories or so.

    Bedtime, you may feel "snacky" again. A 100 calorie mini bag of popcorn, piece of fruit, piece of dark chocolate (often 70 calories), a protein smoothie (if you didn't have one earlier and worked out, these are often 250 calories or so, so I save them for workout days).

    And start walking. !5 minutes a day...every day. Watch that grow from one mile to about two over the next two weeks. And progressively walk. Your body will build more muscle, which burns more fat, which allows you to enjoy eating without starving yourself. Soon, you'll be able to handle low impact aerobics tapes or Jilliam Michaels Biggest Loser...great places to start.

    Once you feel safe at 1200 calories and see you are losing, and you feel great, you may feel safe to creep on up to where you need to be, and it will give your body time to adjust to these changes. Make about a 200 calorie change at a time, sit on it a while, behave in healthy ways, and keep adjusting.

    I hope this helps.

    Great advice!

    Watch the salads, though. I can easily put together a 700 calorie salad with sunflower seeds, cheese, dressing, croutons, etc + all the veggies.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I was very discouraged by a friend on my list. We both had the same amount of weight to lose - 100+ pounds. We started on the same day. I decided to go with the road map and she kept doing her less than 1200 cals a day. She lost about 3 pounds every week and every body was cheering her on. I was determined to lift heavy and eat healthy. I was jealous of her losing so fast.

    Flash forward one year. I am down 74 pounds, I can deadlift 110 pounds & doing Stronglifts, I am running for 32 minutes straight, I am healthy. My hair is thick and shiny. I pay attention to my macros. My friend is about 10 pounds from her goal. She posted the other day that she has serious vitamin D deficiencies, has a lot of loose skin and her hair is falling out.

    It may take me another year to lose all my weight, but I will do it. You can too. There are lots of ways to go about it. The key is whether you want to be healthy at the end or not.

    Good luck in your decision. :flowerforyou:

    Another vote for the advice of this awesome MFP who is celebrating her one year of awesome today. I recommend a friend request and to sit back and take notes!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It helps that you're obese, but this decision will catch up with you.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Take a step back and try and listen to what you sound like. You can only eat 900 or 2500 calories? That is a bit ridiculous. You have to retrain yourself to eat at the 1700 or so. No one said it was gonna be easy.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Yes you will mess up your metabolism which you seem to already know so not a big deal to you right?
    But you will also seriously mess up your muscle mass, you will start to become weak, get fatique, headaches, depression, poor sleeping patterns, hair falling out, teeth getting weak and sensitive, nails breaking easily, skin looking dull and all this will probably impact your life in such a way that you will stress out and start eating crap again and gain all the weight back, only this time it will look even worse on you as you will not have as much muscle on your body, therefore your bodyfat percentage will be higher than ever before. Thats if you don't break down and binge after a few days
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