Healthy When Significant Other Isn't



  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    My hubby needs to lose about 60 lbs ..He was drinking alot of pepsi and junk food and fast food etc.

    So since i joined MFP , I tell him sorry i cant eat that because its too many calories and then i wont be able to eat for the rest of the day and i tell him you know there is 1200 cals in that burrito so i can cut off like one inch and eat it.

    Anyway..he said he is being good at work and not drinking soda as much . yesterday I came home from work and he was frying fish and he told me he only used a LITTLE oil..He is trying and its cute..I dont push him..I just tell him what i am learning and I tell him how important it is to be healthy and that I want him to be healthy so we can do things together. He likes going for we will do that together when its warmer..snowed here yesterday..

    I agree baby steps and kindness and love work well!

    Haha that's kind of how my bf is too. I don't want to push anything on him, but I do talk about what I'm doing and he tries, in his own, slightly uninformed way ;) to help out.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    My SO doesn't work out, doesn't watch what he eats. It doesn't bother me, BUT -

    I'm not as on fire for fitness as other people. If he didn't enjoy nerd stuff the same way I did, with the same passion that you have for fitness, it wouldn't have worked out.

    So I could see where, if you're really really into fitness, that could be a problem for a couple.

    ^^^This is me any my husband. I try to watch what comes in the house because of my efforts and trying to watch what the kids take in, but my husband is a junk food junkie. Thankfully, he's not TOO bad, and he supports my efforts.
  • hannahthesoundgirl
    hannahthesoundgirl Posts: 15 Member
    My husband and I have been married for a little over two years. He could stand to lose about 200-250 lbs and I could lose about 50-100 lbs. We both eat fairly healthy (although he does love his Chinese buffets...) with lots of veggies and lean meats. His job is incredibly stressful and he's working on his masters in Math on top of working full time (taking two classes a semester--if you've ever looked at grad school math classes, you'll know this is insane). He doesn't always take time to exercise as much as I do, or as intensely as I do, but he's doing as much as he can manage with the rest of the things he has going on. He's changed his way of doing things sooooo much since before we were together. I'm so proud of him.
  • KKessler055
    KKessler055 Posts: 1 Member
    My SO does not eat healthy or exercise. He is always asking me if I want donuts for breakfast or pizza for supper. I just say no thanks I'm trying to eat a little healthier! After a few days of saying no he stops asking. I started jogging in the mornings before he goes to work. At first he was against it, but I stood my ground and now he encourages me to go run! I also ask my kids to workout with me and make healthy food choices. They love to be included in my daily routines and we can have fun and be together. I don't need my SO to do everything I do. I have to make my own choices to get healthy. It's usually 20mins out of 24 hours!!!!
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    My DH is helpful and a hindrance all at the same time! It has taken 10 years of marriage and watching me struggle with my weight since we have had kids too get it through to him that I don't like being fat. He wants to be helpful but he just doesn't know how. He is very active and never has a weigh issue. He is the same size now that he was when we met 13 years ago. DH is an over the road trucker so when he goes different places he will pick up special yummy food. I have a terrible sweet tooth! So when he brings me May West cakes and Kinder buenos from Canada I am at a loss to say no! Not to mention the huckleberry syrup. He claims not to be to into sweets but well he is! After 10 years I finally got him to stop bringing the stuff home for me. Don't get me wrong I love it, but I have no control at 10pm and I will eat anything with sugar that isn't nailed down!
    I finally have gotten it through to him and he stopped bringing me crap home. It has taken me a long time to get to the point where I have stopped making all the junk. I am an amazing baker, and I love to do it. He is picky as all get out. and thinks he needs meat and potatoes in every meal. I am Italian and I was raised to eat mostly veggies and fish. For us it is a weird kind of melding. But we are getting there. He stopped bringing the stuff home and I have had to stop making it here. Now I just have to get my 19 and 21year old stepsons to stop coming to ask me every night if I have anything sweet in the house. I just have remember just breath through it and if it's really bad tylenol pm is my friend. I can't shove food in my face if I am asleep!
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    My hubby has put on 30 lbs since we got married 3 yrs ago. He gets a good healthy dinner every night and takes the leftovers for lunch the following day, but that I,am afraid, is the extent of his healthy lifestyle. He has a very physical and stressful job comes home exhausted every night. The last thing he wants to do is exercise. I do not nag him. He tells me everyday how proud he is of me for making exercise and eating healthier a priority in my life. He has recently stated that he needs to do something about his weight. I will be out of the state for a month or more and am hoping it is the catalyst for him to start taking his health seriously. I want him to feel as good as I do now and I want him around for the long haul.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    My boyfriend and I are nerds. Our relationship was really solidified around World of Warcraft at one point (we live in the same neighborhoods, so no I didn't meet him on WoW, we just spent a lot of the beginning of our relationship playing it together). He was not all about jumping completely on the wagon with me when I decided to start being healthier, but he does enjoy making smoothies with me and trying to find (and try them himself with me) healthy alternatives to some of our favorite foods, and to me thats all that matters. He can still throw down some mcdonalds, and tons of junk and soda, but he's generally supportive of me and understands that I'm just not about that lifestyle anymore. I mean he gets out, he loves to play to basketball, frisbee, throw the football around and do stuff like that, but he doesnt do it EVERYDAY (I'm sure he'd play basketball everyday if the rims at the court in the neighborhood weren't completely f**ked.)

    I was fat when we got together and he loved me then, he's still gonna love me when I'm at my goal weight and every milestone in between. And I still love him even if he is kind of a disgusting lazy pig sometimes when it comes to food and exercise, he's my disgusting lazy pig and I don't know what I would do without him. (:
  • misseseaj2010
    I am dealing with this with my husband. But I am fortunate that I can cook for him/prepare his lunchbox for work without craving the food I make him or being tempted to eat it. I am determined to get to a healthy weight/improve my health, that's more important than that delicious food I just cooked for him.

    One downside though is having to basically buy 2 sets of groceries, cook 2 different meals, pack 2 different work lunches. It's twice as much work but what can you do? You can't force someone to eat differently. Your option is eat the same *kitten* as them or make 2 meals?

    My husband is pretty considerate though and I of him. I don't make him skimp on going to restaurants, we just compromise and go to a restaurant where I can get a healthier meal. Since doing mfp every Saturday we go to subway around "brunch" time and then later in the day go to taco bell and I get the fresco chicken soft tacos and we both get to enjoy our meals and I stay under my calories.

    Since I have started though trying to lose weight, my husband mentioned starting going to the gym and trying to lose weight also. I think most significant others will get on board at some point, it's probably just better to let them do it their pace than forcing them to do it at yours.
  • misseseaj2010
    My hubby has put on 30 lbs since we got married 3 yrs ago. He gets a good healthy dinner every night and takes the leftovers for lunch the following day, but that I,am afraid, is the extent of his healthy lifestyle. He has a very physical and stressful job comes home exhausted every night. The last thing he wants to do is exercise. I do not nag him. He tells me everyday how proud he is of me for making exercise and eating healthier a priority in my life. He has recently stated that he needs to do something about his weight.

    This sounds alot like my husband. Of course they don't feel like working out after doing physical work all day, and I live in a very hot climate, he started getting sunburnt in April :(. I feel bad that he has to endure this while I sit in an air conditioned office. That's why I don't push mine/nag either.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    my OH doesnt exercise, eat junk, doesnt count any calories/fat. He works as a security officer and walks 5 miles twice a day/night shift 3-4 days a week and Is 6ft2 so if he cut back a little hed lose weight easily. Its hard when he buys doughnuts and cakes or his mum gives him junk food to take home for the kids and him. Iv just had a bad 2 days cos of it and I need to buckle down and get my head on straight again!