Just a Vent



  • look on the arthritis foundation web site for excercises you can do with minimal impact to your joints.

    It is a catch 22....but don't get discouraged. You can also often find classes run by the arthritis foundation that are low impact.
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    I went ahead and looked at your diary. I see that you are tracking calories, carbs, protein, and fat. I did not see your values for sodium nor did I see values for potassium. I am wondering if your sodium levels are high and you are retaining water. Also low potassium can lead to joint pain. You should be intaking twice as much potassium as you are sodium. Even if you are taking potassium supplements, you need to figure your milligrams so that you are getting enough. If I forget to be careful about that, my lower body lets me know. You can go in and choose those values for your menu and just see where you are.
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    I did not see your values for sodium nor did I see values for potassium. I am wondering if your sodium levels are high and you are retaining water. Also low potassium can lead to joint pain. You should be intaking twice as much potassium as you are sodium. Even if you are taking potassium supplements, you need to figure your milligrams so that you are getting enough. If I forget to be careful about that, my lower body lets me know. You can go in and choose those values for your menu and just see where you are.

    I just went to my diary and added those two things. So I will see how I am doing. I went over my sodium today by 10, not good. THank you for telling me about that, Now I can look at those also.

    Again thank you all so much for the feedback.
  • You might want to have your doctor check your uric acid level. You could be having problems with gouty arthritis. As your body breaks down fat the acid can build up in your system and then turns to crystals that tend to effect the joints of the knees, ankles, and feet. Crystal look like jagged pieces of glass under a microscope. Very painful.......

    I have suffered with it since I was 13 and everytime I go to lose weight it will flare up. I take Colcrys on a daily basis but it still likes to flare up if I drop weight to fast. Then you have to increase the dosage and drink lots of WATER to flush from your system. Caffeine will agrivate it.

    It is so painful with a full blown attack that the Japanese would inject the POWS with uric acid and after the gout set into their joints they would then twist their legs to make them talk.

    Hope this is not your problem as I would not wish it on my worst enemy.