

  • Javier_KB
    Javier_KB Posts: 10
    Hello i am a 18 year old Male, 5'6 around 135 pounds,
    I do kickboxing and have been for over 1 year, 3 times a week. Results started to show quickly but have slowed down a lot. Although you might think i am a lightweight i still have a stomach! My cardio is fantastic and better then it has ever been but the results are NOT showing on my body! I try to eat as cleanly as possible! I weightlift usually once a week... do i have to weightlift more? or is kickboxing enough? help?

    Please tips :( !!!!

    You don't have to lift more, you don't have try to eat as "clean" as possible. All you have to do is eat under your TDEE. if you're going the "eating clean" route, i doubt you're eating enough.

    And I am going to "TELL YOU WHAT TO DO" Set up your calories correctly, and eat them. Here is how

    If you don't want to be told what to do, keep doing what you're doing and be stuck in your progress.

    i didnt make this thread to ask how to increase flexibility, that was my only point.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Can't be sure without seeing you, but it sounds like you are skinny-fat. You need to put on some serious muscle mass. Start lifting heavy 5x per week. Try a split like:

    Day 1: chest
    Day 2: back
    Day 3: shoulders
    Day 4: legs
    Day 5: arms
    Day 6: off
    Day 7 off

    Thats my spilt, but you can choose one that works for you. You just need to be lifting more. A lot more. And you need to make sure you are eating at 10-15% above maintenance, and getting AT LEAST 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (gotta feed the muscles if you want them to grow).

    And fyi, benching 3x10 of your body weight is not very impressive. I do that and I am obviously not very muscular (as seen on my pics). You need to develop some real muscle.
  • prncesslea
    prncesslea Posts: 2

    Don't be so defensive =)

    Hey, maybe some people would not agree with taking supplements, but I found one that is completely amazing. It's a thermogenic fat-burner, it's named Oxyelite Pro (R), Super Thermogenic (TM). You can find it at GNC stores or the GNC aisle at RiteAid. BUT, read the instructions, because it's very powerful.
  • prncesslea
    prncesslea Posts: 2
    And it's not good for you. My son is only 180#. He regularly lifted 350lb. But when he tried to life 400lb, he injured his back. Now he's on disability....

    be careful
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    A) Lift weights

    B) See a doctor. If your belly area protrudes so much at your height and 135 pounds that people have a nickname for it, you may have something wrong with you.

    C) Since you are so young, it is possible you still have the weak, undeveloped abdominal muscles that are common in pre-school age children. You know how toddlers all have that round, protruding belly? It's not fat (usually) it's just that their muscles there are so weak. This usually resolves itself by the age of 6 or so, but in some children it persists into adolescence. It certainly did with me; I had the toddler tummy until I was at least 16.

    D) See B. A doctor can rule out if it is merely undeveloped muscle or if you have an obstruction in your intestines, something growing there, whatever. It is not likely to be extra fat at your height and weight, as you are within the range for a normal, healthy body weight. A doctor can tell you for sure.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Don't be so defensive =)

    Hey, maybe some people would not agree with taking supplements, but I found one that is completely amazing. It's a thermogenic fat-burner, it's named Oxyelite Pro (R), Super Thermogenic (TM). You can find it at GNC stores or the GNC aisle at RiteAid. BUT, read the instructions, because it's very powerful.

    Just what every 18 year old underweight male needs: fat burner pills.
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    Um you are asking for help but when someone politely gives you advise you act like a child and say don't tell me what to do. OBVIOUSLY this site is not for you. You need to grow up and apology would be nice...Just sayin