About to give up



  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    You said that you overeat on your calories...are we talking net calories? Because if so, well, there's your problem.
  • tjthegreatone
    tjthegreatone Posts: 324
    Hmm some conflicting advice here about diet. I'm 29. You are right that I havent really accepted my current weight. I am a cardio junkie but I'm trying to change that! I took up BodyPump two months ago and I've started with free weights in the gym. I'll experiment with 2200 for a month and cut back cardio (love my spin and combat though!) and will see what the scale says. Dunno my measurements but I'm a uk size 10.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I can offer little help, I'm struggling too. My diary is open if you were to look you would see what happens to me when I try to NOT eat low carb. So if you haven't tried that and if you don't have any health issues that would prevent you, I suggest you just cut the carbs completely (well almost completely, and definitely cut all the junk out).

    Sorry, it's the best advice I have. And I have trouble sticking to it right now, too!
  • Jaxter888
    Jaxter888 Posts: 21 Member
    Diet is 90% of losing weight.
    Calorie deficit is 100% of losing weight.
    Where that weight comes from (water, muscle, fat) will depend on stimulous and adequate protein & fat.

    No real such things as a bad time or a good time.... or 'junk food' or 'dirty food' or 'clean food' or 'healthy food'...... its all just FOOD... calories, micros and macros.

    Track ALL your food CORRECTLY... track your body weight weekly... review every 3 weeks and adjust calories and macros to suit goals.... on adjust after a 3 weeks of monitoring if needed... not coz u gained 2lbs in a day... 3 week overall loss from previous 3 week point is GOOD.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Have you tried a protein shake to increase protein?
  • JudithEssex
    JudithEssex Posts: 34 Member
    Don't give up! You will lose respect for yourself, and that is part of what we are atter...right?

    I do think you are over stressing the number. with all the exercise you do and your youth I'll bet 155 looks pretty good! Self love and acceptance also makes a woman "look good." Being happy with your self.

    A few tips: PACK YOUR LUNCH AND SNACKS! this alone can change your life. YES eat 6 times per day...three meals and three PLANNED nutritious snacks of 100 - 200 Kcals each. drink your water (you don't have to drown, but drinking heals your system eliminate waste products).

    Buy yourself some cute clothes (if that is your thing) and I would suggest that you see what maintaining 155 is like. Maintain for three months. Maintaining is MUCH harder than losing...as hard as that is! Just imagine - if you were turning 40 and at 155, would you be happy?

    Good luck, my dear, life is too short to be miserable over 5 pounds! :)
  • tjthegreatone
    tjthegreatone Posts: 324
    Don't give up! You will lose respect for yourself, and that is part of what we are atter...right?

    I do think you are over stressing the number. with all the exercise you do and your youth I'll bet 155 looks pretty good! Self love and acceptance also makes a woman "look good." Being happy with your self.

    A few tips: PACK YOUR LUNCH AND SNACKS! this alone can change your life. YES eat 6 times per day...three meals and three PLANNED nutritious snacks of 100 - 200 Kcals each. drink your water (you don't have to drown, but drinking heals your system eliminate waste products).

    Buy yourself some cute clothes (if that is your thing) and I would suggest that you see what maintaining 155 is like. Maintain for three months. Maintaining is MUCH harder than losing...as hard as that is! Just imagine - if you were turning 40 and at 155, would you be happy?

    Good luck, my dear, life is too short to be miserable over 5 pounds! :)

    Hmm. I think you are right. I'll go back to packing and pre-planning my food intake - got lazy over the past few months and that's probably part of the problem. It'll be a miracle if I stay the same weight at 40. Honestly I can't see myself keeping this level of effort going for much longer. I'm single with no children, and it's already a massive commitment to fit in 8-10 hours a week in the gym with logging/worrying about calories on the back of a full-time job. (Probably why I'm single with no children in the first place :p)

    I'm not sad about being 155 - if I could maintain that I'd be happy. It's that if I 'relax' and let go I'll balloon back to 190 pronto.

    As for liking the way I look...hmm. Well the society we live in makes that hard but I'm working on it. As you say, life's too short.
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    First, stop focusing on the number on a scale. The scale can fluctuate greatly. Also take into account body fat and inches. I have had periods where the scale stayed the same but I lost 4 inches. I personally like TDEE - 20%. I do mine at lightly active which at 165 lbs puts me at 1692 calories. But there are days I eat as high as my TDEE but overall since I am eating under TDEE I am losing weight here and there according to the scale but mostly inches and my clothes get looser. Currently, I am doing the 30 day shred which is a combo of minimal cardio, strength training, small weights. I burn over 200 calories in just 27 minutes. While up front you think cardio is better in actuality the strength training and lifting burn more and are of more benefit over time.

    If you are going to gym 5-6 times a week, I personally would do the TDEE with the moderate activity level. If you are concerned about the weeks you have lower activity then do it from the lighly active TDEE number and subtract 20% or 10%. I would then just down your cardio and focus more on strength training and lifting to tone and change your body composition. And don't focus on the scale so much.
  • tjthegreatone
    tjthegreatone Posts: 324
    Thanks everyone for all the advice and friend requests. I'm now more determined not to give up :)