Question For Those That Workout First Thing In the AM

JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
I've been reading numerous articles on the pros/cons to eating before working out when you workout first thing in the morning. Currently I haven't been eating beforehand since I must get up at 4/4:15am in order to workout in the am and once I'm up I start my workout within 15-20 min of waking. This leaves little time to really get anything into my system, but I'm finding I'm lagging a bit during my workouts and not feeling so good after. ( I do Tracy Anderson which consists of 30 min mat work [repetitive motions to tone] and 30 min intense cardio.)

I know lots of people don't eat prior hoping to burn more fat. From what I read, since we usually are in a bit of a fasting state when we wake up having not eaten for 8+ hours, not eating before an am workout may result in some muscle (not just fat) being burned for fuel and can be really hard on the body. I read this in numerous places.

I'm thinking I need to eat a little something before my workout, suggestions were half a banana and fruits with high water content (mellon, watermellon, etc.) and hydrating pre and post workout. My only concern is that I have less than 30min between waking and working out..

Do you eat before your am workout? How much time do you have between waking and working out? Have you experimented with eating/not eating and saw a difference??

TY for the feedback -


  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    I work out as soon as I get up of a morning. I don't eat before because I have a very sensitive stomach and frankly I'm afraid that eating and then immediately working out will result in throwing up. And since I have a serious vomit phobia, I just don't. I do, however, drink water throughout my workout. I find that as I'm working out, even though I initially wake up really hungry, my hunger goes away almost as soon as I start my program.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    In the real world, it doesn't really work like that (burning more fat when fasted, etc etc etc). The body is constantly shuttling energy for different needs - when you need energy for a workout, the body will find it. When you need energy to digest food, the body will find it. etc. So the idea that you can burn more fat workout out at a certain time of day either fed or fasted is highly overstated.

    Most people will see SIGNIFICANTLY better results working out when they can give the greatest effort and maintain the highest intensity. If that means fasted first thing in the morning then great. If that's fed later in the day, that's great too.

    Results are MUCH MORE about the effort you give than they are about the method/program/timing you choose.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    In the real world, it doesn't really work like that (burning more fat when fasted, etc etc etc). The body is constantly shuttling energy for different needs - when you need energy for a workout, the body will find it. When you need energy to digest food, the body will find it. etc. So the idea that you can burn more fat workout out at a certain time of day either fed or fasted is highly overstated.

    Most people will see SIGNIFICANTLY better results working out when they can give the greatest effort and maintain the highest intensity. If that means fasted first thing in the morning then great. If that's fed later in the day, that's great too.

    Results are MUCH MORE about the effort you give than they are about the method/program/timing you choose.

    I agree - but I want to have optimal workouts for optimal results and not do things that would have negative gains. So you don't buy in to the "burning muscle for fuel" if working out first thing in the AM without eating? I would think having a little to eat and somewhat digested would allow your body to use that for enerfgy instead of looking for other sources (without food, that would be the body)... and I just can't imagine the body would just target fat stores - I think it's plausible that it would use some muscle as well and I don't really want to have that happen.

    I agree getting "caught up in the minutia" can be silly and unproductive - getting in a good workout is sometime hard enough! I'm just trying to feel my best and optimize my results... no harm in that... :wink:
  • babbs770
    babbs770 Posts: 27 Member
    Before I exercise in the morning I have a fruit, usually an apple or a banana. Otherwise I feel dizzy or unable to work out as hard.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    I don't eat anything, just have a little water. I find if I eat, I don't feel well during my workout. Just my experience.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    If i'm just taking the dog for our 2 mile 30 minute run, I wait until we get home. If I plan to do a more intense workout, i'll mix some protein powder in juice, milk or water (depending on my mood) before I workout so I have energy to sustain me through the workout then eat breakfast.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    If i'm just taking the dog for our 2 mile 30 minute run, I wait until we get home. If I plan to do a more intense workout, i'll mix some protein powder in juice, milk or water (depending on my mood) before I workout so I have energy to sustain me through the workout then eat breakfast.

    Besides a small bit of fruit I've read liquids are a good option... I might try a mini protein shake...
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I also work out first thing in the morning. I am up at 5:15 and at the gym by 5:30. I don't eat because I am afraid that I will throw up if I do. I usually eat within a half hour of working out and that seems to work for me. I know some people will drink a before workout drink that is suppose to help with their energy.
  • KelliSay
    KelliSay Posts: 3 Member
    I work out first thing in the morning, about the same time you do. I eat a Larabar or have a banana with a little peanut butter as soon as I wake up, then get my clothes on, put my hair up and go. I don't feel sick or sluggish when I workout, and the food will be fairly digested when you need it to kick in (even if it is not the optimum 45 mins to an hour, it's close enough). I found myself hungry during my workouts when I didn't eat anything, and it was just an extra discomfort that I didn't want to deal with ;-). I think if there were a significant difference, in terms of weight loss, fasting vs. non-fasting before a workout, the two sides of the issue wouldn't be so muddied. If you HATE working out hungry, that is going to affect your attitude towards doing it, and I don't know about you, but I don't need another reason to dislike it - getting up at 4 AM is tough enough....
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    In the real world, it doesn't really work like that (burning more fat when fasted, etc etc etc). The body is constantly shuttling energy for different needs - when you need energy for a workout, the body will find it. When you need energy to digest food, the body will find it. etc. So the idea that you can burn more fat workout out at a certain time of day either fed or fasted is highly overstated.

    Most people will see SIGNIFICANTLY better results working out when they can give the greatest effort and maintain the highest intensity. If that means fasted first thing in the morning then great. If that's fed later in the day, that's great too.

    Results are MUCH MORE about the effort you give than they are about the method/program/timing you choose.

    I agree - but I want to have optimal workouts for optimal results and not do things that would have negative gains. So you don't buy in to the "burning muscle for fuel" if working out first thing in the AM without eating? I would think having a little to eat and somewhat digested would allow your body to use that for enerfgy instead of looking for other sources (without food, that would be the body)... and I just can't imagine the body would just target fat stores - I think it's plausible that it would use some muscle as well and I don't really want to have that happen.

    I agree getting "caught up in the minutia" can be silly and unproductive - getting in a good workout is sometime hard enough! I'm just trying to feel my best and optimize my results... no harm in that... :wink:

    I buy into it for really lean individuals who are doing brutal workouts. The average MFPer who has a bunch of weigh to lose and isn't working out at 80-90% of their max doesn't have to worry about it. Especially if they eat afterwards.

    Most people will have plenty of cals available from dinner/evening snacks the night before to properly fuel a workout the next morning.

    A lot of the intermittent fasting approaches actually advocate working out truly fasted.

  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I have to eat before I work out. I usually just have a little bit of Greek yogurt. Enough to not have me starving/shaking, but not too much. I usually only have about 5-10 minutes between eating and working out.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    My morning workout is a run between 6 and 10 miles. For years, I had oatmeal before I ran and it worked out fine. Then, I stopped eating before I run and it's worked out fine. To me, there has been no noticeable difference.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    I workout at 3am, get ready and get to work by 5am and then eat at work. I dont have too many issues with that.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I am up at 5:20 a.m. and working out by 5:30. I usually eat a 1/2 slice of bread and about a teaspoon of PB. I am one of those people that can get shaky if my blood sugar is low.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I do FAR better not eating before a morning workout. Whether it's a run or strength training.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I get up at 4:50 for boot camp and am out the door 15 minutes later. I eat a protein bar or banana on the way to the gym. Cuz I'm hungry. On weekends when I do long runs I eat oatmeal - but I make sure to eat it at least an hour before my run.
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I only eat before a morning workout if I know it is going to be longer than a hour.
  • oldernotwiser
    oldernotwiser Posts: 175 Member
    I am usually at the gym between 6-7. If I don't put something in my stomach it will begin to eat itself so to speak. I make a morning shake with the following ingredients.

    Protein powder 30g
    Flaxseed 13g
    Psyllium Husk 7g
    Raw Spinach 4oz
    Strawberries 6oz
    Banana 3-4oz
    Almond Milk 12oz

    I'll usually drink about 1/3 - 1/2 before I work out and the rest after.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I thought about doing that too... Making up a protein shake and just drinking half before and half after... great idea!
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I buy into it for really lean individuals who are doing brutal workouts. The average MFPer who has a bunch of weigh to lose and isn't working out at 80-90% of their max doesn't have to worry about it. Especially if they eat afterwards.

    Most people will have plenty of cals available from dinner/evening snacks the night before to properly fuel a workout the next morning.

    A lot of the intermittent fasting approaches actually advocate working out truly fasted.


    My workout is brutal, but I'm not that lean... yet... ;o)
    Did I see that you tried IF for 6 weeks and didn't see a significant difference?