Question For Those That Workout First Thing In the AM



  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Perhaps some experimentation is in order.... :wink:
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    sunglasses_and_ocean_waves Posts: 2,757 Member
    I eat a decent amount before & after morning workout. In fact, more than half my daily calories are consumed well before noon. I lost 50 pounds that way and maintained it for 2 years (I got sick last year & put on a little, but that had nothing to do with this).
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    I wake up at 5:30 AM, get to the gym at 6 AM on weekdays and I almost always eat something before a workout. My pre-workout snacks are usually no more than 70-150 cals....a piece of toast, half a banana, a few crackers or whatever else I'm in the mood for. I've found when I don't eat beforehand my energy levels are really low, I feel faint and I can't concentrate on workout because I'm too distracted by my growling tummy.

    The only exception is when I run outside, which I started doing recently. For some reason, sometimes eating before a run -- particularly an intense one -- upsets my stomach so to avoid that I'm experimenting with not eating before a run and so far it seems to help. That said, my outside runs right now last no more than an hour...when they go over that I plan on eating something.
  • Doylerawmeat
    Doylerawmeat Posts: 21 Member
    I het up at 6.30am, and get to the gym for 7-7:15am. And I go on an empty stomach, except for a glass of 2 of water. Personally, I found if I ate before hand, I was all bloated, and struggled with they gym. But now I go on an empty stomach, I find I can push myself more, and lift more weight. Personally, I found my muscles getting bigger, and fat disappearing, so for me, it works this way. Then when I get home, I have a large bowl of bran flakes, with some flax seed and whey protein.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I buy into it for really lean individuals who are doing brutal workouts. The average MFPer who has a bunch of weigh to lose and isn't working out at 80-90% of their max doesn't have to worry about it. Especially if they eat afterwards.

    Most people will have plenty of cals available from dinner/evening snacks the night before to properly fuel a workout the next morning.

    A lot of the intermittent fasting approaches actually advocate working out truly fasted.


    My workout is brutal, but I'm not that lean... yet... ;o)
    Did I see that you tried IF for 6 weeks and didn't see a significant difference?

    Yes and yes.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I agree - eating majority of calories earlier in the day is better than later... Thanks for the reminder!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I agree - eating majority of calories earlier in the day is better than later... Thanks for the reminder!

    It is? Why?
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    If you can't eat before your workout, try having what you would have had pre-workout right before you go to bed instead?
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I don't eat anything, just have a little water. I find if I eat, I don't feel well during my workout. Just my experience.

    Same. I usually have a protein shake mixed with water. I feel like milk before a workout is barf waiting to happen.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I normally work out fasted just because I'm not getting up any earlier to eat. Sometimes I'll have a Special K protein water mix-in before hand, but usually just water, and coffee if I'm really tired. When I was taking kickboxing classes, I had to eat something or I would've passed out, because we did HIT before we hit the bags.
  • lbrooks2029
    I think it's different for everyone. I don't think that one is better than the other. That being said, I don't eat anything before I jog in the morning. My jogs are about 45 minutes to an hour on the treadmill. I drink water before I jog and throughout. But when I jog, I usually roll right out of bed and onto the treadmill that's right next to my bed. :) If I'm going to do some intense yoga, I usually have a protein bar beforehand. For me, when I have some food in my stomach, I get barfy and slow down. But again, that's just me. :) Best of luck to everyone!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    The notion that you are going to burn your muscle if you workout fasted is overstated. If you are eating normally throughout the day and even if you are lean and eating at a small deficit you have plenty of energy stored for a normal workout in the morning without having to eat first.

    And if you do start burning protein in any significant amount you're going to know it because you will smell like ammonia afterwards. If that happens then eat more carbs and the problem will go away.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I agree - eating majority of calories earlier in the day is better than later... Thanks for the reminder!

    It is? Why?

    Well... Personally I find having a more robust meal earlier in the day leaves me feeling satiated longer. I also prefer to not sleep on a big meal.

    Devil's advocate? Do you grill everyone, or just me? :tongue:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I agree - eating majority of calories earlier in the day is better than later... Thanks for the reminder!

    It is? Why?

    Well... Personally I find having a more robust meal earlier in the day leaves me feeling satiated longer. I also prefer to not sleep on a big meal.

    Devil's advocate? Do you grill everyone, or just me? :tongue:

    Just trying to be clear, especially since you originally asked the question about nutrient timing.

    Those things you pointed out (feeling satiated longer and better sleep) aren't about progress or weight loss or workout intensity. They are about adherence and preference, which is fine. That doesn't make eating earlier in the day better, just better for you.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member

    Same. I usually have a protein shake mixed with water. I feel like milk before a workout is barf waiting to happen.

    Not wanting to barf during a workout seems to be a trend in the thread... and I agree!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I wake up and go and just get it done. No eating before hand but I've not yet noticed any issues so. For me this works.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I have just started running in the AM and no I do not actually eat anyting till around 1030 or so, I run at 5 am and so far so good. I have no issues. Alsojust for the record I eat more in the PM than in the AM calories in calories out.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I get up at 2:30 a.m. to get to the gym to work out before I go to work M-F.
    I do not eat before working out. I have water available at all times during my work out. Eat breakfast after working out.
    Saturday and Sunday I just walk for exercise, and sometimes it is before a meal, sometimes after.
    I really think that it is an individual thing. You have to do what works for you and makes you feel best.
  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    i am doing jillian michaels revolution and in the fitness guide it says you shouldn't workout on an empty stomach because you don't burn the calories. if i am working i workout when i get home and usually have a snack an hour before, if its my day off i workout in the morning and usually have breakfast an hour before, like they say though everyone is different
  • plateaued
    plateaued Posts: 199 Member
    If i'm just taking the dog for our 2 mile 30 minute run, I wait until we get home. If I plan to do a more intense workout, i'll mix some protein powder in juice, milk or water (depending on my mood) before I workout so I have energy to sustain me through the workout then eat breakfast.

    Doesn't it annoy you when the dog constantly wants to stop and smell/whatever?