running app???

mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to running apps. As my Couch to 5K comes to an end, I'm looking for an app in which I can put in the distance that I want to run and one that gives me a notification as to when to stop or turn around. Is there anything like that out there? (I basically want to run 5k every time I go out to get ready for the 5k I signed up for) Thanks!


  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    I have a few different running apps and haven't toyed with some of them yet, but i've been mostly enjoying Nike+. It tells you when you've reached 1 mile, 2 miles, 3 miles, 5k, etc. It notifies you of your pace per mile and your total average pace. There's a map of your route and you can see your time along the way. It also adds your total miles run while using the app. You can integrate it with playlists from your phone and save a "power song" to really amp you up along the run.

    I have an iPhone 5. I'm not sure if it's available for Android though.
  • mkoff32
    mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
    Nice! Thanks. I have an I-Phone 5 as well. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I usually just jam to a Pandora station on my runs and my current C25K app turns my music down to talk to me. Do you know if the Nike app would work similarly with Pandora?
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    I just discovered Nike+ and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! My second choice is Map My Run. For some reason it doesn't always work well. With Nike+ you can play your music within the app. Its nice to not have to run so many programs on those long runs.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    (Opened app to better explain some features)

    -You can also enter in your height, weight, and gender to better calculate your calories burned if you're not using a heart rate monitor.
    -You can enter if you're running on the street, wooded trails, or treadmill.
    -Can be synced with Facebook and Path if you want to be cheered on by friends (Runstastic is another app - can't remember if it's free or not - and I think that can be synced directly with MFP, if that's what you're looking for)
    -It keeps track of your personal bests so you can challenge your previous times

    I've actually never tried using Pandora while simultaneously using the app. It's definitely worth a shot though!
  • mkoff32
    mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm sold!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I love Nike+....But Im also playing with Endomondo which I think syncs to MFP.
    Nike+ Limits you to running/walking only. Additionally you cant really edit the runs if there are mistakes. For instance: Last fall I did an 18 mile training run for a marathon and somethign got screwy with the GPS half way through and showed that I ran miles 101-2 at a 30 sec pace. Ya I know Im FAST!

    Anyway, that ruined my avg pace for all my runs screwed up my fastest 5k record my fastest Mile record, my fastest 1k record. So I eventually deleted the run because it was hosing up all my statistics and IM OCD abotu my stats.
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    Is it good for interval running? Like if i were to start off with a walk, then high intensity run, then slow run/jog for (this is what i usually do and then repeat) will it tell me how long im walking and how long im running etc?
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    I love Nike+....But Im also playing with Endomondo which I think syncs to MFP.
    Nike+ Limits you to running/walking only. Additionally you cant really edit the runs if there are mistakes. For instance: Last fall I did an 18 mile training run for a marathon and somethign got screwy with the GPS half way through and showed that I ran miles 101-2 at a 30 sec pace. Ya I know Im FAST!

    Anyway, that ruined my avg pace for all my runs screwed up my fastest 5k record my fastest Mile record, my fastest 1k record. So I eventually deleted the run because it was hosing up all my statistics and IM OCD abotu my stats.

    Oh no! That would drive me nuts too.

    Oppositely, I used a screen shot of my Nike+ pace for an 8k in April. The bib timer said I crossed the line at 54 minutes when it was really around 44. Quite a bit off, so I emailed the race coordinator and sent along the screen shot of my split times to speed up the process. Nike+ app, for the win!
  • NicoleSchimmel
    NicoleSchimmel Posts: 162 Member
    I totally misread your post--whoops!

    I recently completed the C25K program, and am now doing the C210K program. I registered for a 10K for the beginning of June. I used to focus on my mileage ran, but I would get too stressed about it. I'm finding that the C210K program is still helping me get the mileage, but I am more focused on time.

    Bonus is that it's a free app as well :)
  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    ismoothrun is the best iphone running app I have ever used. I miss it now that I am on Android. It was great even on the treadmill, most aren't.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 313 Member
    ismoothrun is the best iphone running app I have ever used. I miss it now that I am on Android. It was great even on the treadmill, most aren't.

    Another vote for this one - only available on an iphone, but it's brilliant. Check it out
  • epiazza7
    epiazza7 Posts: 6
    Here's one that most people probably haven't heard of, but its worth checking out... Running Club App for the iPhone. It basically lets you run set distances like you were looking for and tells you when you get halfway, but the cool thing is you can run live against other people who are running at the same time, or you can re-race yourself and other people's past runs. It gives additional motivation to get out there and run since you are running "with" other people.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    My favorite is Jog Log. It costs $1.99 I believe and is well worth it. The reason I like that one is that not only can you build your own workout (to focus on distance, time, pace, etc. like many other apps do) but it is highly customizable about what stats it calls out to you on what timeline. I was using RunKeeper, but it didn't have the options I wanted. I have mine set up to call out every 5 minutes the following: Total distance, total time, average pace, average speed, current speed, and my distance ahead/behind of the ghost pace that I set. Far more customizable than any of the others I tried.
  • missbrie11
    missbrie11 Posts: 108 Member
    I really love Nike+ as well. It's great for tracking distances, calories burned, speed, etc. and syncs to Nike, so you can see your progress and all that. I used it for training for a half-marathon in 2011, and it helped so much!
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    I use Runkeeper. Uses GPS and tracks your routes. Free and very easy to use.
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 343 Member
    I have a Motion-X GPS on my tracks time, distance.... ... don't know if that would help you. I use mine for walking - it very motivating...
  • jourdanerin
    jourdanerin Posts: 69
    Another vote for Nike +.

    I have an ongoing competition with my friends on there too. Really helps motivate you to put in some miles.

    I have had trouble with the GPS signal failing and not logging how far I really ran. If you wear Nike shoes - you can get the sensor to go in them and it helps keep your app calibrated.

    Nike also has a sport watch that tracks your runs... I've been looking into getting one of those.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I use Nike plus and Endomondo. Both work well, but the Nike plus works well on the treadmill as well, but does not post to MFP.
  • misslbd
    misslbd Posts: 4
    You have lots of responses, but I have to put my 2 cents in. I LOVE MapMyRun. It can post your route on facebook, which is fun. If you have it on your iphone and are listening to music. It will dim your music and let you know when you reach a new mile, as well as your pace. It's fantastic. you can also set it to a bike ride, instead of a run, and you can go online to go to your routes, look for routes in your area that other people recommend, you can add details to routes, like restrooms, terrain, etc.

    Its fantastic. and Free.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Everyone said it already but Nike + and Mapmyrun are the best IMO.