running app???



  • lildee0216
    lildee0216 Posts: 16 Member
    I see Nike+ is popular! I might need to jump on that bandwagon....JUST KIDDING! I love MapMyRun! All my running friends use it and we follow each other. It gives you mileage, current pace, average pace, and split times.

    There is live tracking My husband is also able to track me during my races to see where I am. =)
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I use RunKeeper. I can set my mileage and it plays my music (I have a WO playlist, admittedly I don't use Pandora for running). The lady comes in and tells me my mileage and pace. I have to keep track of how far I want to go and turn around on my own though. So if I want to do a 6 mile run, I know to turn around and head back at mile 3.

    RunKeeper also lets you set up training runs - so it can tell you when to run for a specific distance/race.

    Edited to add: I find the cals it says I burned are pretty accurate to what my HRM says too
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    +1 for runkeeper. free, accurate, the lady talks to me as often as I want her to, I set goals... Love it. You can play music through any other app (pandora, etc) and the the volume will go down when the lady starts talking.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I have a Samsung Android phone and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my c25k app from Run Double. I've just upgraded to the bridge to cost a dollar or something minimal like that.

    You can play your own music in the background, have the settings give you your pace and distance every 5 min, or not, there are different settings and you can run by distance, time, fun runs, tempo runs, etc. etc. It's amazing! It'll give you your stats, pace, distance, and shows your route on a map.

    I highly recommend it!! :):):)
  • ajcrain
    ajcrain Posts: 25 Member
    Runkeeper- can play your music simultaneously. Love it
  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    I use and like Runkeeper but the drawback is it is totally dependent on GPS signal. If it loses it then it won't do anything. So treadmill, cloudy days, etc; and I am stuck with a manual entry and I can't monitor my HR, etc; THat is where ismoothrun kicked butt. It could detect your stride and very accurately determine how far you ran.
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    I love Nike+....But Im also playing with Endomondo which I think syncs to MFP.
    Nike+ Limits you to running/walking only. Additionally you cant really edit the runs if there are mistakes. For instance: Last fall I did an 18 mile training run for a marathon and somethign got screwy with the GPS half way through and showed that I ran miles 101-2 at a 30 sec pace. Ya I know Im FAST!

    Anyway, that ruined my avg pace for all my runs screwed up my fastest 5k record my fastest Mile record, my fastest 1k record. So I eventually deleted the run because it was hosing up all my statistics and IM OCD abotu my stats.

    I would be very upset if that happened to me. It is nice you can edit your runs in Mapmyrun and I like you can have splits. I don't know if Nike+ has that feature. Maymyrun also gives you more info like your avg pace, Nike+ seems to only give you your avg mile time. I just think Nike+ is more user friendly and "pretty"
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    I have used both Nike + Running and Endomondo. I prefer endomondo, it will map your run, show your pace, calories, bluetooth heart rate monitor, distance or time interval announcements, and play music off of your phone. The data from their website can be pushed directly with MFP.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I use Runkeeper. It tracks many different activties either by manual entry or GPS and if you put in your correct stats, comes up with a pretty accurate calorie burn, pretty close to what the HRM gives me. You can still play your own tunes or listen to streamed radio and it will let you know your preset interval times, etc. It doesn't know if you are walking or jogging, but in my experience, the burn over distance is roughly the same whether I walk or run. When I walk and run, I change at the interval announcement for distance travelled. You can set it to .25 kms (miles too) up to 10 kms. And it's free. It doesn't sync with MFP but it does with Fitbit so it gets my data in a round about way.
  • stellafgus
    stellafgus Posts: 29 Member
    Nike+ found out about this app when I signed up for a 5k run/walk I am in week 4 of training
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    I love Nike+....But Im also playing with Endomondo which I think syncs to MFP.
    Nike+ Limits you to running/walking only. Additionally you cant really edit the runs if there are mistakes. For instance: Last fall I did an 18 mile training run for a marathon and somethign got screwy with the GPS half way through and showed that I ran miles 101-2 at a 30 sec pace. Ya I know Im FAST!

    Anyway, that ruined my avg pace for all my runs screwed up my fastest 5k record my fastest Mile record, my fastest 1k record. So I eventually deleted the run because it was hosing up all my statistics and IM OCD abotu my stats.

    I would be very upset if that happened to me. It is nice you can edit your runs in Mapmyrun and I like you can have splits. I don't know if Nike+ has that feature. Maymyrun also gives you more info like your avg pace, Nike+ seems to only give you your avg mile time. I just think Nike+ is more user friendly and "pretty"

    Nike+ does show split times. I had to peek around at first, but then I turned my phone sideways and it went from the map to the split times ;)
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Im a stat nut. and I know we all kind of get stuck in our favorites I have 4 or 5 Exercise/Run Apps installed on my phone. I urge everyone who hasnt tried any one of them to try them even if its been a long time. The apps change quickly. I know Runkeeper has changed a ton in the last 9 months.

    Strava (cycling is what I use it for)

    They all do some cool things! None are perfect you kind of have to pick and choose what you love best.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    Hey Massive Delta -

    Since you've consistently used quite a few, can you provide a bit more compare and contrast? Most folks just promote the one they are using but have less experience with the others to compare. I'd be interested to hear some thing like "this app is best for this, but it sucks at this" for the four you've tried.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Hey Massive Delta -

    Since you've consistently used quite a few, can you provide a bit more compare and contrast? Most folks just promote the one they are using but have less experience with the others to compare. I'd be interested to hear some thing like "this app is best for this, but it sucks at this" for the four you've tried.

    sure let me write something up
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    sure let me write something up

    that would be wonderful. I hope it's not too much work - just some brief thoughts would be nice. i'm a stats junkie too so I'm looking forward to seeing your opinion.
  • rcaruthie
    rcaruthie Posts: 28 Member
    I love mapmywalk and runtastic - I use both of them every time I work out...and I use Pandora to keep me motivated.