Things You Had to Deal W/ As The Only Black Kid



  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    My mom sent me to the African American Academy here in WA for summer school.
    That's actually the name. I'm not being a jerk.

    I got called snow flake/snow white/cream puff, kicked down the stairs, beat up, and people would say things like "Thanks for enslaving my ancestors!" as I walked through the halls.

    I've never told anyone this because I was too embarrassed ._.

    Wow. That is just effing horrible. :angry:

    Yessss, I agree. I went to the principal and asked if I was allowed to stick up for myself at all and she basically said "no...this is what you got yourself into..."

    To be fair, I was going to be bullied anyway, so...
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
    My mom sent me to the African American Academy here in WA for summer school.
    That's actually the name. I'm not being a jerk.

    I got called snow flake/snow white/cream puff, kicked down the stairs, beat up, and people would say things like "Thanks for enslaving my ancestors!" as I walked through the halls.

    I've never told anyone this because I was too embarrassed ._.

    That's TERRIBLE!! I apologize on their behalf...i can do that since I'm black, ya know...
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    My mom sent me to the African American Academy here in WA for summer school.
    That's actually the name. I'm not being a jerk.

    I got called snow flake/snow white/cream puff, kicked down the stairs, beat up, and people would say things like "Thanks for enslaving my ancestors!" as I walked through the halls.

    I've never told anyone this because I was too embarrassed ._.

    Wow. That is just effing horrible. :angry:

    Yessss, I agree. I went to the principal and asked if I was allowed to stick up for myself at all and she basically said "no...this is what you got yourself into..."

    To be fair, I was going to be bullied anyway, so...

    That was a crappy excuse from the principal for tolerating that kind of behavior. I am curious though. Why were you sent there, and why do you think you were going to be bullied anyway?
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member

    Yessss, I agree. I went to the principal and asked if I was allowed to stick up for myself at all and she basically said "no...this is what you got yourself into..."

    To be fair, I was going to be bullied anyway, so...

    NO ONE asks to be bullied. Don't think that way doll.
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    I get asked if I play Basketball. I often respond with "do you play miniature golf?"
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    When I was 9 I moved from a very sheltered, white community in Northern CA to a suburb of Philadelphia. Once there, the boys were generally all very nice to me, but the girls weren't so welcoming. I got teased a LOT about my accent (though I still think of it as a lack of an accent, haha!) and I got teased a lot about my "green" hair. My hair was very blond as a kid and it'd always get a green hue in the summer thanks to chlorinated swimming pools. One group of girls actually attacked me once and tore my clothes off (luckily I was close to home). Not to condone combating violence with violence, but after I retaliated by throwing a bunch of worms I'd gone and collected on them, they stopped bothering me.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member

  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member

    I do love one of the beginning lines in that movie.

    "I was born a poor black child...."

    ***edited for accuracy***
    Old age has distorted my memory. :tongue:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    My mom sent me to the African American Academy here in WA for summer school.
    That's actually the name. I'm not being a jerk.

    I got called snow flake/snow white/cream puff, kicked down the stairs, beat up, and people would say things like "Thanks for enslaving my ancestors!" as I walked through the halls.

    I've never told anyone this because I was too embarrassed ._.

    Wow. That is just effing horrible. :angry:

    Yessss, I agree. I went to the principal and asked if I was allowed to stick up for myself at all and she basically said "no...this is what you got yourself into..."

    To be fair, I was going to be bullied anyway, so...

    I was one of 5 white kids in my school system, and yeah, it sucked. I had it easier than you did since I was a jock, but my experience was similar. It was pretty much constantly being on defense.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member


    :laugh: What movie is this?
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member


    :laugh: What movie is this?

    Zach and Miri make a porno
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    My mom sent me to the African American Academy here in WA for summer school.
    That's actually the name. I'm not being a jerk.

    I got called snow flake/snow white/cream puff, kicked down the stairs, beat up, and people would say things like "Thanks for enslaving my ancestors!" as I walked through the halls.

    I've never told anyone this because I was too embarrassed ._.

    Wow. That is just effing horrible. :angry:

    Yessss, I agree. I went to the principal and asked if I was allowed to stick up for myself at all and she basically said "no...this is what you got yourself into..."

    To be fair, I was going to be bullied anyway, so...

    That was a crappy excuse from the principal for tolerating that kind of behavior. I am curious though. Why were you sent there, and why do you think you were going to be bullied anyway?

    My mom thought it'd be a good learning experience. She was not wrong o__o
    I meant that the school I was at before I was bullied anyway.
    Also, I -knew- that by dying my hair purple and piercing my eyebrow I would get unwanted attention. I was fully prepared to receive **** for that.
    NO ONE asks to be bullied. Don't think that way doll.
    <3 I like you :'3
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    TheChocolatePrincess Posts: 137 Member
    My 9th and 10th grades of high school we relocated to Wausau, WI. I was the only black kid in a school of over 2,500 students (there were two interracial and a handfull of Hmongs, and the occassional black foster child would come in for a few weeks until they got sent back to their family in Milwaukee).

    Anywho, the biggest stereotype that I got from it was that I was automatically going to be cool: everyone assumed I could sing, they assumed I could kick *kitten*, they assumed, I could dance...etc.

    And it wasn't that I couldn't do all of those things, but it was the air of assumption that I found most bothersome.

    The teachers assumed I wasn't very smart and that I might be some kind of delinquent. When they realized how smart I was and that I wasn't one of the many rotating foster kids from the big city, they were taken aback.

    People assumed I had grown up in "da hood".,.My mom was in corporate finance and moving up the VP latter (this was just one of the many stops on that journey)...Anywho, I had only visited the "hood" to see my cousins...i never actually lived there. I had grown up in a rather nice neighborhood in the middle of surburbia...

    I can't say that my experience was bad. I made friends, I went to slumber parties, I joined clubs, and was in the school play...However, I do remember the assumptions that were made about me the first couple of months that I was there and that was the first time I ever encountered white people who had never been around black people before (the Hampton Roads area is much more culturally diverse)...

    Anywho, you can't be overly sensitive about these things...Sometimes it's better to laugh than to cry. I am happy that I had that experience because it taught be tolerance and patience.

    I am also happy that I didn't spend all four years there as I think that my social development could have become stunted in a town that small.

    Just my personal experience...Carry on...
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i'm left handed and learned to use scissors with my right hand because the lefty scissors with the green handle was garbage.

    does that count?

    i couldn't open the link from work.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    My kids are half white half Puerto Rican.
    Some kids called my son "beaner." But it was only after they got to know him and it was entirely joking. He just laughed and said "dude I'm Puerto Rican, not Mexican.:bigsmile:
    At 6'4" and a 2nd degree black belt he hasn't had to worry about idiot saying anything deliberately provocative.

    As a mixed couple we have never encountered any racism or threats. Though a couple times, going into a restaurant the hostess asked if we were together. :bigsmile:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    My mom sent me to the African American Academy here in WA for summer school.
    That's actually the name. I'm not being a jerk.

    I got called snow flake/snow white/cream puff, kicked down the stairs, beat up, and people would say things like "Thanks for enslaving my ancestors!" as I walked through the halls.

    I've never told anyone this because I was too embarrassed ._.

    My husband lived in Jamaica for 2 years as a child and he was the only white kid in his class there, and he was really badly bullied for it.

    I was bullied for many years in primary school, though not for anything to do with ethnicity. They just didn't like me for reasons I don't even know to this day. Probably no reason at all.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Usually everyone guesses wrong where I was born.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I was the 'token white kid' in my group of friends.

    I grew up in a very ethnically diverse school, and upon moving to the US, it's amazing how much racism is out here! My best friends were all different nationalities! Sikhs and Muslims dined together (and shared family recipes, much to my appeal) and my black friends would braid my incredibly fine white-girl hair. I don't know how they could sit for so long for such intricate designs. My head hurt so badly after they were done!

    It both delighted me and upset me when it came to History class and my friends 'of color' got to go to separate rooms to learn about their ancestry and the white kids got to learn about German history or somesuch. I would have loved to know where I came from, even though my history probably wasn't as difficult as theirs.