looking for friends ho keep me motivated



  • skinnydreams1997
    skinnydreams1997 Posts: 48 Member
    I sent you a friend request.
  • minijag06
    minijag06 Posts: 70
    I am having the same problem! I have lost 30 lbs since New Year's - just got divorced - now where did my motivation go? I ate Chinese buffet yesterday - and man was it good!!! I felt so guilty that I worked out 3x!!!! Please add me - we can motivate each other!!!!
  • SavingSarah41
    SavingSarah41 Posts: 39 Member
    I am looking for motivational friends!!! I have started and stopped my diet a million times and now I am at my heaviest weight ever. I have 5 year old twins and I have no energy to get outside with them to play. I want to be a good mom, a mom that gives them awesome memories of their childhood. But I can't do this alone. My family always supports me when I diet but I don't want to tell them this time. I don't want to disappoint them again. So here I am asking for motivation from complete strangers but you all understand what I am going through more then my skinny family.
  • xbted
    xbted Posts: 41 Member
    Request sent!
  • N8r8r
    N8r8r Posts: 75 Member
    You should log your food even if it puts you over your limit. It's for learning not for guilt. You can lose weight. YOU can do this. Write down your reasons for losing weight and put them where you can see them everyday. I try and give myself a manicure at night when an unplanned snack urge hits, hard to eat with wet fingernails. And don't compare your beginnings with someone's middle. I saw that quote on something and it stuck with me. I can't compare myself with anyone else's journey to good health, but I can learn from them and at the end of each day be happy with every little step forward I make no matter how small. Add me as friend if you want.

    Jillian Micheals had a good quote in one of her books that I stick with when I have a bad day and feel like throwing it all away.
    "If you get a flat tire, do you change it and move on or do you slash the other three tires?"

    Fitness is all about a frame of mind. It helps me to think of food as fuel, and nothing more. A car needs fuel to go, so does your body. Do you fill up a car to give it comfort, to take away its pain? No, you strictly fill up the car to keep it going. So many people look to food as a way to comfort you or take the place of emotions when you have a bad day (Haggan Das, anyone?) This is true really for any addiction; you use it to escape rather than deal with what the real issue is. For me, the "Food=Fuel" mindset has helped me kick most of my cravings.

    When I still have a craving, my backup is controlling my portion size. I refuse to use the huge "dinner plates" when I eat, because seeing all the empty space left on the plate makes me think I'm not eating enough. I use small plates and small bowls for food (most of my bowls will be filled by a cup of whatever). This makes me think, "Holy crap, that's a lot of food!". Mind is satisfied and I feel full. I wait a good 10-15 minutes between servings to make sure my body has processed the food before I go for seconds.

    Hope this helps some people out there.

  • Tfrancis727
    Hi, Im also looking for friends to keep me motivated. I'm looking to lose about 100lbs. Feel free to friend me and I'll friend you and we can motivate each other.:smile: