I hate my Scale(mini rant)



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    This thread has convinced me to buy the Omron scale which has been on my Amazon wishlist (not the one shown here, but I think it's a similar model). It claims to measure visceral fat, which is something I'm very interested in.

    I hadn't realised that my Salter body fat scales were just measuring my legs! I have very chubby thighs! It will be interesting to see if I get a different reading with the new scales.

    I also use a Myotape once a month, but I find that the body fat online calculators seem to give me too low a reading. I'm not sure why that is.

    You probably have one measurement that is out of proportion to the others, like skinny wrist but thick forearm. You probably know just which body part it is.

    And too low a reading based on comparison to .....?

    I'm not sure which body part it is! I've tried altering one measurement at at time, but can't work it out.

    The low reading is in comparison to my body fat scales. Lowest online calculator is 26%, body fat scales say 46%, so it's quite a big difference. I can see and feel a lot of fat, so I think I'm at the higher end of the estimates. The average of the estimates seems too low to me. My guess is a bit more than 40%. I'll be interested to see what the new scales say.