Anyone have tried crossfit??



  • ProudArmyWifey8
    I love my cross fit gym. Everyone is super supportive, and will help you out in a heart beat. I think its better than a regular gym, more motivation. I love the challenge of the WOD's and pushing myself to do something i never thought i could.
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    To everyone who thinks $240 is too expensive..
    Yes, I too believe it's too expensive, but if I can get the result then I am willing to invest in it. Probably not for long term, and with that type of investment, I'm sure ill give it all I've got and not waste any minute of it.

    Good news however is that I found another crossfit gym near my house with lower membership fee. Yay ~~ slightly cheaper but can't wait to start!! Thank you for those of you who shared your experience, without criticism. Your words encouraged me highly! :) I start this Sunday and can't wait!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Since you're not going to do Crossfit longterm, will they teach you exercises that you can do anytime on your own? Or will you only have equipment for them at the box?
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    I love crossfit, but with my knee injury I can not do it any more, without a lot of modifications, however I do have plans to return after my ACL surgery... It is the most incredible workout.

    With that being said I think it depends on your budget. If 240 is worth it to you then do it.

    One thing I do know, much of the crossfit exercises can be done at home with simple equipment. You just start with 3 stations and rotate them daily. There are even people online who give out FREE routines of home exercises that rotate daily. Start with that first. If you stick to it and can still afford 240 a few months down the road then do it. It's your money.
  • gabijadc
    gabijadc Posts: 90 Member
    Crossfit doesn't exist in my country yet... so no :(
  • ticklish86
    ticklish86 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing Crossfit for over a year now and it has changed my life. I have gone from a size 22 to a 16. I wake up everyday excited to see what the WOD (workout of the day) is and I look forward to it all day. It is the only form of exercise I have ever stuck to. I go 4-6 times a week and I have also started doing olympic style weightlifting training 2 times a week as well. I have gained some sexy as hell muscles & definition, more then I have ever had in my life.
    A lot of people call it a cult because you do become quite obsessed with it and it does have its own language which non-crossfit people often think is weird. Occasionally you can be covered in bruises and tear your hands & bleed if you are silly which some people liken to a 'cult'.
    The thing I love about it is its fully adaptable to your level. I started off doing it as a size 22 just doing what I could and have progressed over the year. The other great thing is the community. My 'crossfit family' are now my lifelong friends. We support each other through everything, not just in exercise but in all aspects of our lives. Nowhere else have I ever been more respected and encouraged to just give it my best shot then at crossfit.
    As for price, different boxes vary in fees. I personally pay $30 a week for unlimited crossfit classes, weightlifting classes twice a week, yoga classes twice a week, and 2 skills development classes a week. On average I go 6 times a week but I could go up to 12 times a week so that averages to $2.50 - $5 a class. Considering each class is like a personal training session and is seriously good fun and gets results fast I say that's definitely worth it. Even of my box charged double that price I would happily pay for it!
    DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • steelmaggie228
    steelmaggie228 Posts: 75 Member
    Love CrossFit- it's intense and challenging and rewarding. Also a fun way to make friends. Definitely worth a try
  • kristinlitla
    kristinlitla Posts: 24 Member
    I absolutely love it. Really miss it now, as I'm recovering from an injury and can't do any intensive training until June or July.
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    I've been doing it for about a month I love it...

    it is more expensive than other places.. but at a regular gym you don't have a coach there, you don't have pre-planned workouts,

    Oh and everyone who posted in this thread be ready to get spammed and "warned" about the dangers of Crossfit by "Health_Gal"

    I posted a post on cross fit and immediately received a msg
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    I’m considering this also, In my area they want me to come in for a fitness test which i will do this week. I assume "box" means the location or just another word for gym? or does it mean your time slot or group that you work out with?

    Also, why do I read that this has a "cult feel" to it? Is this a religious type thing? I dont like hearing that....
    it isn't a religious thing at all..

    Just that everyone uses words/phrases specific to the gym... er... box. They love reebok and particular protein recovery shakes. Just more of a hivemind type thing. Again, totally not knocking it, just what I observed.
  • quirkyone1
    quirkyone1 Posts: 78
    How do I justify the cost? Easy. How much would I spend for coaching/teaching in gymastics, karate, dance, etc? Likely at least that much. I'm doing something I love and I get personal attention from the trainers. There is nothing "cult" about my box and they aren't shoving paleo down my throat.

    Keep in mind that not every box is not created equal. Our trainers put a ton of focus on form, programming, and strength work. If the trainers are just throwing together random WODs and lifts, you may be better off doing it on your own in a regular gym.
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    I started Crossfit last January and I think it is great. After doing cardio workouts for years and being kind of stuck, Crossfit really has helped me gain strength and I've seen more changes in my body in the last few months than I did in the last few years. If you have the money to invest in even a few months to learn the movements I think it is worth it. I am doing it on my own at home now as I injured my hand and it is healing slowly. Even though I went to Crossfit and they helped me modify movements for my hand, I was still doing too much and now just focusing on legs and abs at home while I heal. Speaking of abs, mine are stronger than ever!

    I would say if you do it, don't be afraid to set some limits for yourself if you are feeling the workouts are too much. Crossfit will push you hard and I think sometimes too much in the beginning so don't be afraid to pull back. I agree with other people that $240 seems really high though. Good luck with whatever you try.

    Thanks!! That's my plan really. To learn the move and do it on my own in time!! Yes, and I am going to push my limits!
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    How do I justify the cost? Easy. How much would I spend for coaching/teaching in gymastics, karate, dance, etc? Likely at least that much. I'm doing something I love and I get personal attention from the trainers. There is nothing "cult" about my box and they aren't shoving paleo down my throat.

    Keep in mind that not every box is not created equal. Our trainers put a ton of focus on form, programming, and strength work. If the trainers are just throwing together random WODs and lifts, you may be better off doing it on your own in a regular gym.

    Worth investment!! ;)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    So I was told that crossfit is in trend, so I wanted to hear from people who have tried or still doing crossfit. Thanks!!

    It is a trend. Nothing wrong with it if it motivates people to better fitness, but it is expensive. Fact is, all the trendy fitness workouts - p90x, insanity, turbulence training, etc- are just Calisthenics with great marketing and hype. You can doo all of those workouts for yourself with alittle palnning and help from a friend. TONS of Youtube videos showing you how and even more websites with workout routines and such.

    You just need to plan well and find someone who will push you.
  • IamBlackMamba
    IamBlackMamba Posts: 229
    I am 31 years woman looking for intensified workout. I am stretching for that last home run! But moreover I want to build some muscles, and especially on my abs. I can't afford personal trainer, and googling ab workout and trying to do alone isn't just motivating me.. So I was told that crossfit is in trend, so I wanted to hear from people who have tried or still doing crossfit. Thanks!!

    I'm a Crossfit Belieber. Do it.
  • TXBecki
    TXBecki Posts: 40
    Why you should choose Crossfit:
    1.) Crossfit (CF) does seem expensive when compared directly to big box gyms, however, at a big box gym, you are working out all by yourself & maybe a training partner. At a Crossfit box (gym), you attend a scheduled class that has a trainer present and dedicated to monitoring your progress throughout the workout - giving you encouragement and correcting your movements as needed for your own safety. These sessions are generally limited in size so that the trainer can do exactly that. You are paying for far more attention than you would receive at any big box gym unless you paid the extra $$$ for personal training sessions. For a person like me who hadn't been to a gym in years, and needed more attention on how to even complete the simplest motions or use a machine, this is priceless to me, and a large reason why I have not injured myself in over a year doing CF.
    2.) CF is a community. I was so nervous going the first time as I had A LOT of weight to lose (still do). I thought I was going to be looked at funny, etc because I was so big and all these other people are so fit. Not the case at all! There is a reason why one of CF sayings goes something like "The only gym where the loudest cheers come for the person who finishes last." The entire group cheers you on, encourages you, etc to help you finish - everyone there wants you to be successful. Another note about the sense of community - this weeds out those "meathead" types who just want to be at the gym to show everyone else how fit they are.
    3.) I have never felt so good in my life since I started doing CF - it has given me better balance, flexibility, strength, endurance, and a million other things that something like running on a treadmill everyday for 45 minutes never could accomplish
    4.) It is SO MUCH FUN!

    Okay, there are a million other positive things I have to say about Crossfit, not the least of them being that it has literally saved my life, but I will get off my soap box now. I will say that CF does get a bad rep from some people because there are CF boxes out there without responsible and sufficiently trained coaches/trainers. Do your research before joining one - make sure that the coaches have more than just a Crossfit Level 1 training certificate. It helpful if they have coaches with Certified Personal Training licenses, or degrees from universities in exercise science. These are the types of trainers who will be able to scale workouts and weights according to your ability so that you do not get injured.

    TL,DR: CF saved my life; go to a CF box that has licensed trainers beyond just CF Level 1 cert; IT'S WORTH THE $
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    So I was told that crossfit is in trend, so I wanted to hear from people who have tried or still doing crossfit. Thanks!!

    It is a trend. Nothing wrong with it if it motivates people to better fitness, but it is expensive. Fact is, all the trendy fitness workouts - p90x, insanity, turbulence training, etc- are just Calisthenics with great marketing and hype. You can doo all of those workouts for yourself with alittle palnning and help from a friend. TONS of Youtube videos showing you how and even more websites with workout routines and such.

    [b\You just need to plan well and find someone who will push you.[/b]

    That's my thing. There is no way I would have done today's workout on my own (Kelly). It's a workout that with a little equipment (wall ball and box) you could do on your own but I never would without someone pushing me.
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    I am 31 years woman looking for intensified workout. I am stretching for that last home run! But moreover I want to build some muscles, and especially on my abs. I can't afford personal trainer, and googling ab workout and trying to do alone isn't just motivating me.. So I was told that crossfit is in trend, so I wanted to hear from people who have tried or still doing crossfit. Thanks!!

    I'm a Crossfit Belieber. Do it.

    Yay ~~~~~ thank you!!!!
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    Why you should choose Crossfit:
    1.) Crossfit (CF) does seem expensive when compared directly to big box gyms, however, at a big box gym, you are working out all by yourself & maybe a training partner. At a Crossfit box (gym), you attend a scheduled class that has a trainer present and dedicated to monitoring your progress throughout the workout - giving you encouragement and correcting your movements as needed for your own safety. These sessions are generally limited in size so that the trainer can do exactly that. You are paying for far more attention than you would receive at any big box gym unless you paid the extra $$$ for personal training sessions. For a person like me who hadn't been to a gym in years, and needed more attention on how to even complete the simplest motions or use a machine, this is priceless to me, and a large reason why I have not injured myself in over a year doing CF.
    2.) CF is a community. I was so nervous going the first time as I had A LOT of weight to lose (still do). I thought I was going to be looked at funny, etc because I was so big and all these other people are so fit. Not the case at all! There is a reason why one of CF sayings goes something like "The only gym where the loudest cheers come for the person who finishes last." The entire group cheers you on, encourages you, etc to help you finish - everyone there wants you to be successful. Another note about the sense of community - this weeds out those "meathead" types who just want to be at the gym to show everyone else how fit they are.
    3.) I have never felt so good in my life since I started doing CF - it has given me better balance, flexibility, strength, endurance, and a million other things that something like running on a treadmill everyday for 45 minutes never could accomplish
    4.) It is SO MUCH FUN!

    Okay, there are a million other positive things I have to say about Crossfit, not the least of them being that it has literally saved my life, but I will get off my soap box now. I will say that CF does get a bad rep from some people because there are CF boxes out there without responsible and sufficiently trained coaches/trainers. Do your research before joining one - make sure that the coaches have more than just a Crossfit Level 1 training certificate. It helpful if they have coaches with Certified Personal Training licenses, or degrees from universities in exercise science. These are the types of trainers who will be able to scale workouts and weights according to your ability so that you do not get injured.

    TL,DR: CF saved my life; go to a CF box that has licensed trainers beyond just CF Level 1 cert; IT'S WORTH THE $

    Yes, I think this trainers meet the standards!!
  • jamiep926
    jamiep926 Posts: 85 Member
    So I was told that crossfit is in trend, so I wanted to hear from people who have tried or still doing crossfit. Thanks!!

    It is a trend. Nothing wrong with it if it motivates people to better fitness, but it is expensive. Fact is, all the trendy fitness workouts - p90x, insanity, turbulence training, etc- are just Calisthenics with great marketing and hype. You can doo all of those workouts for yourself with alittle palnning and help from a friend. TONS of Youtube videos showing you how and even more websites with workout routines and such.

    [b\You just need to plan well and find someone who will push you.[/b]

    That's my thing. There is no way I would have done today's workout on my own (Kelly). It's a workout that with a little equipment (wall ball and box) you could do on your own but I never would without someone pushing me.

    That's what I'm talking about!!! :glasses: