Eating through heartbreak

Oh yes... heartbreak sucks. In all fairness, he was really gentle about it, and we parted on best terms possible. Still, really hurts! I miss him. Knowing things won't be the same again is a harsh thing to absorb at first. Also the feeling I'm not wanted anymore. We've all been there before.

About a week ago I had myself a big wobble with my diet, but then thanks to the help of peeps here I recalculated all that funky stuff like TDEE and I got a goal of 1400, which I have actually found to be quite reasonable, and I hope to see some results soon.

So I had my heart broken on Thursday, late at night. Friday I went to work completely zombiefied. Hardly ate anything all day, until the evening, and I came under by about 200 calories. Girl's gotta eat to live!

Saturday - yeah... exceeded by 487. It appears that I have become a comfort eater (although hard to judge by just one day!). After I finished my dinner last night I just couldn't stop thinking about that pain au chocolat I had in my cupboard. So I had it.

I know one day isn't a tragedy, but the conclusion I came to - yes it was delish, but didn't provide me with any comfort whatsoever. In fact, I was going to ignore it and not add it to my food diary at all, like it never happened! But it's important to be honest with the eating thing, so I added it this morning.

So eating through heartbreak - it doesn't really work, really... in fact, it provides just another downer.

It is far better, when you grieve over something that's ended, to feel like you still have control over some part of your life. The more you maintain the routine, the more quickly you'll return to it, even though everything is an effort at the moment.

I miss him :'o(


  • meleani
    meleani Posts: 7
    When we are experiencing heartbreak of any kind, that is the hardest time to stay true to healthy "standards" -- don't beat yourself up over it. Give yourself some time to grieve, because a breakup is a BIG deal, and the pain and heartache is VERY real and doesn't just "blow" away. Half the battle, honey, is being aware of when we fail and taking accountability for our actions with our diet choices, both good and bad. I am so sorry for your loss, but as Scarlet said in Gone With the Wind, "Tomorrow is another day..." and you will rise victorious in time, I am certain! Just don't beat yourself up and take some time to heal. We are all here for you!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Just sleep with someone new.

    Always works for me.
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    This is such a sad post,
    I'm really sorry to hear this has happened to you,I would think there must me quite a few on here going though the same thing right now.
    I don't think there much to say here but just give you're self time and keep trying to eat to keep you're self going and hopefully this time next week maybe you may be feeling better.
    It's a horrible feeling but you will get through this.
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    Just sleep with someone new.

    Always works for me.

    Not everything that works for one person works for others...
  • falilvx
    falilvx Posts: 52 Member
    I understand your feelings. You know, I was frustrated too. And I am an emotional eater so i bet u would know what i do after that right? :P we have broke up since ten months ago. but, thanks to him I have realized that I should turn out to be a better than yesterday.before this, I did not know anything about health and fitness but after clash I know i need something to make him feel proud of me even though we were separated. he inadvertently made ​​me realize that health and fitness is important so broken-hearted sometimes necessary to change for the better. :) stay motivated though. it's okay to eat too much some day but not EVERYDAY!! :P

    btw,i miss him too :(
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    btw,i miss him too :(

    *hugs* thanks hunny
  • falilvx
    falilvx Posts: 52 Member
    When we are experiencing heartbreak of any kind, that is the hardest time to stay true to healthy "standards" -- don't beat yourself up over it. Give yourself some time to grieve, because a breakup is a BIG deal, and the pain and heartache is VERY real and doesn't just "blow" away. Half the battle, honey, is being aware of when we fail and taking accountability for our actions with our diet choices, both good and bad. I am so sorry for your loss, but as Scarlet said in Gone With the Wind, "Tomorrow is another day..." and you will rise victorious in time, I am certain! Just don't beat yourself up and take some time to heal. We are all here for you!

    thanks!!it feels like you are talking to me too!!coz i'm still in heart break too :( i feel like i want to eat all the food in the refrigerator whenever i think about him but sometimes 'he' does motivated me in my workout,i'll think about him and digging deeper in the workout :)
  • falilvx
    falilvx Posts: 52 Member
    btw,i miss him too :(

    *hugs* thanks hunny

    your welcome :) let's fight thru this heartbreak..until it hurts no more :')
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    Just sleep with someone new.

    Always works for me.

    What a crass and callous remark!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    What a crass and callous remark!


    But it's an honest one.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Just sleep with someone new.

    Always works for me.

    What a crass and callous remark!

    Couldn't agree more. As my granny used to say "Where there's no sense there's no feeling".
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Just sleep with someone new.

    Always works for me.

    All I did was scroll down to the answer I would have given. 'Nuff said.
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    Just sleep with someone new.

    Always works for me.

    All I did was scroll down to the answer I would have given. 'Nuff said.

    Like I said, what works for some won't work for everyone...
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Couldn't agree more. As my granny used to say "Where there's no sense there's no feeling".

    I'm not sure how telling the OP to go out and get laid and enjoy herself can be construed as crass or callous . . .

    OP clearly stated that she didn't agree with my advice and I left it at that. But now you two have chosen to attack my statement as if I said 'Why don't you put your big girl pants on and stop acting like a big baby!'. When in reality all I did was give her advice on how I tend to deal with this heart break. If you don't agree with my statement that's fine but to accuse me of being crass, callous, or not having sense isn't fine.
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    Sorry - am I the OP in this scenario? I didn't call you crass or callous. I appreciate your advice, but it won't work for me.

    I came here for support, but it appears an argument has started now which has nothing to do with my original topic.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Just sleep with someone new.

    Always works for me.

    oh you really are quite the charmer ..... :D
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Sorry - am I the OP in this scenario? I didn't call you crass or callous. I appreciate your advice, but it won't work for me.

    I came here for support, but it appears an argument has started now which has nothing to do with my original topic.

    You're right. My apologies. I just felt the need to point out that my advice wasn't meant to be insensitive or rude. That being said, I did appreciate your post and I am especially fond of the fact that you did not resort to comfort eating to deal with your heart break.

    I hope that eventually you find someone that makes you happy.
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    Yes I understand you didn't mean to be insensitive or rude. I'm sure you can imagine though, at the moment, I'm not really keen to sleep with anyone else. And yes, eventually I'm sure I'll feel happy again and will look back at this time more wisely.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Yes I understand you didn't mean to be insensitive or rude. I'm sure you can imagine though, at the moment, I'm not really keen to sleep with anyone else. And yes, eventually I'm sure I'll feel happy again and will look back at this time more wisely.

    Of course you can't. If you've just split up with someone you were really in love with, the last thing you will be able to think about is being with someone else. I think only sociopaths do stuff like that .... and there are a fair few of them on here ;)

    Just concentrate on yourself and getting back to you. You're fine on your own, give it time and patience and concentrate on your goals... you'll heal in time and you'll be better than before xx
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Just sleep with someone new.

    Always works for me.

    Not everything that works for one person works for others...

    don't knock it till you try it.