The dumbest diet you ever tried?



  • autumnpath
    autumnpath Posts: 72 Member
    Worst diet: eating whatever the hell I want in whatever amount I want. That's what got me here. :)

    THIS. ^^^
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Clean eating diet
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Atkins, by far. It worked while I was doing it (read: while I was starving and eating cheese and pork rinds) but then I fell off the wagon, got dragged under it for several miles and got even fatter. :blushing:
  • Imani9629
    Imani9629 Posts: 52 Member
    48 hour juice diet. I had just moved to Las Vegas and it was 115 degrees outside and all I had was that stupid juice for 2 days. I almost passed out from dehydration
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    I haven't done it but my in-laws went on the diet where you put little metal balls behind your ears and move them around whenever you are hungry. Oh and you barely eat anything the whole day. I think they were allowed an apple for breakfast and lunch and maybe 3 oz of chicken and veggies for dinner. My FIL didn't last a day. My MIL lasted a week and lost some, then gained it all back.

  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    The apple diet... the version I tried was a 7-day diet, back when I was 15. One of my friends from high school had done it to fit into her sweet 15's awesome dress (yup, I still remember how incredibly pretty it was) and I decided I'd give it a try. I managed to make it to day 3, and since then, I've been able to have one or to apples a year. Hate them now!
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Cabbage Soup Diet. I lost weight but no one wanted to be near me thanks to the raunchy smells coming from my *kitten*.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Oh my, I haven't heard of Susan Powter in a long time!
    I did the cabbage soup diet.
    I did the Dexatrim and Metabolife back when they actually DID halfway work (for me, anyway...yeah, I know it was the ephedrine).
    Some I'm too embarrassed to even tap out.
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    Cabbage Soup in the mid 90's. My dad and I did it and we both lost a lot of weigh but my the third week we were actually gagging on the soup when we ate it. We were putting it in the blender and chugging it cause one more spoonful wouldn't have been puke city.
    The high school diet where I ate an apple for breakfast. A apple and a glass of milk for lunch and a bowl of soup and a glass of milk for dinner. I lost 30 lbs in 30 days but my dad was going to have me committed for anorexia! Lord, I wish I was as fat now as I back then when I thought I was fat!
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Green coffee - I lost about 25 kilos but then they banned it cause it had a nasty substance in it that explained the racing heart, insomnia, high blood pressue, absolutely no appetite and jitterness

    LOL someone should of smacked me in the face hard back then!
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    eat more to lose wieght! hahahahahahahah
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I drank beer and ate chips for a few days back in college. That didn't do well.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I tried so many diets that I have lost track: AIDS (little chocolate squares before each meal to curb your appetite), Slimfast, egg diet, cabbage soup diet, and the list goes on.

    I also fell for the "eat all you want and still lose weight!"--namely, Susan Powter and the McDougall Program.

    None of them are that healthy in the long run, especially Powter and McDougall because of the super low fat. However, I love some of McDougall' s foods.

    I will never diet again, but hopefully I will do what I'm doing now for the rest of my life.
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    Hmmm. I've done almost all of them, twice! (not HGC).

    Dumbest would be the cookie diet. $60 for not many cookies because you don't eat many cookies but that's all you eat!

    I'm doing Atkins now. It's worked before and not worked after but it's been long enough I think it's working again. It has to be a lifelong way of eating for me. Carbs do bad things for my joints and I can do only limited types of excercise, so my diet has to be in order for me to feel good. It's hard to get in my calories unless I'm cooking corned beef and cabbage-then it's an all day buffet-but allowed!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Peeing on an electric fence.
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    May get a lot of hate on for this one:

  • Gwibbertronii
    In order of appearance; Carbohydrate Addicts diet...Atkins #1...weightwatchers.... Slimming world...weightwatchers....calorie counting.....slimfast....weightwatchers....calorie counting....weightwatchers....intermittent on #Atkins 2 (low carb but not quite as hard as Atkins #1).

    My adult life is based 50% on dieting, and 50% emotional bingeing on sugar and carbs. I bet I've got enough insulin in here for a whole family.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    All of them. Once I realized I needed to change my lifestyle and not diet is when all the magic started to happen. Screw diets.
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    The Stillman Diet, Atkins' great grandaddy: high protein, no carbs, no butter or oil in meal prep, 8 glasses of water a day. It worked for Karen Carpenter (for a while).