Anyone else discovered low calories are their only option?



  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I wasn't asking you or anyone else for advice at all if you read the title. I was simply trying to find other people in the same position as me who have tried methods recommended on here and have found success by other methods. I am just sick of reading about how people had success by eating more but as someone in this thread quite rightly pointed out has anyone actually managed to reach their goal by doing this, probably not.

    It's all very well saying 'I can eat tons of food and be fit and lean' but the reality is unless you're devoting hours and hours of your time each day and have an unusually fast metabolism it just isn't reality for most of us. I want friends who are like me and in my group of friends who are at goal or close to goal they have all got there by eating lower calories except for a rare few who managed to do it another way.

    In fact I haven't switched my workout tons of time and I hardly call 8 weeks of Jillian Michaels (1 workout programme) followed by 4 weeks of another type of programme (Insanity/weight training) and now 5 weeks of just weight training 3 days a week plus cardio machines constantly changing do you?

    You may not think 4 months is a long time but it actually is. In that time everything I've tried based on advice in terms of calorie intake I've stuck at for around 4 weeks not a week or 2 as you say.
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    I wasn't asking you or anyone else for advice at all if you read the title. I was simply trying to find other people in the same position as me who have tried methods recommended on here and have found success by other methods. I am just sick of reading about how people had success by eating more but as someone in this thread quite rightly pointed out has anyone actually managed to reach their goal by doing this, probably not.

    It's all very well saying 'I can eat tons of food and be fit and lean' but the reality is unless you're devoting hours and hours of your time each day and have an unusually fast metabolism it just isn't reality for most of us. I want friends who are like me and in my group of friends who are at goal or close to goal they have all got there by eating lower calories except for a rare few who managed to do it another way.

    In fact I haven't switched my workout tons of time and I hardly call 8 weeks of Jillian Michaels (1 workout programme) followed by 4 weeks of another type of programme (Insanity/weight training) and now 5 weeks of just weight training 3 days a week plus cardio machines constantly changing do you?

    You may not think 4 months is a long time but it actually is. In that time everything I've tried based on advice in terms of calorie intake I've stuck at for around 4 weeks not a week or 2 as you say.

    Paragraph 1: Absolute nonsense. You obviously skipped the posted links to people that eat a normal amount of calories and have reached their goal weight then I take it?

    Paragraph 2: Nonsense again. You do not need to devote hours and hours or have a super fast metabolism to be fit and lean as you put it. It's about HOW you use your time and what you fuel your body with the majority of the time.

    Paragraph 3: You stated you had been weight lifting for 4 months just a few posts ago and now it's turned into 5 weeks? Which is it?

    You refuse to take into consideration anything that doesn't fit into your mould of how you feel you should be losing weight. I have no idea why you asked for advice in the first place. I have people on my friends list who have commented on this thread (on my news feed), these people know their s*it and know how to get a decent body, but they won't touch your thread with a barge pole because of your past responses and they way you have replied thus far. It's a shame as there is some fantastic advice to be taken on here if you just broaden your mindset.
    DAMETRE Posts: 24 Member
  • williamsge
    williamsge Posts: 70 Member
    Bump...I really need to read this thread later.
  • freebirdjones
    freebirdjones Posts: 237
    #1 eating 800-1000 calories a day..with do SO MUCH damage to your metabolism its ridiculous...please eat.

    #2 with this amount of calories, yes you will lose weight, but you're creating an eating disorder and are starving yourself.

    #3 You need to eat at least your BMR amount of calories...however with exercise your body needs more.

    Please seek a new doctor and or nutritionist. The one you saw obviously doesn't have any idea what their talking about.

    not necessarily. these statements cannot be blanketed as truth for all humans.

    omg what? this is true for all humans LOL we do mess our metabolism, and yes if you feel you have to eat that low of cals to lose weight that is creating an eating disorder. You are losing weight for looks. There is no heath added to that fitness lifestyle. That is not a healthy way of thinking. You would sacrifice your metabolism for a thin body? That's not mentally healthy. This eating well and exercising is for long lasting results, for health, and because she doesn't have health care right now she should look at a program that will prevent any ailments in the future. Honey this is your chance to make a difference in how often you use the health care in your old age. Also choosing to eat under what your body needs if it's in a coma and not moving? that's not mentally healthy. Something is wrong here. Is this for health and fitness, or temp gains and looks? Have you ever seen the photo's of arms and bums when you diet to lose weight? they lack definition, lifting will get you results. Google photo's. I have not done one lick of cardio once and am only lifting and eating 1800 cals on rest days and 2000 cals on lifting days. I am 5'5 and weight 120. My weight has not changed but I have lost a total of 5 inches all over just from lifting. If it's not working just go back for advice, and please never use a scale, if you keep the same pair of pants to try on as a progress report, record what you can lift so you can see improvements and log inches you will see your progress. Don't even look at the scale. Ive seen photo's of a girl who had the belly flab and love handles and lose all the fat and have rock hard abs and was 10 lbs heavier at the end of her journey. Hopefully you can find the right person to talk to because the way your headed is the same fate as your mom. And please tell your mom she needs a new doctor. I cant believe that was medical advice.

    nope. totally not true for everyone....LOL. an eating disorder is not in fact started just because one eats at a high deficit some of the time. just simply not. true. and especially not true for everyone. laughable all the emotion going on here!

    lol omg you and her should become mfp friends! you can read my post and take NOTHING from it that I said? I did not at all say an eating disorder is caused by a fluctuation in calories. Look at my diary. I don't get the same amount daily...
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    It sounds to like you've completely missed the point of TDEE - 20%, which is to lose body fat while retaining muscle mass. But who knows? Maybe losing muscle along with water and fat merely to achieve a drop on a scale will be a good look on you.

    Even MFP recommends netting no less than 1200 cals per day. At your professed 8500-9000 cal intake weekly minus 3000 cals burned, you are averaging a net daily caloric intake of 786 to 857 calories. And you think THIS is your "only option".

    Then again, if you think 5'6" and 111 lbs is a healthy ideal, it all makes a bit more sense to me.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    To the last poster not sure who you're referring to but firstly I am not talking about eating 8500-9000 calories - 3000 for calories burned as that would be way too little. I was actually talking about eating that amount in total.

    Secondly, no it's unlikely that 111lbs for someone who's 5'6" is healthy but my goal weight is 119 lbs at 5'4" although that's not important as my main goal is to get to 22% body fat, whatever my weight and I didn't drop any body fat at all by eating higher calories.

    Sexymuffintop I have been using weights in my workouts for 4 months in total ie. throughout the whole time I was doing Jillian Michaels body revolution although I only used weights up to 15lbs then and after that I started lifting heavier weights in the gym without following a DVD programme so It hasn't turned into 5 weeks as you put it. I've actually been lifting heavier weight for less time that's all as I realised that with JMBR I was unlikely to see noticeable results.
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    Did you read the links?
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Yes I saw the links and also the utube videos which I've seen before. The success stories are great but what works for some doesn't work for all. We don't know the history of those people either. This was my main reason for posting this thread, i was curious to see if there were others out there who could give me further tips based on my experience if they'd had similar experiences. All I keep reading is the same old same old ie. stuff like forget the scales it's inch loss than matters, I lost several inches in a month but no scale weight etc. or TDEE -20 is designed to drop body fat. Thats great if you see those results but I lost just a few inches in 4 months not 1 month and TEE -20% didn't give me any fat loss at all after several weeks.
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    I can only lose when I consume about 1,066 calories. I found this number by reading a post about the Biggest Loser online somewhere. You take your weight and multiply it by 7 (they multiply it by 6 on the show for fast results). I tried the In Place Of a Roadmap thing for about a month and it didn't help at all, I thought I had been eating too little before hand but it turns out I've actually been eating way too much. So eating much fewer calories has done wonders for me!

    Do this to lose weight but remember weight = fat, water, muscle and bone mass) Use TDEE if you want to lose body fat as for every lb of body weight lost 25% of that will be muscle

    Following the advice biggest loser has given you, I'm sorry but 1470 calories for someone of my height and lean mass i would just become non existant.

    TDEE -20% deficit set at a level you know you are going to work out say 2 times a week then do not eat your exercise calories back.

    I did try that with the TDEE and did not have success. But thank you for your help!

    Just as a question how long did you try it for? if you're wanting to try again i'm happy to help you out.

    Alternatively give this a read: OR

    I tried it for about 40 days. I'm not really interested in trying it again. I feel great the way I'm doing it, I feel happier and lighter (in a very good way!) and I don't feel deprived or left wonting for more food.
  • lisatenarvitz
    Hello new to this pg Im doing 600 cals a day 90 mins at gym 30 cardo 60 strength training 5days a week. My dr advise me to do the 600 cals I do allow myself 1200 sunday and saturday for a couple of light beers doing well on this started at 167 and down 157 in two weeks.need to lose 30 more I'm only 4"11
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Hello new to this pg Im doing 600 cals a day 90 mins at gym 30 cardo 60 strength training 5days a week. My dr advise me to do the 600 cals I do allow myself 1200 sunday and saturday for a couple of light beers doing well on this started at 167 and down 157 in two weeks.need to lose 30 more I'm only 4"11

    You are either a troll, or this is just really sad. 600 calories is not good, and I don't care what a any "doctor" says. You will stall. You need to do your own research.
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    Hello new to this pg Im doing 600 cals a day 90 mins at gym 30 cardo 60 strength training 5days a week. My dr advise me to do the 600 cals I do allow myself 1200 sunday and saturday for a couple of light beers doing well on this started at 167 and down 157 in two weeks.need to lose 30 more I'm only 4"11

    I really don't think anyone should just up and cut calories like that, you may be losing a lot but is it in a healthy way?? I mean I at lest tried following a certain method with more calories and when that didn't work I found a good balance for myself where I'd get enough nutrition and still lose. I recommend you eat more than 600 calories especially when working out. Sounds like you have the mindset of an anorexic!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I conclude that you didn't do it right., based on a thread I remember from a few months ago.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Please expand, how is it even possible to not do it right? You are only going by the time I've been on MFP and a so called vague memory of something I said (which you haven't even really explained) but what about the 2 years beforehand when I ate more, hardly trained much and gained 23 lbs? According to many on here that should have been my 'reset' as i was eating much lower calories before that and then increased them and was eating at just above TDEE in average. So the real conclusion is I remain unable to lose at all except for when I eat around 1200 cals combined with daily workouts.
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    Please expand, how is it even possible to not do it right? You are only going by the time I've been on MFP and a so called vague memory of something I said (which you haven't even really explained) but what about the 2 years beforehand when I ate more, hardly trained much and gained 23 lbs? According to many on here that should have been my 'reset' as i was eating much lower calories before that and then increased them and was eating at just above TDEE in average. So the real conclusion is I remain unable to lose at all except for when I eat around 1200 cals combined with daily workouts.

    So go do it! Eat what you want but good lord could this thread die now! I think we all realise after 8 pages of this you aren't getting the answers you want and you are going to do what you think is best for you which indeed is your right. This thread is going nowhere fast. Just let it die.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Please expand, how is it even possible to not do it right? You are only going by the time I've been on MFP and a so called vague memory of something I said (which you haven't even really explained) but what about the 2 years beforehand when I ate more, hardly trained much and gained 23 lbs? According to many on here that should have been my 'reset' as i was eating much lower calories before that and then increased them and was eating at just above TDEE in average. So the real conclusion is I remain unable to lose at all except for when I eat around 1200 cals combined with daily workouts.

    If only you had done some training during that time, to build back your muscle with those calories, instead of packing on the fat with those calories, then you'd have been doing it right. You'd currently have calorie-burning, lean muscle in place of the bulging fat...and you'd be able to eat as much as you like, while still continuing to train, without gaining new fat. You have no idea how close you were. Of course, you are training *now* could just eat around maintenance *now*, while training until you have your muscle back and turn your body into a fat-burning machine, after which you could implement a very quick and efficient cut. But that'd probably take too long, wouldn't it.....:huh:
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Thanks for the post. Yes you may be right, I may have been very close to being able to change things when I was eating more and not training very much if I'd only trained more and eaten the same way but who knows. I would love to keep eating at TDEE for a bit longer because I love eating. The issue is I'm not prepared to spend another miserable summer being in a hot country and hiding away indoors covered up because stripping off in front of friends or strangers makes me too self-conscious, especially when I see their faces when they try and avoid looking at my rolls of fat! It makes me too unhappy and I become introverted which affects other areas of my life and means I can't go out and enjoy myself and that causes rows and has other knock on effects. I can't help the way I feel and I won't let my weight destroy my confidence so I have to do something about it now.

    As summer comes with my current training schedule I am hoping that by eating more salads and protein meals as it's too hot to eat heavy carb laden foods I might start losing more anyway and if that happens I'll increase my calorie intake quite happily but we will see.

    I'm extremely sedentary except for workouts so what a lot of people don't really think about is how many calories you actually burn by doing day to day activities like walking to and from work or having an active job/lifestyle and for most people it's probably 10 times what I burn with my current lifestyle so that probably helps them eat much more and lose weight. There are so many variables which can effect things which people don't often consider.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Well, it's good to hear that you believe it's possible. As for not wanting to go another Summer in your current state...I understand that too (and I live in Greece, so I understand it 100%). But I have a few more years of this under my belt, and I can tell you that you will not be satisfied. Getting rid of rolls is great...but it's never enough. You want to look fit, but the lifestyle that you describe will not get you there. I've been skinnyfat many times in my life and I was NEVER satisfied. It is only now that I realize that it's amazingly simple to get the body I want. I'm in a challenge group right now and I have to meet certain requirements. After 2 weeks of getting in as many side lunges and squats as I could throughout the day (between sitting on the couch and entertaining my daughter...before dinner...before bed...after a trip to the toilet...WHENEVER I could)...I now have a better butt than I've ever had in my life. I still have fat to get rid of in my midsection...but when it's gone, I'm going to have a great *kitten* and not a single ounce of cellulite. The fact that I walk everywhere is what prevents me from ballooning out of control, but it is NOT what is giving me a great *kitten*. Just some dedication and MAKING time ( a few minutes here and a few minutes there) is what will give me a great *kitten*. And you can have it too. Just challenge yourself to do more and fuel your body properly. It's a winning formula and once it becomes ***habit***, it's as if the weight just FALLS off.

    A good website: