Anyone else discovered low calories are their only option?



  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    Yes, this is my experience as well.
  • TheNesa
    TheNesa Posts: 3
    Great point! I want to hear success stories do it!
  • TheNesa
    TheNesa Posts: 3
    Great point! I want to know how petite women 5'1 and under reach 96-103lb. That's another level of thin entirely. Like Susan Lucci - 5'1, 94lb. She eats very low calorie.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Great point! I want to know how petite women 5'1 and under reach 96-103lb. That's another level of thin entirely. Like Susan Lucci - 5'1, 94lb. She eats very low calorie.

    They stick to the limit required given their activity level. That's going to differ from woman to woman, but many people in show business (I am not speaking about Susan Lucci, knowing nothing about her) keep their weights low through perpetual dieting, exercise, and by taking appetite suppressants. I'm not judging, their looks are their livelihood, and they do what they need to do. I'm sure there must be some who are naturally slender, but after 30, most people need to start watching their weight.
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    My weight varies between 92-96 pounds, depending on time of month or whether I just happened to overeat at some point. I'm 5'1" and 42. I eat between 1500-1650 calories per day for maintenance and fast (no food, not some 500 calorie "fast") for 24 hours on occasion if I've eaten too much. I exercise about 6 times a week, which includes 3-5 days of weight training and 3 days of running about 3 miles or so. Yes, it's work. In college, I weighed 88-90 pounds and ate like a horse, but I was also much more active and had a young metabolism.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    This MIGHT be true for me but I just cannot eat less than 2000 calories in my current environment so I won't be losing much weight until I'm done with my internship. Hopefully at that point the weight will fall off pretty easily. I've never REALLY had to diet to maintain my weight but since I've been eating quite poorly I will now have to.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    To the last two posters, if you can eat that much and be as thin as you are then you are VERY lucky! I have finally started losing weight consistently again by eating lower calories (netting 1000) as well as eating low-carb (under 60g most days). I have also been watching my sodium intake for a few weeks now and what I can deduce from this is that it's a combination of factors which seems to lead to weight loss and fat loss.

    I have also reduced my activity level from training 6 days a week so that I burn off 3500-4000 calories (and eating more) to now burning off around 2000 calories and eating less). This seems to have helped too as I do not require as much energy to work out as my workouts are shorter and less intense.

    I think weight loss is about discovering what works for you and in my case it's not eating more to weigh less!
  • sexymuffintop
    To the last two posters, if you can eat that much and be as thin as you are then you are VERY lucky! I have finally started losing weight consistently again by eating lower calories (netting 1000) as well as eating low-carb (under 60g most days). I have also been watching my sodium intake for a few weeks now and what I can deduce from this is that it's a combination of factors which seems to lead to weight loss and fat loss.

    I have also reduced my activity level from training 6 days a week so that I burn off 3500-4000 calories (and eating more) to now burning off around 2000 calories and eating less). This seems to have helped too as I do not require as much energy to work out as my workouts are shorter and less intense.

    I think weight loss is about discovering what works for you and in my case it's not eating more to weigh less!

    God I truly feel sorry for you. What a sucky way to have to live.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    It may seem like that but for some of us unfortunately the option is either to eat what you want and stay fat forever (and probably do your body no good in the process with a very high body fat %) or get rid of the fat and get lean by eating less of the foods you love and eating more of the right foods combined with training.

    If I had a choice I wouldn't be eating this way which is why I spent several months on here listening to advice telling me to eat more and I'll lose weight etc. I thought it might be possible to do it differently as others have done but my body won't respond to that as I've found out the hard way. I spent nearly 5 months losing then gaining the same 2-3lbs and a grand total of 1% body fat!

    I think it's also about what you get used to and what your body gets used to and it really only takes a few days of eating less and eating differently for you to stop feeling deprived, stop the cravings and feel less bloated. The only downside is not being able to eat foods which aren't good for you very often ie. the things we crave like cakes, bread, ice cream, potatoes, sugary snacks, chocolate, alcohol etc.

    When I was younger I thought it was my right to pig out on those things because I was a foody and I was in an environment which encouraged overeating. It didn't take long before those around me also got fat but at the time we didn't care. Now I don't live with others who overeat, don't work in an office where people are constantly snacking and don't feel it necessary to eat something just because I know it tastes nice.

    I feel it's much more important to know that what I'm putting into my body is good for me, fits my macros and is helping me get to a size which will make me look and feel better and which will also hopefully lower my blood pressure, lower my cholesterol and give me other health benefits. Why should it be necessary to stuff our faces just because we can get away with it?

    I've met people with very fast metabolisms (usually because they are ill but probably don't realise it) who are continuously eating junk food in order to put weight on. That might be fun but it certainly isn't healthy.