How often do you weigh?

I've been weighing myself everyday morning and night. And my weight has fluctuated from day to day. It's really discouraging when I hop on at night and it's gone UP. *sigh*

Maybe I should be weighing only once a week in the am? WDYT?

Thanks. :)


  • Doctorcb
    Doctorcb Posts: 31
    1-2x per week
    People fluctuate much with water retention. Women tend to more.
    Don't get stuck on the number, but body fat reduction is the key. Weight and body fat are not synonymous
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    I think you shouldnt more than once a week. Anything else is just overkill and detrimental. cheers.
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I am trying to only weigh myself first thing Monday mornings. Before eating or drinking anything. Your weigh fluctuates daily and I have found that weighing myself in the evenings didn't work as I had been eating during the day. At least in the morning there is nothing in my stomach to add to my weight.
  • billy1980
    billy1980 Posts: 1
    Do it less! Much of our weight is water weight, so it changes all day long. I weigh in every Monday morning as soon as I wake up. That way, I have one constant goal - every Monday I want to weigh less than last Monday and I just have to chip away at it every day and wait to see what happens. :)
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I think if you find some days the weight on the scale discouraging then you should probably weigh yourself once a week first thing in the morning. I weigh myself most days but I don't let that number determine my day. So many things can factor in the number going up or down. When I do get on and I'm disappointed or feel the need to adjust my day due to that number I stop weighing myself for a few days. You will weigh more at night (I've read most people weigh about 2 lbs more at night vs first thing in the morning) so I generally only weigh myself in the mornings. My 2 year old daughter stared weighing herself (just for fun, but I still don't think that's a message I want to send her) so I stopped weighing at home all together (I use my weight from Weight Watchers as my actual weight) and it was fun to weigh last Friday and a see a 2.6 lb loss that I didn't know was there.
    That's my two cents for you.
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I weigh myself daily, but I know I shouldn't! I ALWAYS weigh in the morning though, my weight can change hugely from morning till night!
  • ryanmelissa09
    I've been weighing myself everyday morning and night. And my weight has fluctuated from day to day. It's really discouraging when I hop on at night and it's gone UP. *sigh*

    Maybe I should be weighing only once a week in the am? WDYT?

    Thanks. :)

    I am just like you. I weight myself as soon as I wake up in the morning and once before I go to bed. You're actual weight is always what the scale says in the morning though because your body has had time to process the calories taken in and recover from excerise etc from the previous day . Dont get frustrated in regards to seeing your weight increase at night, you will always see that. Just keep your focus ! :)
  • SassyMissDasha
    Only once a week, I weight in only on Sunday morning .. it gives me something to work toward and look forward to. :)
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 592 Member
    I picked Fridays to weigh in mainly cause if I have a naughty weekend I have all week to work it off :wink: I have to say I think once a week is enough to face those dreaded scales :bigsmile:

    I read this article which I will share but this caught my eye :flowerforyou:

    "Watching the scale drift upward from one morning to the next, even after a day of healthy eating, can be discouraging. This can cause some dieters to give up. Many experts believe that weighing in once a week is a more accurate (and wiser) reflection of your progress."
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    I weigh daily, cos I'm a data freak and I like to have graphs and charts and all :) but I only compare it to the previous week.

    So if I weigh on Tuesday and I'm up from the day before, I don't pay any attention to that cos it's probably just a fluctuation. I look at what I weighed the last Tuesday and compare it to that.

    I find comparing over a week shows more 'true change' but I like to do it every day because I fluctuate quite a lot and so might be up Tuesday-Tuesday but back down again Wed-Wed, if that makes sense...

    I tend to not put too much importance on the numbers on a daily basis, though. I think if seeing a small daily gain will make you stress, you should stick to the weekly weigh-in,
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Morning and evening weigh-ins are apples and oranges. By the end of the day, you've eaten a day's worth of food! How could you not weigh more? Plus, if you've got sensitive scales, the air pressure is different in the morning to the evening and this could change about 1/2lb, depending on the season.

    I weigh most mornings first thing. I don't expect to see changes, and I don't consider changes "actual" until they've registered at least 3 days in a row, because sometimes it changes 3kg (7lb) in a day. Mostly it doesn't change at all. This actually helps me be more realistic about the changes, because after a couple of days I can see if a change is real or random, which you can't do if you weigh weekly. BUT, there's a price to pay in obsessive behaviour, which is distraction from thinking about other things.
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Have to admit I weigh every morning (about the same time); and for me it works... I love math and science and numbers, so I find "collecting data each morning" really interesting. :smile: And ups and downs are just a part of life. For me I actually was able to discover a kind of pattern that helped me.

    Ideally, it is recommended by most to weigh only once a week and at the same time; but IMO there is "no ONE way" to make this journey. As others have already commented, weighing in the morning and weighing at night would indeed be expected to give you different results. I would only do that if I found it fun to note just how much difference there is. If it is frustrating you, then you should stop doing it, so as not to become discouraged from meeting your goal. Good luck to you.
  • AkAmber
    AkAmber Posts: 40
    I also weigh daily. That said though, I don't get hung up on the day to day numbers. I usually weigh "officially" on Saturday mornings, but not always. I just like to know where I am. Plus, frankly, seeing the icky number in the morning helps me stay motivated to eat right throughout the day.
  • Xephyr
    Xephyr Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh in each "morning" or when I wake up.
    This is different for me as I work graveyard. However when you have had time to sleep and process all from the day is the best.
  • itzabug72
    itzabug72 Posts: 15 Member
    I weigh myself every morning right before i eat or drink anything and every night right before i go to bed. I enjoy doing it twice a day, that way i can keep track of what I'm eating does to my weight (roughly of course)
  • MariRuiz24
    MariRuiz24 Posts: 13 Member
    I admit to doing the same but know that my weight will be about 2 lbs more at night than in the morning. So if you weigh yourself and feel like you need to know what your weight is....go for it but remember the number you see at night or in the afternoon will be about 1.5 to 2lbs less in the morning. Try not to weigh yourself everyday like everyone said but if you must. doing in the morning as soon as you wake up.
  • sumblondchic
    I weigh myself every morning before I do anything else, just so I can keep close track of how what I did the day before has affected me. It helps me to figure out which foods work well with my body and are processed more quickly/easily. If I am up in the morning I know to work a little harder and limit my food intake a little more that day. I would never weight myself at night though, just in the morning before I put anything in my body. I find this works better for me.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Usually once a fortnight/once a week. I dont own scales,I weigh at the gym. Weighing every day seems like overkill,and twice a day is a little bit mental....your body can fluctuate up to 10lbs depending on your size,and so you can be making yourself feel bad for something that isnt really there.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I weigh a couple times a day, at least.

    You just have to be able to handle the swings mentally.
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    I don't own a scales, but I work at a doctor's surgery so will weigh myself once or twice a week on the big digital scales there when I am on the early shift by myself (hate people knowing I am weighing!). I find this is decent for me, because it's usually spaced out enough to let me get a general overview of the week and encourage me to keep up the good work!