Is being a jealous woman something wrong?



  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Options can certainly suck the fun out of life. If you feel it, you feel it, though.
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    Personally, I have a good relationship with jealousy. I only become jealous when something goes terribly wrong in my relationship. I've only been jealous once, and it didn't lie to me. My relationship didn't last much longer than that!
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Jealousy is weakness.

    That or its called giving a ****

    So true, plus once you have been cheated on more than once you are kind of gun shy (talking from experience)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    people confuse jealousy and envy and insecurity all the time.

    I envy Mirey Gal's abs. I wish I had abs like Mirey Gal.
    I am not jealous of Mirey Gal. I have no negative feelins about Mirey Gal.

    I am insecure about my softish belly because there is so much pressure in our culture for women to be thin.
    I am not jealous of thin women with abs, I do not have negative feelings about thin women with abs. My negative feelings about my own body is something I need to work on.

    Jealousy is the fear of someone taking something from you and it is a negative feeling directed at a specific threat. A classic example is your boyfriend spends time with another woman and you fear that he will leave you for the other woman. You become jealous of that woman. Maybe you envy her body. Maybe you are insecure about your body. But your feelings towards her are negative because you are jealous and perceive her as a threat. This is not healthy, not ok, and something that you need to work on in one way or another as it is destructive to carry those feelings around. Either your jealousy is unfounded, or your relationship needs work.

  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    If this question is specifically directed about being within a relationship, then nothing is wrong with slight jealousy if communicated within a healthy way. When it gets batsh#t crazy then you should get out quickly and run.

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    people confuse jealousy and envy and insecurity all the time.

    I envy Mirey Gal's abs. I wish I had abs like Mirey Gal.
    I am not jealous of Mirey Gal. I have no negative feelins about Mirey Gal.

    I am insecure about my softish belly because there is so much pressure in our culture for women to be thin.
    I am not jealous of thin women with abs, I do not have negative feelings about thin women with abs. My negative feelings about my own body is something I need to work on.

    Jealousy is the fear of someone taking something from you and it is a negative feeling directed at a specific threat. A classic example is your boyfriend spends time with another woman and you fear that he will leave you for the other woman. You become jealous of that woman. Maybe you envy her body. Maybe you are insecure about your body. But your feelings towards her are negative because you are jealous and perceive her as a threat. This is not healthy, not ok, and something that you need to work on in one way or another as it is destructive to carry those feelings around. Either your jealousy is unfounded, or your relationship needs work.


    will you marry me?

    just dont tell odusgolp.
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    Jealous of other women, jealous of what others have or jealous within a relationship? What specifically?

    Much of my day is taken up by being totes jel jel of JustAmyDawn.
  • Celebi03
    Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
    people confuse jealousy and envy and insecurity all the time.

    I envy Mirey Gal's abs. I wish I had abs like Mirey Gal.
    I am not jealous of Mirey Gal. I have no negative feelins about Mirey Gal.

    I am insecure about my softish belly because there is so much pressure in our culture for women to be thin.
    I am not jealous of thin women with abs, I do not have negative feelings about thin women with abs. My negative feelings about my own body is something I need to work on.

    Jealousy is the fear of someone taking something from you and it is a negative feeling directed at a specific threat. A classic example is your boyfriend spends time with another woman and you fear that he will leave you for the other woman. You become jealous of that woman. Maybe you envy her body. Maybe you are insecure about your body. But your feelings towards her are negative because you are jealous and perceive her as a threat. This is not healthy, not ok, and something that you need to work on in one way or another as it is destructive to carry those feelings around. Either your jealousy is unfounded, or your relationship needs work.


    will you marry me?

    just dont tell odusgolp.

    Love it.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Jealous of what?
  • LauraRose03
    LauraRose03 Posts: 140
    True - I don't even say a word. I mean, unless I actually SEE something going on.

    Same here^^!!!! It's a good practice to get into. I used to get jealous over everything, like you said, friends, parents, teachers, bosses', etc. It's very normal. I am aware of it and I practice to not be that way, and it's gotten a LOT better! :)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Depends on the type of jealously you feel. In general, it shows a weakness in character and a general lack of belief in yourself. Being jealous shows you don't think you're all that much. People sense that weakness and play on it. It's better to like yourself, respect yourself and give the other person his/her own space and allow the other person his own life, friends and world.

    You can do nothing to make someone like you or love you or respect you short of being yourself --- the best self you can be.

    I hate to use the words right or wrong. But yes, I would say that it is wrong. It will also make you sick. Just not a good thing at all.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    people confuse jealousy and envy and insecurity all the time.

    I envy Mirey Gal's abs. I wish I had abs like Mirey Gal.
    I am not jealous of Mirey Gal. I have no negative feelins about Mirey Gal.

    I am insecure about my softish belly because there is so much pressure in our culture for women to be thin.
    I am not jealous of thin women with abs, I do not have negative feelings about thin women with abs. My negative feelings about my own body is something I need to work on.

    Jealousy is the fear of someone taking something from you and it is a negative feeling directed at a specific threat. A classic example is your boyfriend spends time with another woman and you fear that he will leave you for the other woman. You become jealous of that woman. Maybe you envy her body. Maybe you are insecure about your body. But your feelings towards her are negative because you are jealous and perceive her as a threat. This is not healthy, not ok, and something that you need to work on in one way or another as it is destructive to carry those feelings around. Either your jealousy is unfounded, or your relationship needs work.


    ^ This. Though I would add an additional reference to boiling bunnies not being cool.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    people confuse jealousy and envy and insecurity all the time.

    I envy Mirey Gal's abs. I wish I had abs like Mirey Gal.
    I am not jealous of Mirey Gal. I have no negative feelins about Mirey Gal.

    I am insecure about my softish belly because there is so much pressure in our culture for women to be thin.
    I am not jealous of thin women with abs, I do not have negative feelings about thin women with abs. My negative feelings about my own body is something I need to work on.

    Jealousy is the fear of someone taking something from you and it is a negative feeling directed at a specific threat. A classic example is your boyfriend spends time with another woman and you fear that he will leave you for the other woman. You become jealous of that woman. Maybe you envy her body. Maybe you are insecure about your body. But your feelings towards her are negative because you are jealous and perceive her as a threat. This is not healthy, not ok, and something that you need to work on in one way or another as it is destructive to carry those feelings around. Either your jealousy is unfounded, or your relationship needs work.


  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    I don't know if I'd say it's "wrong" exactly- depends on the context. I do know that I try my best not to be jealous of anyone for any reason, because it seems like such a waste of time. If I want what someone else has, I put my energy into getting it for myself rather than being jealous because they have it and I don't. And I don't get jealous of boyfriends. I assume that if they're with me it's because they want to be with me. If I find out otherwise, I move on. I certainly would never put up with a jealous boyfriend either. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    people confuse jealousy and envy and insecurity all the time.

    I envy Mirey Gal's abs. I wish I had abs like Mirey Gal.
    I am not jealous of Mirey Gal. I have no negative feelins about Mirey Gal.

    I am insecure about my softish belly because there is so much pressure in our culture for women to be thin.
    I am not jealous of thin women with abs, I do not have negative feelings about thin women with abs. My negative feelings about my own body is something I need to work on.

    Jealousy is the fear of someone taking something from you and it is a negative feeling directed at a specific threat. A classic example is your boyfriend spends time with another woman and you fear that he will leave you for the other woman. You become jealous of that woman. Maybe you envy her body. Maybe you are insecure about your body. But your feelings towards her are negative because you are jealous and perceive her as a threat. This is not healthy, not ok, and something that you need to work on in one way or another as it is destructive to carry those feelings around. Either your jealousy is unfounded, or your relationship needs work.


    well said.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    people confuse jealousy and envy and insecurity all the time.

    I envy Mirey Gal's abs. I wish I had abs like Mirey Gal.
    I am not jealous of Mirey Gal. I have no negative feelins about Mirey Gal.

    I am insecure about my softish belly because there is so much pressure in our culture for women to be thin.
    I am not jealous of thin women with abs, I do not have negative feelings about thin women with abs. My negative feelings about my own body is something I need to work on.

    Jealousy is the fear of someone taking something from you and it is a negative feeling directed at a specific threat. A classic example is your boyfriend spends time with another woman and you fear that he will leave you for the other woman. You become jealous of that woman. Maybe you envy her body. Maybe you are insecure about your body. But your feelings towards her are negative because you are jealous and perceive her as a threat. This is not healthy, not ok, and something that you need to work on in one way or another as it is destructive to carry those feelings around. Either your jealousy is unfounded, or your relationship needs work.


  • pamla77
    pamla77 Posts: 36 Member
    Funny that women are generally more jealous than guys and I blame girls who thrive on making other women jealous of them. Its a dumb game that some women don't grow out of from middle school.. competing to be the "hot girl" the "skinny girl" the "girl all the guys want". I think I have tried my best to get that through my daughters head over the years and she is awesome! She is beautiful, smart, tries to keep attention away from herself.. yet guys love her. because she is REAL and doesn't play into drama.

    However, in a relationship, it is natural to feel jealous at times if you give a sh** like a previous post said. If you respect yourself you will demand respect from your partner and if you have that, then you will have less moments of feeling inferior. just don't let it consume you to the point that it controls your life and ruins your relationships. always know that no matter what your guy/girl does YOU will be ok either way and life always goes on. :) no situation can be controlled or changed by jealousy. it can poison the soul if it consumes you.
  • KristysLosing
    KristysLosing Posts: 683
    Jealousy is weakness.

    That or its called giving a ****

    So true, plus once you have been cheated on more than once you are kind of gun shy (talking from experience)

    It only took once to make me the jealous sucks, but it just happens.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Funny that women are generally more jealous than guys and I blame girls who thrive on making other women jealous of them. Its a dumb game that some women don't grow out of from middle school.. competing to be the "hot girl" the "skinny girl" the "girl all the guys want". I think I have tried my best to get that through my daughters head over the years and she is awesome! She is beautiful, smart, tries to keep attention away from herself.. yet guys love her. because she is REAL and doesn't play into drama.

    However, in a relationship, it is natural to feel jealous at times if you give a sh** like a previous post said. If you respect yourself you will demand respect from your partner and if you have that, then you will have less moments of feeling inferior. just don't let it consume you to the point that it controls your life and ruins your relationships. always know that no matter what your guy/girl does YOU will be ok either way and life always goes on. :) no situation can be controlled or changed by jealousy. it can poison the soul if it consumes you.

    Love this.
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    It really depends on the situation, like many have mentioned. It's really hard to say if you're just asking generally and not a specific situation, but I think everyone feels jealous of someone or something from time to time, so it's not always wrong. In the end, the thing that matters most is how to react and handle the situation - how it affects other people, not only yourself. There have been times where I felt jealous for a very good reason, and times where my jealously only stemmed from my own insecurities and had nothing to do with anyone else despite my feelings at the time. With time, and experience, we (hopefully) begin to learn to identify when those emotions are irrational to help work on our insecurities.