How do you like them?



  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Hmm, if we've determined that this is just the "next ex" then obviously, looks.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    But when you set the stage that your significant other is just then next ex, you are continuing the cycle...This by the way is a strange role reversal argument we've got going here. Aren't I supposed to be the one devaluing the opposite sex and you're supposed to be calling me a chauvanistic pig?

    Sorry..this made me giggle :)
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    I prefer them not to predestine themselves to failure in the "then next ex".

  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    HAHAHAH neither I'm looking for a them to have a car and a job so I don't have to support their sorry *kitten*:laugh:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    When looking for your next ex what do you look for personality or looks?

    I would say personality.... Looks usually lead to meeting, but personality is what determines if there will be a relationship. So for them to end up an ex, personality, but there wouldn't even be a chance to get to know the personality if there wasn't that initial attraction.
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    that is ex...really?
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    When I feel like sleeping in the guest room, I like to introduce my wife as "My current wife."
  • shellbatronic
    shellbatronic Posts: 193
    Back in the day I looked for a magic formula of looks, humor, ability to procure booze, and stable drug connections.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    first meet the parents and see what your other half is going to look like abnd if they are nasty RUN LIKE HELL N DONT LOOK BACK

    :laugh: My daughter once dated a guy like this. The first time I met him my daughter said he told her she'd passed the "Mom test". I'd never heard of such a thing, but was glad to hear we had passed.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    I prefer them not to predestine themselves to failure in the "then next ex".

    While I can respect not wanting to be called or considered as the next ex most people are just that. It appears to be more prevalent in the younger generations. Love is something too easily thrown around then heaped into the trash. People don't take the time to work on relationships as a whole and base their love on very conditional circumstances. it's almost comical but severely sad if you look at it in a different light. Say if your love for your child was such as your love of a significant other nowadays, I'll love you but once you spill the milk on the floor we're through! See conditions. To be quite honest this may show some seriously shallow people. I'm waiting on the without looks how do they know your personality line :)
    Preach on Sister! Oh, a sense of humor, is a must.

    Thank you for reading and understanding versus the flying off the handle routine
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    When I feel like sleeping in the guest room, I like to introduce my wife as "My current wife."

    Too funny but I get it
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    HAHAHAH neither I'm looking for a them to have a car and a job so I don't have to support their sorry *kitten*:laugh:

    This definitely makes the list. After a few like that you never want to do it again
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I prefer them not to predestine themselves to failure in the "then next ex".

    Agreed. I've never approached a relationship with this thinking, nor have I heard this term used so freely! And I'm only 26 so I can't be THAT old can I? LOL

    But if someone were to tell me they are looking for their "next ex" I would assume they are looking to simply find someone to "have fun" with for a few months and then that's it, move on with life. I don't see the point though, I'd rather find someone who makes me happy, we have fun, and make it work by putting in the effort! :) When I met my current spouse (who I do NOT think as my next ex cause I love the guy!!!) I was attracted to not only his appearance but his work ethic. He has put just as much (or more) effort into our relationship as he does at work and guess what, it's successful :) We have different strengths and have helped each other a lot. I'm not letting this one go anytime soon, or AT ALL if I can help it!! :P
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I prefer them not to predestine themselves to failure in the "then next ex".

    While I can respect not wanting to be called or considered as the next ex most people are just that. It appears to be more prevalent in the younger generations. Love is something too easily thrown around then heaped into the trash. People don't take the time to work on relationships as a whole and base their love on very conditional circumstances. it's almost comical but severely sad if you look at it in a different light. Say if your love for your child was such as your love of a significant other nowadays, I'll love you but once you spill the milk on the floor we're through! See conditions. To be quite honest this may show some seriously shallow people. I'm waiting on the without looks how do they know your personality line :)

    This mentality is not new.

    When I fall in love written by Victor Young (music) and Edward Heyman (lyrics) (from around the 1950s)
    When I fall in love it will be forever
    Or I'll never fall in love
    In a restless world like this is
    Love is ended before it's begun
    And too many moonlight kisses
    Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

    When I give my heart it will be completely
    Or I'll never give my heart
    And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
    Is when I fall in love with you.

    And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
    Is when I fall in love with you.
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    My hubby and I are going on 19 years wedded bliss this year. No "ex' about it.
    When I first met him I will not lie, I totally went for him because of his looks.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Well, looks are a given necessity, but all that means is that I am physically attracted to him. I don't care if anyone else is.

    Beyond that, I want to feel like it's not only "okay" to be exactly who I am around him but that he WANTS me to be exactly who I am. For instance, if we're hanging out with his friends and I'm talking about the bombing of Dresden during WW2 and then switch gears to the virtues of the 3-6-1 double play, I want him to look at his friends and go "How awesome is she?" instead of "I'm sorry she's such a weirdo."
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    I prefer them not to predestine themselves to failure in the "then next ex".

    While I can respect not wanting to be called or considered as the next ex most people are just that. It appears to be more prevalent in the younger generations. Love is something too easily thrown around then heaped into the trash. People don't take the time to work on relationships as a whole and base their love on very conditional circumstances. it's almost comical but severely sad if you look at it in a different light. Say if your love for your child was such as your love of a significant other nowadays, I'll love you but once you spill the milk on the floor we're through! See conditions. To be quite honest this may show some seriously shallow people. I'm waiting on the without looks how do they know your personality line :)

    This mentality is not new.

    When I fall in love written by Victor Young (music) and Edward Heyman (lyrics) (from around the 1950s)
    When I fall in love it will be forever
    Or I'll never fall in love
    In a restless world like this is
    Love is ended before it's begun
    And too many moonlight kisses
    Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

    When I give my heart it will be completely
    Or I'll never give my heart
    And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
    Is when I fall in love with you.

    And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
    Is when I fall in love with you.

    Thank you! I'm a hopeless romantic like this :)