What are people's true thoughts of "strong women"?



  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I stare at the "strong women." It's admiration. This morning I was watching this woman do push-ups and I was thinking "more push-ups! I want those arms!"

    Not sure what my face looks like, though, so if she noticed she may have thought I looked scared, jealous, angry, creepy... who knows.

    Maybe I should yell, "You're awesome!" but then I would feel like I have to say something every time, so I just ignore her and try to control the stare... I try not to be creepy. :embarassed:
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Girls with muscles and strength?! Gross!

    What's next? Women with brains?!


    What if I have both?

    Then you are a liar!

    You hurted my feelings. :frown: I do so have muscles. They're just little, still. Give me some time, I'm working on it.

    How long do we have to wait? You have had decades. THEY AREN'T GOING TO GROW

    Oh, you're goin down now, boy!

    Prove me wrong. :wink:

    When I survive the Spartan Sprint in June, I shall come back to boast of my speed, strength and general awesomeness. And then you will cower before my awesomeness and beg forgiveness for your impertinence.
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    Some men love strong women, some prefer the weak and fragile type, some prefer something in between. But I suspect no man prefers a woman who is insecure.

    Physically, I prefer either "something in between" or "strong".
    Emotionally / Intellectually / Character wise, I definitely prefer "strong" women. It's an attraction dating back to my teens.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    I don't get men. I have read on various forums that some men like "muscular/ strong" women. At my gym, men are "scared" of me. Just because I can lift more than 1/2 the guys at the gym or can actually do real pull ups, dips, etc. does not mean I'm "intimidating" or a "bXXch".

    Most women don't want to talk to me. Those who do actually realize that I'm pretty nice. I just work out hard. One women "cowarded" away from and moved away from me during kickboxing class. I was not even that close to hitting/ kicking her. I even told her that I can control my kicks and punches and will NEVER hurt her.

    I don't think I look intimidating.... I'm 5 feet Size 4 w/ muscular and defined arms and legs. (Abs... another story :(... pregnancies do a number on the abs). I'm pretty "girly" too.. wearing skorts instead of gym shorts etc.

    So when did I become the gym bXXch?

    I think you meant "muscular women" since you'd have to actually do something to show strength and some women who don't look very muscular at all, are strong. I'll even go further and say that you probably mean lean women since at that point you can see some of the muscle that would ordinarily be under that fat on most women.

    I personally respect and acknowledge any women who go the extra mile to get themselves in shape for sports or fitness. It's clearly easier for anyone sit on the couch, eat corn chips, watch HD TV for hours and complain that there is absolutely no way they could find the time to ever work out (plus they can't find anyone to go with them since they need their hand held throughout the whole process).
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    I guess I'm fortunate in that I don't go to a gym, but a karate school for kickboxing and kettlebell so there is never any feeling of disrespect or intimidation.

    I do remember when I used to go to the gym, feeling intimidated by the guys in the free weight area, mostly because they were young guys who weren't very good at sharing the weights with a woman!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I guess I'm fortunate in that I don't go to a gym, but a karate school for kickboxing and kettlebell so there is never any feeling of disrespect or intimidation.

    I do remember when I used to go to the gym, feeling intimidated by the guys in the free weight area, mostly because they were young guys who weren't very good at sharing the weights with a woman!

    The guys at my gym share fine, but they usually only clean up their mess when asked. :-P
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I guess I'm fortunate in that I don't go to a gym, but a karate school for kickboxing and kettlebell so there is never any feeling of disrespect or intimidation.

    I do remember when I used to go to the gym, feeling intimidated by the guys in the free weight area, mostly because they were young guys who weren't very good at sharing the weights with a woman!

    the guys don't share the weights with me either. it's not the sandbox at a kindergarten. it's a gym. if you want something, you ask for it, or you take it, or both.

    this thread is odd. most people are describing the same things that happen to me at the gym, but they are thinking they are getting singled out because they are female.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I don't get men. I have read on various forums that some men like "muscular/ strong" women. At my gym, men are "scared" of me. Just because I can lift more than 1/2 the guys at the gym or can actually do real pull ups, dips, etc. does not mean I'm "intimidating" or a "bXXch".

    Most women don't want to talk to me. Those who do actually realize that I'm pretty nice. I just work out hard. One women "cowarded" away from and moved away from me during kickboxing class. I was not even that close to hitting/ kicking her. I even told her that I can control my kicks and punches and will NEVER hurt her.

    I don't think I look intimidating.... I'm 5 feet Size 4 w/ muscular and defined arms and legs. (Abs... another story :(... pregnancies do a number on the abs). I'm pretty "girly" too.. wearing skorts instead of gym shorts etc.

    So when did I become the gym bXXch?

    Maybe it is the vibe you give off and has nothing to do with your looks or abilities. Your post alone sounds like you kinda have a chip on your shoulder. That could be their first impression.

    Just a thought.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    It's a GYM, not a BAR. People are there to workout, not socialize. Get over it.

    At my gym, between six and nine, it's a high school social club. :frown:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I go to the gym very early - 5 AM. Everyone there is working, a few will work together but mostly everyone works, finishes and gets out. I don't really care if anyone pays attention to me or not. Actually, that was my biggest issue with the last gym I went to. I could only go after work and as someone else said, from 7-9pm ist was more like social hour. I had to tell people to move out of the way in order to work out. It was annoying.
  • hungrywhodat
    hungrywhodat Posts: 40 Member
    At my gym, men are "scared" of me. Just because I can lift more than 1/2 the guys at the gym or can actually do real pull ups, dips, etc. does not mean I'm "intimidating" or a "bXXch".


    So when did I become the gym bXXch?

    When you failed to understand that all the men who said they were scared or intimidated were actually hitting on you.

    All of them.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I don't get men. I have read on various forums that some men like "muscular/ strong" women.

    I'm happy for you, and I'mma let you finish but...

    strong women are @#%^ing hot. I'd hang out with any of them, except for Joan Laurer, she's crazy.
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    I'm pretty shy but I actually do go out of my way to make a comment or workout next to a strong woman. I guess I'm interested in how they got into it and they are usually willing to share their story.