Don't Hate the egg!



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    I like whole eggs, and do eat them from time to time, but I use the other eggs because of the cholesterol. I am diabetic and can't have the amount of carbs that having breakfast cereal or porridge and the like would have if I ate the quantity I would like for breakfast, and having several eggs every day would not be good! So I use the egg whites and make a big omelette with lots (I think it's close to 1.5 or 2 cups) of celery, onion, and red peppers. That keeps me full until lunch. I only use 2 tsp. of butter to saute the veggies, and no salt or oil or anything else. I suppose people cut the cals on their eggs so that they CAN use the butter and cheese!

    Except current research shows that dietary cholesterol has almost no impact on blood serum levels. Just about all of the cholesterol found on your system comes from what you make. Research shows that it is more about the types of fat you consume because apparently that can cause the body to release more cholesterol.

    Considering how good for you the yolk is (healthy fats, most of the nutrients, and almost half of the protein) one should be eating the whole egg over just whites.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    i eat eggs
    but the yolks are bad for u


    OP - I lurve eggs. It makes me sad that people are tossing perfectly good yolks.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I like whole eggs, and do eat them from time to time, but I use the other eggs because of the cholesterol. I am diabetic and can't have the amount of carbs that having breakfast cereal or porridge and the like would have if I ate the quantity I would like for breakfast, and having several eggs every day would not be good! So I use the egg whites and make a big omelette with lots (I think it's close to 1.5 or 2 cups) of celery, onion, and red peppers. That keeps me full until lunch. I only use 2 tsp. of butter to saute the veggies, and no salt or oil or anything else. I suppose people cut the cals on their eggs so that they CAN use the butter and cheese!

    Except current research shows that dietary cholesterol has almost no impact on blood serum levels. Just about all of the cholesterol found on your system comes from what you make. Research shows that it is more about the types of fat you consume because apparently that can cause the body to release more cholesterol.

    Considering how good for you the yolk is (healthy fats, most of the nutrients, and almost half of the protein) one should be eating the whole egg over just whites.

    Hell, I'd sooner eat just the yolk!
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    YEAH! Egg yolks have the majority of the nutrition! Ya know stuff the brain needs....

    The cholesterol/fats aren't the's all the other junk food folks are consuming they cut out the yolks and opt for processed crap (cause it tastes good ??) ....... that is what is really driving up inflammation in the body and THAT is the real problem.....
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    i eat eggs
    but the yolks are bad for u

  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I like whole eggs, and do eat them from time to time, but I use the other eggs because of the cholesterol. I am diabetic and can't have the amount of carbs that having breakfast cereal or porridge and the like would have if I ate the quantity I would like for breakfast, and having several eggs every day would not be good! So I use the egg whites and make a big omelette with lots (I think it's close to 1.5 or 2 cups) of celery, onion, and red peppers. That keeps me full until lunch. I only use 2 tsp. of butter to saute the veggies, and no salt or oil or anything else. I suppose people cut the cals on their eggs so that they CAN use the butter and cheese!

    Except current research shows that dietary cholesterol has almost no impact on blood serum levels. Just about all of the cholesterol found on your system comes from what you make. Research shows that it is more about the types of fat you consume because apparently that can cause the body to release more cholesterol.

    Considering how good for you the yolk is (healthy fats, most of the nutrients, and almost half of the protein) one should be eating the whole egg over just whites.

    I was going to mention that I heard that some where!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I love eggs! I have deviled eggs (made with greek yogurt, how did I not hear of this awesome sooner?) tempting me in the fridge right now!

    I'm yet to try deviled eggs! Might give it a go!

    Easiest snack to make ever. Hard boil eggs, cut in half, scoop out yolks, mix with greek yogurt/sour cream/mayo (whatever floats your macros), a little mustard, maybe some relish if that's your liking, season and fill back in the carved out eggs. Sprinkle on a little paprika and voila. Just remember to refrigerate any portions you don't eat within half an hour. Eggs and milk products spoil really fast!

    Im sold! thats me this weekend! im just going to watch tv ad eat eggs!
  • Aniski7
    Aniski7 Posts: 5 Member
    I love eggs! I just need to find new ways of making them because I get bored with the scrambled/omelets I usually eat.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    This must be the thousandth time I have seen this topic come up in this forum.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    This must be the thousandth time I have seen this topic come up in this forum.

    Thanks for your input, Debbie Downer.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I don't think yolks are bad, but when I eat eggs on their own (like scrambled eggs) I only eat the whites because I don't like the taste of the yolk... never have. As a kid I used to cry if my mom made us scrambled eggs, and then she'd say "they're good for you!" and I would have to drown them in ketchup so I couldn't taste it... so I didn't eat eggs for 15 years, and finally decided to try an egg white, and I eat them like every day now....

    If I am cooking with eggs I use the whole egg, like recently I learned how to make cauliflower pizza crust and I use a whole egg in that, rather than just the white.... it's actually a pain taking the yolks out, but I have tried numerous times, I just can't get used to the taste!

    Good on you for giving it another go!

    I'm totally not going to say I never just have egg whites because i would totally be lying! e.g This morning i had 2 eggs 2 egg whites to save on cals so i have more room for chocolate (don't judge me :laugh: :blushing: ) But i didn't save just to go ahead and full her up with cheese and oil! To me It kinda defeats the purpose of saving in the first place!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I love eggs! I just need to find new ways of making them because I get bored with the scrambled/omelets I usually eat.

    I am obsessed with poached eggs. I eat at least 2 poached eggs a day.
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Eggs are the best food ever, two scrambled in the morning with minced Garlic and Spinach and I am in heaven. Love the yellow.
  • cheyennekl
    cheyennekl Posts: 90 Member
    I eat at least three eggs a day, and they are one of my favourite parts of any meal...I love me some whole eggs!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    This must be the thousandth time I have seen this topic come up in this forum.

    First time i've seen it.

    just because you have seen it doesn't mean others don't want to talk about it!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I love eggs! I just need to find new ways of making them because I get bored with the scrambled/omelets I usually eat.

    I am obsessed with poached eggs. I eat at least 2 poached eggs a day.

    Yumm i have started baking them in an avo lately give it a try they are good!
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    I do lerve a good egg! in it's whole state of course :)
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I love eggs! I just need to find new ways of making them because I get bored with the scrambled/omelets I usually eat.

    I am obsessed with poached eggs. I eat at least 2 poached eggs a day.

    Yumm i have started baking them in an avo lately give it a try they are good!

    Oh, avocado? I just saw instructions for that the other day! Looks delish.
    I had never thought of that before.
    I'll try it soon! Thanks.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Eggs are gross unless added to a baking recipe. All parts. Blegh, blegh, blegh
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I love eggs! I just need to find new ways of making them because I get bored with the scrambled/omelets I usually eat.

    I am obsessed with poached eggs. I eat at least 2 poached eggs a day.

    Yumm i have started baking them in an avo lately give it a try they are good!

    Oh, avocado? I just saw instructions for that the other day! Looks delish.
    I had never thought of that before.
    I'll try it soon! Thanks.

    Good old pinterest!

    Make sure you hollow it out quite a bit thought! my avos where kinda small so it overflowed! top with bacon crumbles for even more yummyness